5423 Delridge Way SW
Seattle, WA 98106
Thư viện công cộng Seattle tổ chức giờ đọc truyện bằng tiếng việt cho trẻ em! (The Seattle Public Library is hosting Vietnamese Story Times for young children!)
Hãy đem con em quý vị đến thư viện để theo dõi các câu chuyện, các bài hát và thơ ca.
Library events and programs are free and everyone is welcome. Registration is not required.
Story times are some of our most popular events! Please come early to make sure you get a seat. Due to the fire code, we can’t exceed the maximum capacity for our rooms. Space is limited at library events. Please come early to make sure you get a seat. Due to the fire code, we can’t exceed the maximum capacity for our rooms.
Contact Info:Delridge Branch 206-733-9125 or Ask a Librarian
More Children’s Programs www.spl.org