West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
On partner site White Center Now, we peeked into the new White Center Swap Meet shortly after its doors opened (at the former Southgate Skate Center) this afternoon; later came this followup on a hot deal. Day 2 of the White Center Swap Meet is 10 am-4 pm tomorrow.
Back in May, we brought you first word of West Seattle’s first-ever Art Lending Library, which made its debut at Youngstown Arts Center during Delridge Day, explained here by Seth Damm, who just sent word of an upcoming opportunity to try it out:
For all those who didn’t get a chance to participate in the first Art Lending Library, good news, we will be open one night only coming up this Thursday, October 9th from 6 to 9 pm in conjunction with the West Seattle Art Walk. Come down to the Youngstown Cultural Center (4408 Delridge SW) , browse our collection of local artwork, sign up for a library card if you don’t already have one, and select a piece for free delivery later in the month.
Youngstown is one of the newest additions to the monthly Art Walk lineup and is now one of two venues on Delridge (joining Bubbles); here’s the full list of who’s participating Thursday night (as well as during the November and December Art Walks).
(click for full-size version)
If you’re interested in the Denny/Sealth combined-campus project and/or what happens to the Denny Middle School site when its current buildings are demolished after the new school is built on the Sealth campus, you need to know about three major meetings in the coming week. FIRST: A community meeting Monday night to talk about what you would like to see happen at the Denny site post-move. The Westwood Neighborhood Council has developed a vision for the site (sketch above) but that may not dovetail with school-district decisionmaking unless there is strong community support for turning the site into something more than sports fields and tennis courts. The community meeting is at 7:30 pm Monday at Southwest Community Center. SECOND: The next night, the public is invited to the next meeting of the official city-convened committee that is reviewing whether the Denny/Sealth project will be permitted “departures” from city codes, for reduced parking and increased height. The Departure Advisory Committee meets at 7 pm Tuesday in the Denny cafeteria. THIRD: On Wednesday night, the Design Team looking at the future of the Denny site, which includes school district and community representatives, meets at 7 pm Wednesday in the Denny library; you’re also welcome at this meeting.
We’ve seen bursts of heavy rain and some bouts of breeze already today … but it’s likely to get worse, says the National Weather Service, in issuing this “wind advisory” that’s in effect till 9 pm. 4:56 PM UPDATE: Here’s the link to check for the latest power outages listed by City Light. We’re just back from Burien and environs; power was out to some businesses near Burien City Hall, and we saw a big SCL presence at 1st/152nd. Some “wires down” calls show on the live 911 log, including one right now in the 2200 block of SW Orchard (map). 6:45 PM UPDATE: Photo added from “wire down” – it’s over by the taco truck/Vietnamese Cultural Center spot north of Home Depot.
Today is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals, and that’s why this weekend you had two invitations to get your pets (etc.) blessed. First one happened this morning at Providence Mount St. Vincent; that’s Father Lyle Konen in the video above, delivering the blessing (The Mount asks that residents not be photographed, so as far as the participants go, Cesco the dog at left is all we’ve got, but overall there was quite the crowd – listen for the collar-jingling in the video). Next blessing event is tomorrow, public also invited, at the West Seattle High School parking lot at noon tomorrow, presented by neighboring St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church. Full event info here – not only will blessings be offered, but handmade items will also be for sale, along with refreshments, and if you’re in the mood to add to your household, the Humane Society’s MaxMobile will be there (second half of this post shows its recent appearance at Thriftway).
At Thriftway in Morgan Junction, that’s (from left) Jake Webley, Gini Johnson, and Greg Ross, collecting food and money for local food banks as part of a drive presented by local Prudential realtors. They have the north door covered; another team has the south door; and you’ll also find Prudential folks at West Seattle PCC. This is happening till 2 pm today – and not only can you help by giving food items and/or money, Gini told us that if you present them with your receipt, they’re doing a one percent match. If you don’t see this till after 2, you can also drop off food bank donations at Prudential’s West Seattle offices through the end of the year. Meantime, at another grocery store — QFC in Westwood Village — these folks are “shopping for help” too:
The smiling folks you see in that photo include local fire cadets, currently based at the Joint Training Facility on the southeast edge of West Seattle, and today they’re asking you to help “Give Burns the Boot” by collecting $ on behalf of the Northwest Burn Foundation. You’ll find them at QFC — and others at Metropolitan Market in Admiral — till 4 pm today. (If you miss this event, you can donate to NW Burn Foundation online by going here.)
Out of the WSB inbox, from Karen:
I wanted to report that our car was broken into overnight near the corner of 46th and Genesee (map). They took the change, emergency road kit and tire chains. This is the 6th time that car has been broken into at that location over the past few years. Nothing of much value has every been stolen but it is a nuisance and, just like tagging, increases if left unchecked. I would remind everyone to report any crime no matter how small. It allows the police to track activity and will increase patrols in effected areas.
VIADUCT CLOSURE: Reminder, the Alaskan Way Viaduct is closed till 11 am this morning because of the Puget Sound Heart Walk. (Its next weekend inspection closure is in two weeks, 6 am-6 pm Saturday 10/18 and the same hours Sunday 10/19.)
FOOD DRIVE: Heard late last night from local Prudential realtors Debbie Rutledge (via Facebook) and Alice Kuder that they and others are collecting food and money for the West Seattle and White Center Food Banks at two locations 10 am-2 pm today: Thriftway and PCC.
BURN FUNDRAISER: Around the region, it’s “Give Burns the Boot” day with local firefighters teaming up to help the Northwest Burn Foundation. Look for them at Metropolitan Market and Westwood Village QFC.
VOTER SIGNUP: Last reminder – today’s your last chance to register. Look for registration drives almost everywhere, or register online RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: First of two this weekend – today, it’s indoors, 10:45 am, front lobby of Providence Mount St. Vincent (map), everyone’s welcome to bring their animals; Father Lyle Konen will perform the blessing.
MUCH MORE: Check the West Seattle Weekend Lineup; here’s the direct link to today’s list.
Lots going on today (all in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup) but if you can get over to West Seattle Stadium, go give three cheers – or more – to the Westside Wildcats junior football teams, who are playing their counterparts from the Rainier White Ravens organization in a series of games starting at 9 o’clock this morning. We took the photo above at one of their practices earlier this week at the Madison Middle School field; the Wildcats have more than 160 kids ages 6 to 14, counting the cheerleaders, according to the “bantam” group’s head coach, Bill Kemp, who took a moment to talk to WSB on video:
This is the first year for the Westside Wildcats, who play in the South King County Junior Football League. Some Saturdays they play here in West Seattle (like today), some Saturdays they’re in other neighborhoods as the visiting teams – here’s their schedule; they’re playing at home next Saturday too, same times as today, five matchups starting with the seniors at 9 am and running through the bantams’ 4 pm start.