Understanding Our School Funding Crisis and Doing Something About It!
Organized by West Seattle High School PTSA and Chief Sealth International High School PTSAThursday, January 23 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
West Seattle High School Theater (3000 California Ave. SW)The WSHS PTSA and Chief Sealth PTSA invite the community to a Public School Funding Teach-In and Advocacy Training on January 23 in the WSHS theater.
The event will feature presentations and a Q&A session with Mary Fertakis, Vice Chair of the Washington State Board of Education; Oliver Miska, founder of the People’s Big Five; Robert Cruickshank, of Washington’s Paramount Duty.
The event is also an opportunity for you to take action in support of ample funding of basic education in Washington and to enjoy a Billion Dollar Bakesale (https://www.billiondollarbakesalewa.com/)!
Child care is available for potty-trained kiddos. Please RSVP, here!
Questions? Email legislative@wshsptsa.org
West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday