Re: Hot for Hillary



No beachdrivegirl..

as a Hillary supporter i don’t think Obama’s supporters are just in the way…

i would fight to the death for the right of any one of them to state their case for their candidate. I just wish any of you could do so without the kinds of remarks that are in nearly every post about Hillary.

i don’t think what is going on could be categorized as asking Hillary politely to step down. I think it has been a long time since leveling charges and name calling were considered asking nicely… What has been happening is much more like a demand than asking nicely.

And it isn’t just Hillary you all want to step aside… you want anyone who isn’t willing to ignore any flaws in Obama .. or doesn’t agree with his political stance.. to step aside..

I don’t have disdain for those who support Obama… but i do have a fair amount of disdain for those tactics.

i have point out that educated whites and blacks are not the only democrats.. and certainly not the only voters in America… and i am accused of saying those are the only voters who count.

Well.. unless Senator Obama can find some way to reach out to those voters… which he is clearly not doing… they will become the voters who count this fall.. his lack of interest in what matters to them will lose him the election.

You are wrong that there is no other reason for Hillary to stay in the race than to cause animosity…

unless she stays in until the primaries are over…. there isn’t a chance that the democratic party will pay the least bit of attention to the policy concerns of those who don’t support Obama…

There are real differences that matter a great deal to me and to other voters like me. we weren’t voting anti-Obama.. but pro Hillary and the policies she stands for.

There is something much bigger at stake here than who wins the democratic primary… both at the convention and in the general election this fall.


what i had to say had nothing to do with my wounded vanity… contrary to popular opinion.. i am not identifying with Hillary so closely that i don’t understand the many differences between us.

or for that matter.. the objections i have to some of her political stances.

I spoke from the heart about the manipulation of our party’s politics once again by the republican party… and of the great peril i see in Obama’s nomination…

You can choose to call that sour grapes.. but i bring up points that would be worth considering if you want Obama to win the presidency.

I seem to have p..d off a few people here by saying what they don’t want to hear.

The problem is that the last 5 posts only show that some of you find it easier to insult the messenger than combat the message…

that might have something to do with why i feel the way i do today.

and might just be the insurmountable problem of the Obama campaign…