That’s a peek at part of the mural that will soon wrap around the Center for Active Living – debuting tonight at the center’s Community Open House. You can talk to artist Brady Black, who has examples of his other work too:
The mural will wrap around the front and side of the center, facing California and Oregon, and will include images of members. Meantime, inside the center at 4217 SW Oregon, you can also find out about its programs (more than 40 offered every week) and its “well-kept secret” restaurant, Margie’s Café (which you can visit even if you’re not one of the center’s 1,300+ members):
Amy Lee Derenthal is the center’s executive director:
The open house is on until 8, and then the center remains open until 10 pm for an ’80s dance party – free admission, live DJ, beverages (beer, wine, nonalcoholic) available for purchase.
P.S. Whether you stop by tonight or not – as we mentioned a few days ago, the center is welcoming new volunteers!