2645 California SW
May 15, 2019 at 7-8pm
Lafayette Elementary Cafeteria
Speaker Dr. Ilene Schwartz
University of Washington Haring Center
Please RSVP your attendance, it helps us to plan accordingly.
Child care available in the gym.Please join us as we welcome Dr. Ilene Schwartz to Lafayette Elementary to speak about why inclusion matters within schools and in our community. She will cover topics such as how to talk to your child about disability and the benefits of inclusion followed by Q&A. This event is geared toward families with children of all abilities. Dr. Schwartz is the director of the Haring Center for Inclusive Education on the UW campus, an interdisciplinary, research and training center focused on improving outcomes for children of all abilities. She is the author of 3 books and over 75 scholarly articles and book chapters.