i am in a real dilemma here. I can’t let this go. I so want to let you know how off base you are deciding that my ill health and/or the lack of coverage my medical insurance provides for it is due to my “choices” … that i am some sort of complainer who is not accountable for her own life.
but i realize you are whistling in the dark.
As long as you believe i or others have done something to create this for ourselves, you don’t have to believe it can happen to you. and if you don’t believe it can happen to you or someone you love… then you can decide that anything that happens to anyone else is their own fault and therefore nothing that you should concern yourself with.
but mostly, you can believe yourself safe.. blessed. Or maybe not.. as blessed implies that something outside your control created a safe place for you and your family.
I don’t know whether to shake the living daylights out of you for being so rude and insensitive to others or to feel sorry for you.
But if you keep attacking individuals for telling their personal stories that illustrate the problems with our current health care system… insisting on labeling them complainers when they are only naming the problem that needs to be solved, i will stop talking to you.
Attack my ideas. Infer anything you want about the political policies my party stands for. refute my points. i love to learn. But stop making assumptions and judgments about me.
Name calling is not and never has been part of civilized conversation and that is the only kind i am interested in.