i take offense at the idea that i, or anyone else who chooses to eat meat are somehow less caring about animals or the environment because we choose (for whatever reason) to eat meat.
i have lived the life that includes growing the animals i ate.. both as a child and again as an adult.
i know that you can grow animals for food in an environmentally sound way… without abuse.
it is judgmental to assume that those who eat meat do so without thinking of their personal impact on the earth.
And.. it is an incorrect judgement.
Most of the people who have responded to this thread with conversation.. not confrontation.. choose to eat meat in a responsible way.
that choice alone is enough to make the argument that those people are well aware of their impact on the earth and are making an effort to make positive choices.
Even TheHouse who loves confrontation.. and steak… released ladybugs in his backyard to control his aphids.
You may not agree with their choices.. but obviously, they don’t agree with yours either.
And neither choice is morally superior.
If we really want to talk about diet.. there are far larger issues than meat.
noone claims a moral high ground when talking about high fructose corn syrup or any of the other many additives that are part of most prepared food…
but those issues impact our health and the production of food products far more than meat… when raised responsibly.
if eating meat even responsibly is a poor choice for you.. then you shouldn’t eat meat.
But that doesn’t give you the right to assume that eating meat is wrong and that anyone who does has to somehow defend their position.
i bet if we stacked our net footprints.. even an old meat eater like me whose illness prevents the use of public transportation and whose lack of energy prevents implementing more environmentally friendly practices would still net out at least as well as most environmentally conscious vegetarians..
after all i got an early start at good habits… a real granola ;->
i feel guilty driving a minivan that gets as good gas mileage the way i drive it as many “economy” cars… and if i could find something that would work better, i would.
Some meat eaters are very nice people too:)