Re: Is the economy affecting you? Subtle/grand changes?




I am so sorry to hear about that for you. I 100% agree with your analysis though. IMO, as we begin to toughen our regulations on the financial world, I think we need to also tighten the security measures to keep more of the financial news away from the media. I think that we are much worse off today because of the panic the media sets off than the actual “crisis” that is in our economy.

Now to answer the question. Personally my life is not changing to much. However, like others I am having to work harder now. I work in outside sales selling office equipment. Our lease rates our horrendous now compared to what they were five even six months ago. (And yes 90% of our business is in leases. People just don’t pay cash for office equipment that will be outdated in one to three years.) Furthermore, it is tougher to get some current customers approved. Therefore, all of us in our office have had to step it up a notch and work harder.