i am came back to this because there is something i didn’t say about respect.
i respect Jan because of her courage in the face of adversity..
because she gets up every morning trying to do the best she can do that day instead of measuring herself against what she was once able to do…
or against what others expect of her.
i know how hard that is.
It takes a lot of guts to realize that you bring much more to the table than your pocketbook.
and to continue giving what you can in spite of how others might judge your efforts.
I have no internal confusion at all..
any external confusion you might have experienced in regards to what i write has far more to do with your interpretation than with my intention.
You can’t expect people to deliver according to their full potential unless you give the opportunity to do so.
When it comes to health.. when you are ill
no-one delivers
not even according to their own expectations
let alone to yours
especially not when that illness becomes chronic and dictates their ability to produce.
illness is not a lifestyle choice.
without adequate healthcare.. there is no opportunity…
instead of worrying about the drain you think “those” people put on our society…
you would be better served investing in restoring them to productivity..
if they have this much to offer ill
imagine what they could do with the best health modern medicine can deliver.
Those who are draining our society are those who think health care is like any other industry…
and that what is important is that all important bottom line