34th District Democrats’ October 2021 meeting

October 13, 2021 @ 6:00 pm
Online (see listing)

Our October monthly meeting will be held via Zoom meeting on October 13th beginning at 6 pm. With homelessness being one of the key issues this election, we invited Derrick Belgarde – the new Exec Director of the Chief Seattle Club – to provide a presentation. Chief Seattle Club is a Native-led housing and human services agency. The agency operates on the belief that a world without homelessness is possible by leading with Native values. Derrick will be focusing on the state of the housing and homelessness crisis in Seattle, specifically the struggle of the unhoused in the Native American communities, and what we can do to be part of the solution.

This program will begin at 6 pm on Wed Oct 13. The Zoom registration is here: https://bit.ly/Oct-2021-Mtg-Reg

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