Sound Transit Speaks at July WSCC Luncheon

July 17, 2014 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
The Kenney
7125 Fauntleroy Way Southwest
Seattle, WA 98136

The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce is pleased to have their July luncheon meeting “West Seattle included in the Plan?” on Thursday July 17th, 2014 from 11:30 am–1:00 pm at The Kenney (WSB sponsor):

We would like to invite everyone, members and non-members, to join us for lunch July 17th to hear directly from Rachel Smith of Sound Transit. It is a priority at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce to give you opportunities to learn about issues that effect West Seattle. Transportation is a top concern. We need an update of where Sound Transit is today and future plans. It is also very important for all of us to understand the process so our opinions and input can be heard at Sound Transit.

Take this opportunity to learn more about the Long-Range Plan Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Are you aware that you can comment on this document by submitting comments in writing by email or mail and/or attending one of several public hearing/open houses. We have until July 28th to complete a Sound Transit questionnaire. Learn direct from Sound Transit representative how to be heard.

Rachel Smith brings over a decade of experience in government affairs and advocacy to the transportation and environmental communities of the Puget Sound region. She currently serves as Sound Transit’s Government and Community Relations Officer, focused on issues in the City of Seattle and on regional policy matters and working closely with local and regional elected officials and stakeholders.

Registration Required:

Register by July 14, 2014
Early Registration Rates
$25 for Members
$35 for Non-Members

Based upon availability:
Registration after July 14, 2014
$30 for Members
$40 for Non-Members

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