West Seattle weather 2024 results

West Seattle Weather Watch: Official briefing; wind advisory

Just found this on the National Weather Service’s Seattle website – they’ve put up the PowerPoint presentation from the official “hazardous weather briefing” delivered a bit earlier today. See it here. (Still awaiting updated forecasts — should be out any time now — but that “briefing” indicates the rain won’t be quite so bad here in the metro area, half-inch to an inch by tomorrow afternoon.) 3:48 PM UPDATE: The updated forecasts and advisories are coming online now – a wind advisory is in effect starting at 10 pm (read about it here), for starters, and it says 45 mph gusts are possible.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Some good news

November 11, 2008 9:13 am
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Always best to be prepared anyway, but this morning’s “special weather statement” from the National Weather Service says the metro area will be in something of a “rain shadow” as this next big storm comes through, so we’re not likely to get the very heavy rain that the mountains (among other areas) are facing. The wind-gust potential is down a bit too (“locally to 25 mph” in the current forecast). We’ll be keeping an eye on the official outlooks through the day and will post any changes.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Forecast just worsened

The forecast for tomorrow night into Wednesday now calls for rain “heavy at times” plus fairly serious wind (up to 45 mph). And that explains why this advisory came in from Seattle City Light – some of it you’ve heard before, but worth revisiting at the start of winter storm season:Read More

West Seattle Weather Watch: No major trouble so far

November 6, 2008 9:03 pm
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In the “no news is good news” vein, we did want to let you know that so far we haven’t heard of any major problems around West Seattle, though the rain is steady and the night is young. If you have to go out, don’t just drive carefully, also walk carefully, since so many wet slippery leaves are on sidewalks, parking strips, gutters, etc. All of King County remains under an “urban and small stream flood advisory” from the National Weather Service till early tomorrow morning; that’s detailed here. Meantime, the county has activated its Flood Warning Center because of some river trouble – you can watch for alerts on that and other regional emergency-related news at rpin.org. We’ll keep watch on into the night and starting early for the morning commute too, since that’s when these kind of conditions can lead to the most trouble.

West Seattle Weather Watch: City crews ready for anything

Serious rain off and on so far today — forecast has updated with an alert of “heavy rainfall possible tonight through Friday morning” — and the city’s already in “urban flood response” mode, according to an alert from Seattle Public Utilities. We talked with spokesperson Andy Ryan, who says SPU is keeping close watch on known trouble spots around the city, including parts of North Delridge (who can forget what happened 11 months ago); WSB’er Chris, in fact, tweeted that he was “delighted to see the utility crew cleaning up/checking on the Delridge onramp at 5:45 this morning” and suggests we remind everyone that the Drainage Emergency Hotline is 206-386-1800. (At left, the view through the window, er, windshield, of the WSB Mobile Office. Anyone recognize the backdrop?)

West Seattle Weather Watch: Rain-readiness reminder

Thanks to a heads-up from Wally, we shared a weather alert earlier this week – and now it comes from Seattle Public Utilities (the official forecast discussion mentions potential “small stream and urban flooding”) — last warning, clear those drains (and more):Read More

West Seattle Weather Watch: Check those drains, again

(photo added Tuesday morning — Wally said he had a mossed-over roof gutter and we asked for a pic!)
The forecast summaries don’t look too apocalyptic but Wally sent a note pointing us to the forecast “discussion” for Thursday-Friday – the possibility of heavy rain and breezy weather resulted in this note from the National Weather Service:


Bottom line, check those drains again in the next day or two – those colorful leaves are beautiful but once they’re down, they can cause big trouble if they wind up blocking your drains, private and public property.

West Seattle Weather Watch: 7 ways to ensure rainy-season survival


(August 2008 photo courtesy Nancy in North Delridge)
Don’t let the current round of unseasonably dry fool you – sooner or later, it’s going to rain. That’s why the city put on a show-and-tell this morning with the mayor and Seattle Public Utilities, to get the word out about keeping storm drains clear, as part of 7 steps you can take now to make sure you survive the next deluge:Read More

West Seattle Weather Watch: Have that ice scraper handy

October 10, 2008 10:37 pm
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 |   West Seattle weather

On the offhand chance you haven’t already heard this (TV’s in Frost Freakout mode) — “frost advisory” in effect for tomorrow morning, first one of the season.

West Seattle Weather Watch: All’s well so far

Seriously breezy but not catastrophically windy; no major problems reported overnight or currently. The National Weather Service‘s morning “forecast discussion” says this system is moving through “as advertised” and things should quiet down later this morning, with the next notable development some colder air on Thursday with daytime highs as low as the upper 40s. 7:43 AM UPDATE: In comments, Hopey notes a Fauntleroy/Arbor Heights Comcast service outage. We’ll update if we can find out more about its status.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Wind expected, but not like Sat.

October 6, 2008 5:06 pm
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No wind advisory so far for our area, but a “special weather statement” issued this morning does cover the city; it warns of “gusty winds” but adds, not as strong as Saturday. So far today, more than a quarter-inch of rain has fallen at the nearest major measuring station, Boeing Field, according to this datapage (look at “KBFI”). (Looking way ahead to next weekend, the “forecast discussion” suggests a “more benign weather pattern.”)

West Seattle weekend scenes: CROP Walk; price cut; rare arc


Last year, we caught up with the Seattle CROP Walk-ers as they strolled around Alki Point on a gray afternoon; for the ’08 Seattle CROP Walk today, the weather’s the same, but we found them heading east along Alki Beach instead, including the group shown above. The 3-mile walk raised money to fight hunger, with beneficiaries including the West Seattle Food Bank, the White Center Food Bank, and Northwest Harvest. Meantime, this may be a sign you could have a few more pennies in your pocket soon:


That’s the first sighting of $3.40-something gas in West Seattle this fall, found at Gasco (35th/Henderson). We believe it’s the lowest posted West Seattle gas price as of this moment, since the usual lowest-price spot, Arco, was at $3.53 when we drove by a bit earlier. Last but not least in this trio of WS Weekend Scenes, we wanted to share this photo by Steve Heck – click it to open a full-size version:


Steve’s wife Michelle Heck sent the photo with the explanation that it’s a “circumhorizontal arc,” photographed over Alki, looking southwest, Saturday morning.

West Seattle Weather Watch: “Wind advisory” till 9 pm


We’ve seen bursts of heavy rain and some bouts of breeze already today … but it’s likely to get worse, says the National Weather Service, in issuing this “wind advisory” that’s in effect till 9 pm. 4:56 PM UPDATE: Here’s the link to check for the latest power outages listed by City Light. We’re just back from Burien and environs; power was out to some businesses near Burien City Hall, and we saw a big SCL presence at 1st/152nd. Some “wires down” calls show on the live 911 log, including one right now in the 2200 block of SW Orchard (map). 6:45 PM UPDATE: Photo added from “wire down” – it’s over by the taco truck/Vietnamese Cultural Center spot north of Home Depot.

West Seattle scene: Another “amazing sunset”


“Amazing” is how Shauna described it as she sent us her pix of tonight’s sunset, taken from Alki. In a note earlier, JD explained that the sunset colors are due in large part to smoke from three big fires burning in Oregon, and weather conditions (southerly flow) bringing it this way. ADDED 9:35 PM: Another view from Alki, courtesy of Scott C:


West Seattle sunset scenes


Thanks to Brian for sending that photo of tonight’s sunset, taken from Fauntleroy. Here’s one we got from Gatewood:


West Seattle scenes: Monday night miscellany


A week or so ago, we spotted the predecessor to that sign at West Seattle Nursery – it simply said “Under New Management,” which brought us a couple of notes from folks who wanted to know if that meant the nursery had been sold. Never got to check in person, but this amusing new sign appears to be proof it hasn’t. Meantime, a sign in The Junction proclaims a new development’s name; exactly one month after the teardown of an old house at 41st/Edmunds, south of Jefferson Square, a sign in front of the steeply sloped lot declares the future cluster “The Incline on Edmunds”:


The web address on the sign, by the way, takes you to a page with (currently) only renderings of the future definitely-not-cookie-cutter townhomes. Last but by no means least, tonight’s the official full moon; on the other side of the moonrise we shot last night, Scott C sent us this photo of the moonset early this morning:


Can’t guarantee a similar sight Tuesday morning, but the moon’s high in a cloudless sky right now, so if you’re up early, look toward the Olympics, just in case.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Low clouds, high beauty

September 13, 2008 11:56 pm
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We end Saturday with three beautiful photos taken close to its foggy start – that first one from WSB contributing photojournalist Matt Durham, shot from Don Armeni. (Prints of Matt’s work are available from his website, mattdurhamphotography.com.) Next two are courtesy of Creighton (who blogs at motorcyclemind.blogspot.com), taken on Alki:



Looks like Sunday morning may bring some pre-sun fog, too.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Early-morning rainbow

August 30, 2008 12:44 pm
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Thanks to Imelda for that photo looking southwest from just south of Alki Point around 6:30 this morning. The latest forecast promises a “mostly sunny” holiday on Monday! ADDED 1:26 PM: Just found out that co-publisher Patrick got this great shot of a great blue heron near Alki Bathhouse this morning, so we wanted to share that too:


West Seattle Weather Watch: Potentially windy night

(Short video clip of the brightly lit Royal Argosy under dark clouds post-dusk tonight, just south of Alki Point)
We were checking the ferry system’s website to see how Holiday Getaway Night was going, when we noticed the Port Townsend run was having trouble because of “high seas and wind”; checked our forecast and “gusts up to 30 mph” have been added to the city outlook for later tonight. Here’s the forecast.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Check those drains!


It may sound like one of those “don’t run with scissors” reminders – but in case you just aren’t accustomed to thinking about your drains this early in the year, a couple West Seattleites suggested a reminder here. And not just because of the storm — in fact, it was hours before yesterday’s deluge when we got a note from Paul suggesting some seasonal reminders including clearing your storm drain. Then, shortly after the cloudburst, Nancy from North Delridge sent the photo you see above, with the note:

Noticed the drain in the attached photo during the adopt-a-street (cleanup) Saturday.
I got home from unclogging it just a few minutes before the current deluge.
It’s not too early to start keeping on eye on neighborhood drains.

Seattle Public Utilities offers a few tips here; chief among them, planning a weekly check of drains and downspouts. Last year, SPU even offered supplies for an “adopt-a-drain” program, to encourage people to help with the drains on neighborhood streets; we’ll be checking to see if that’s in the works again this year. And if yesterday wasn’t enough of a reminder about what the weather can do, revisit the December 2007 flooding coverage!

Reader report: West Seattle lightning strike


Kate Hawley says she took that photo and the next one around 5 pm, after a lightning strike in the 17th/Myrtle vicinity (map):


As Kate describes it:

Our neighbor’s tree was struck by lightning and split the tree down the middle! The strike blew chunks of cedar all over the next door neighbor’s house and yard and all the way out into the street. The family was at home when it hit but no one was hurt, thankfully. The bedroom window was broken from the impact.

Here’s our earlier storm coverage, with lightning/thunder/downpour video and more.

West Seattle Weather Watch updates: Complete cloudburst

(adding info, pix, video as we get it, scroll down and/or refresh)


(Photo from Alia – thank you! – added 5:16 pm; next, video from outside WSB HQ)

(video added 5 pm, lightning and thunder a few seconds in, amid ferocious rain)
Poured so hard here a few minutes ago, it took down one of our downspouts. If you’re still at work, check everything closely when you get home – haven’t seen rain that hard in a VERY long time. The street outside our house suddenly looks as flooded as if it had been raining for hours. 5:05 PM UPDATE: All the TV stations seem to have sent reporters out this way, although most are reporting by phone because it’s not safe to put up the live trucks’ antennas in thunderstorm weather. Someone on the Eastside on Channel 7 reports a funnel cloud over there. We’re monitoring scanner/online 911 too, so far no serious problems reported. If you have any photos, or reports of any problems, please let us know (editor@westseattleblog.com). 5:30 PM UPDATE: The skies are lightening now (as opposed to “lightning”), though TV radar suggests there’s more nastiness heading this way. Here’s another photo from Alia (we added her first photo at the top of this post, taken as this all was revving up):


ADDED 5:49 PM UPDATE: Here’s another clip from WSB HQ during the height of the storm – the water came down with such force (see the clip above) that it broke our downspout wide open:

5:53 PM UPDATE: To quote Junior Member of the Team, “Hey look, it stopped raining!”

6:58 PM UPDATE: Here, belatedly, is the photo to support the above statement.


Just as we were in the process of trying to add that photo about an hour ago, the site went down – please forgive us; as it so happens, we have outgrown our current host and we will be moving to a new one shortly anyway – last time that happened, the 12/3/07 deluge hit, coincidentally. We are also setting up a backup site that we will announce when it’s ready, so that if (heaven forbid) this one ever goes down again, you can find us somewhere else till the problem’s fixed.

7:17 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Lissa in Arbor Heights for this rainbow photo:


Commute alert: Thunderstorm rolling through

We’ve seen the flashes and heard the thunder — watch out for another bout of nasty weather on your drive home — though we can see a bit of sun over Vashon, it’s solid ominous gray looking toward Bainbridge and points northwest. Here’s the latest forecast; remember you can check out all the area traffic cameras here. (And here’s the radar link; thanks to Amy for that.) 4:41 PM UPDATE: OK, *that* flash was RIGHT HERE – the thunder followed almost immediately.