If you haven’t browsed the calendar for tomorrow yet, three one-time West Seattle events of particular note:
ZUCCHINI RACING: Late summer every year, the Farmers’ Markets provide zucchinis, material to turn them into racing vehicles, and a track to “race” them on. Tomorrow’s the day for West Seattle – 11 am tp 1 pm at the market.
bRUNch: Sundays usually include a fun run from Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW). This time, they’re combining a free fun run at 11 am with brunch afterward – Sully Eats is popping up (see the menu here) – or you can just run, OR just have brunch.
JAZZ PICNIC: Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill) invites everyone to visit for a free picnic lunch at noon and jazz concert 1-3 pm, on the church lawn.
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