Entomology lecture series

May 8, 2019 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Senior Center of West Seattle
4217 SW Oregon St
Seattle, WA 98116

West Seattle Entomologist Jen Paur of Tiny Science will be conducting a series of four lectures on the interesting and exciting lives of insects. Jen is an enthusiastic speaker who can engage audiences of all ages with her great passion for insects. She brings a selection of beetles, butterflies, mantises, or stick insects when she speaks. Wednesdays, May 8, 15, 22, 29 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. And if you like, you can join us before class at 5 pm for $3 beers in our Cafe!

1. Insects in General: This class will cover the history of insects from the Cretaceous period and their defining features and key assets that allowed them to become masters of our planet. The audience will leave with a new level of appreciation for insects from this fun talk.

2. The Orders of Insects: There are 32 different types of insects! Many that we are familiar with, some that we are not! We will explore these different types.

3. Comparative Study of Insects: How can one type of animal with three body parts, six legs, and four wings can take on so many different shapes and roles?

4. Insect Niches: Insects are incredibly diverse and abundant. We will explore how insects exploit niches, including topics like parasitoidy and eusociality, which are way more exciting than they sound!

Lecture Series is $20 members/$25 non-members. All ages welcome. Please sign up in advance by calling 206.932.4044 x1, as a minimum number of participants is required for this series to occur. SCWS, 4217 SW Oregon St.

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