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West Seattle Trader Joe’s: Comment deadline January 9th

As first reported here last Tuesday, the official city signage is up at the future West Seattle Trader Joe’s site (map), announcing the formal application for city permits. They’re not creating new buildings on the site, as noted in this followup after the original announcement in June, so no public hearing is planned at this point, but a public-comment period is now open. Today’s city Land Use Information Bulletin includes the first two official notices published online, both with comment deadlines set for January 9th: One for 4545 Fauntleroy, including building modifications and part of the parking, and one for 4527 Fauntleroy for the rest of the parking. Both of those links go to city pages that include instructions on how you can comment on the project, which requires an environmental review taking into account an “environmentally critical area” on the site (a steep slope on the north side of the site; a “preliminary assessment” of the site is viewable online here).

West Seattle Monday: Welcome to ‘the week between’

(Sunday photo by Chas Redmond)
The week between Christmas and New Year’s is admittedly usually fairly quiet – though the “s” word remains in the forecast for later this week – but there are a few things to share: First, for transit users, remember that Metro continues “reduced weekday service” between the holidays … From the WSB Forums, there’s a La Leche League meeting this morning, 10:30 am at Seaview Methodist Church (4620 SW Graham) … Tonight, families are welcome at Pajama Story Time at High Point Library (35th/Raymond), 7 pm … C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor) doesn’t usually have live music on Mondays, but tonight, regular performer Bob “Bobcat Bob” Rice is scheduled to play, 6-8 pm … Monday night means that Scrabble‘s the word, raising money this time for Books for Prisoners, tonight at Skylark Café and Club (WSB sponsor), 7 pm registration, 7:15 pm game (details here). … And if you feel like dancing, you’ve got the floor at Kenyon Hall during Balorico‘s Family Holiday Dance Party, 4:30-5:45 pm (details here).

Local comic Adam Cozens home for the holidays, show on Tuesday

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

He’ll be the first to tell you he’s still not a star.

Might never become one.

But West Seattle-born-and-raised, New York-dwelling comedian Adam Cozens met a goal this year – to earn enough money from comedy to pay at least one month’s rent.

Dare he set a goal of two months, for next year? Too soon to tell. But his longterm goal remains that of turning comedy into a career, rather than a “glorified hobby,” and he is working as intensively at it this year as he did when last we spoke.

Right now, Adam is home for the holidays, presenting and starring in a Comedy Underground show this Tuesday – as he did at this time last year – so it seemed like a good time to sit down and find out what’s happened over the past year. (Here’s our story about Adam from this time last year, which goes into detail about his background, summarized on his own website here.)

Obvious first question for an interview like this: What’s the biggest thing that’s happened in the past year?

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Egg vandals strike again, and again

Back in early November, Amy reported two nights of egg-throwing hitting her condo building in The Junction near 44th/Oregon (map). Tonight, she says it’s happened again – twice in the past three days – and she’s frustrated and angry enough to offer a reward for catching the culprits, if that would help:

The first day was Friday, Christmas Eve, and the other time was tonight about 30 minutes ago (8:10 pm, 12/26). The police are on their way to interview us again.

Here’s what happened:

We were sitting in our living room and saw the eggs hitting our sliding glass door on the balcony.

My husband, Tim, then ran outside to see if he could see anything. Outside Tim talked to a neighbor, who was taking out his trash, and asked him if he had seen any activity outside (in the dark) of our building. Our neighbor said he saw two boys/young men run past him through the alley between the townhomes next to our building. Tim then hurried into the alley to look for signs of the boys. When he arrived in the alley, Tim saw a car (dark blue) driving south down the alley toward SW Oregon Street (near the corner of 44th and Oregon). When Tim approached the car, it sped off down the alley, turned west onto Oregon, and sped away.

I don’t know if you post these kinds of activities on the blog, but it has been four or five times now that we’ve been egged and I’m sure you can imagine how frustrating this is to the homeowners of this building, many of whom are elderly, having to clean up eggs night after night on our balconies.

In the Junction business district, several business owners had to clean up after the same type of vandalism a week ago, according to Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor)’s Twitter feed.

West Seattle property owner claims tree poisoning, hangs banner

Story and photos by Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Kaly Cook says someone poisoned trees on her Harbor Avenue property five years ago, at which time she called the state for advice, but was unsure what else to do. Now, saying that more trees have been poisoned, Cook has taken her complaint to the public in a very visible way.

You might have seen the banner she hung this fall on the slope over her home near Seacrest, reading “Trees Poisoned For View”; WSB has received a few notes asking “what’s the story?”

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West Seattle Christmas-tree-recycling options – and lights, too!

Today’s a little too blustery to haul your tree out to the curb, but in case you’re thinking ahead to the post-Christmas cleanup, here are your options for tree recycling, from the West Seattle Holidays page – plus an opportunity to recycle old holiday lights, too:

FREE TREE RECYCLING VIA THE CITY: For Seattle Public Utilities solid-waste customers, they’ll pick up ornament-free/flocking-free trees curbside on your regular collection day provided you follow the rules, or you can take yours to the transfer station in South Park (slightly different rules), both options available through January 9th – full details/rules here. (If you live in a multifamily building, your recycling rules may vary, so check with management if applicable.)

TREE-RECYCLING FUNDRAISER: If you want to drop off your tree without leaving West Seattle, but with the knowledge it’s helping a local youth organization, here’s an alternative. On January 8th from 9 am-2 pm, the West Seattle Rainbow Girls will be collecting trees in the lot outside the Alki Masonic Hall in The Junction, 40th/Edmunds, $5 suggested donation.

RECYCLING YOUR OLD HOLIDAY LIGHTS: West Seattle-based Fleming’s Holiday Lighting is collecting used (or unused/unwanted) holiday lights through mid-January to raise money for the Moyer Foundation. This is a regional effort with three local dropoff spots are Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor) in Westwood Village, The Artistic Framers, and McLendon Hardware in White Center.

West Seattle Weather Watch: 40 mph gusts possible

(Alki rainbow, from Russ via Twitter, added 2:47 pm)
The sudden wind and rain are the subject of a “short-term forecast” alert from the National Weather Service, which says we might see gusts up to 40 mph during the next few hours before this finishes moving through. (And the “possible midweek snow” alert we mentioned last night is still in effect.)

2:47 PM NOTE: Still blustery! And looking ahead to that possible snow, the newest forecast is targeting Wednesday late afternoon and beyond, with a snow level around 300 feet.

Shopping? Here are some West Seattle after-Christmas sales

Last night, we mentioned today’s “Boxing Day” sale at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market (with Market Bucks available at the info booth while they last), which continues till 2. Here’s what else we’ve found regarding after-Christmas sales around West Seattle and vicinity. First, from WSB West Seattle Holiday Shopping Guide sponsors:

*Funky Jane’s Consignment: 25% off everything in the store, through January 2

*Wyatt’s Jewelers: $25 off in-store purchase with WSB Holiday Shopping Guide coupon, good through this Friday (12/31)

*TouchTech Systems: Also through Friday, $50 off MSRP for MacBooks

*Budget Cuts: 12 prepaid haircuts for $99 – deal available through Friday

(Also from the guide, salons Illusions Hair Design and Envy on Alki have New Year’s Eve hours in case you need last-minute pre-party hair help.)

Other sales we’ve found:

*West Seattle Fabric Company (per Facebook): Noon-4 pm Sunday, 30% off all holiday flannels, cottons and Minky.

*CAPERS (per website): 11 am-5 pm Sunday, ornaments half-price

*West Seattle Cellars (per promotional e-mail): Starts noon today, runs through Friday. 15% off everything (20% for club members).

*Many Moons Trading Company (per Facebook group mail): Noon-5 pm Sunday, 50% off

*3.14 Bakery in White Center (via Twitter): All frosted Christmas Cookies 50% off today and Monday.

(added 3:11 pm)
West Seattle Nursery (via Twitter): All Christmas merchandise 50% off “while supplies last.”

Having an after-Christmas sale, or know of one, not already mentioned here? Add a comment or e-mail us – thanks!

Followup: Family Promise of Seattle approaches decision date

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

In these final moments of a holiday whose backstory stars a family seeking shelter, a West Seattle-based organization continues to work toward its dream of once again helping families find shelter.

Family Promise of Seattle has not yet reached its $90,000 goal – but that’s all they need to resume helping homeless families stay together, safe, and warm.

It’s been four months since Family Promise of Seattle put its sheltering operation on hold, as first reported here. The organization’s leaders decided they would reopen as soon as they raised $90,000 to fund adequate staff and resources for the intensive job of offering newly homeless families not just shelter, but also assistance in finding employment.

We sat in on Family Promise’s most recent fundraising committee and board meetings, back to back on a rainy night earlier this month. They had progress to celebrate, but a ways to go to the goal – and in less than a month, the board says it will decide whether to soldier on, or call it quits.

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After-Christmas sale … at West Seattle Farmers’ Market

December 25, 2010 9:39 pm
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 |   West Seattle Farmers' Market | West Seattle news

(WSB photo of promotional sign at West Seattle Farmers’ Market last Sunday)
There’s a whole lot of after-Christmas shopping to be done right here on the peninsula. (We’re compiling a list of sales/specials to publish tomorrow morning, so if you have or know of one, share the news!) One place you might be surprised to find specials, West Seattle Farmers’ Market. It’s open 10 am-2 pm tomorrow as always, and the market will observe Boxing Day in a unique way. Explains Chris Curtis: “Farmers have been encouraged to provide good deals in boxes all day long to market shoppers.” One more bonus: Stop by the information booth to ask about free Market Bucks to “spend on the spot … while supplies last,” according to the Seattle Farmers Markets page on Facebook. (If you’re new or visiting, the West Seattle Farmers’ Market is at 44th/Alaska.)

West Seattle Weather Watch: Chance of midweek snow

First saw a mention at KING5.com, then noted it’s also part of the newest “forecast discussion” from the National Weather Service: There’s a chance of lowland snow around here at midweek, forecasters say. Enough of a chance that the NWS has just issued a “special weather statement” about it – read it here. Excerpt (caps theirs):



(Seems Cliff Mass mentioned this last night, too.)

West Seattle holiday scenes: Gingerbread creations

While things are quiet on this Christmas Day, another set of West Seattle holiday scenes we’ve been saving up – photos from a gingerbread-house-making event at West Seattle Christian Church earlier this month.

We shot most of our photos at kid’s-eye level, but builders of all ages participated. The result here was described as “gingerbread house after an earthquake”:

The next one might qualify for the label “gingerbread doghouse”:

Some builders eschewed the “house” shape altogether:

But there’s also beauty in tradition:

Thanks to WSCC and EVERYONE around West Seattle who has sponsored fun holiday events, including many that doubled as charity fundraisers/donation drives, for the community this season (many of which we were honored to feature on our West Seattle Holidays page, which is now down to today and New Year’s Eve/Day – please let us know if you are having a public New Year’s event that’s not on the page yet).

West Seattle Christmas Day 2010: Who’s open, and more

(Taken in The Junction by smohundro, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
Merry Christmas!

We’ve updated the “who’s open for groceries/coffee/dining & drinks” list to winnow it down to just the businesses open today – including 9 coffee shops and more than a dozen places to get food. See the list here.

Metro’s on a Sunday schedule today; details here.

Looking for a Christmas Day church service in West Seattle? Check here.

Thinking about driving around to look at lights tonight? The schedule for the Helmstetler Family Christmas Spectacular (the music-synched lights at 3908 SW Charlestown) is here.

And if you’re mulling a movie – Admiral Theater opens at 4 this afternoon (movie listings/schedule here).

West Seattle holiday scenes: Wondrous windows, #2

December 24, 2010 10:40 pm
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(WSB photos by Ellen Cedergreen)
As promised, a few more of the West Seattle business windows painted with holiday scenes – seemed to us like there were more than usual this year, so we thought it would be fun to showcase some on Christmas Eve/Day; we showed the Talarico’s tribute to Bob Ross earlier. In this roundup, the top and below photo are from the display that’s generated the most buzz in The Junction – Puerto Vallarta‘s fun-loving, thong-sporting holiday entourage:

Those are by Sign Savant, Japhy Witte with Z. Rockstad; SS also painted the tamer scenes at West Seattle Coins and Courtesy Tire:

At Northwest Art and Frame, a rare non-Sign Savant window creation. This one’s by TJ Swier of TJ Grafix:

We’re planning to show a few more windows tomorrow.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car vandalism ‘kick in the teeth’

Crime takes no holiday. Well, there’s always hope for tomorrow. But tonight, we have two reports about one case of car vandalism – one from “k,” who drove by and noticed it; then came this direct report on behalf of the victim, from Martha:

My ex-husband, who is recovering from open heart surgery, had his new little Toyota vandalized two days after his return home from the hospital last week. The CD player was taken and glove compartment rummaged through. Last night the car was spray painted with black paint “this car is gay” along the entire passenger side. Two stripes of black and white left on the driver’s side rear panel. I just discovered this this afternoon when I was visiting. I have called the police and they are sending out an officer. This is particularly upsetting to our family at this time of year and with him in such frail health. Thanks to whoever did it for an extra kick in the teeth for Christmas!

This was one of two vandalized cars noticed by “k” in the south of Admiral area; she says it was near 45th/Spokane, while the other, near 48th/Hinds, also had black spray paint on it.

Garlic Jim’s in The Junction to reopen under new ownership

First word of this came in the WSB Forums on Wednesday; Angel posted to say her brother and the rest of the West Seattle Garlic Jim’s staff had lost their jobs when the Junction pizzeria suddenly closed. Her post blamed new owners for “laying off the entire staff.” Much discussion ensued, so we sought out the new owners to find out their side of the story.

They are Jeff and Page Taylor, who since April have owned a Garlic Jim’s in Edmonds, and since Wednesday, own the one in West Seattle. We talked by phone this afternoon with Jeff Taylor, who told us they’re working at the Edmonds pizzeria tonight to give the staff a Christmas Eve break. Ahead – his explanation of what happened, and their plans for the West Seattle store, which first opened in 2007, at least a few prior owners ago:Read More

In case you wondered: Fire call in High Point

December 24, 2010 6:14 pm
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 |   High Point | West Seattle fires | West Seattle news

In case you saw the big callout – either via the 911 log or via seeing (or hearing) the trucks race by – Christopher Boffoli checked out last hour’s fire response on 32nd SW in High Point. It closed pretty quickly and appeared to have been triggered by incense that got knocked over, according to what firefighters told Christopher. No notable damage, no injuries.

West Seattle holidays: Seal Sitters’ card for you

This e-card from Seal Sitters was sent with holiday wishes for all WSB’ers as well as those of us here at HQ, so of course we have to share! You can keep up with Seal Sitters year-round here. (Reminder, if you’re looking for Christmas Eve dinner/drinks/groceries, check here; for church services, check here.)

West Seattle holiday scenes: Wondrous windows

After noticing so many festively painted store windows in West Seattle, particularly in The Junction, we asked WSB contributor Ellen Cedergreen to photograph some of them for us to feature Christmas Eve/Day. We’ll publish a few installments tonight/tomorrow but this one kicks it off – the Bob Ross tribute in the windows at Talarico’s, by Sign Savant‘s Japhy Witte and Z. (Zach) Rockstad (who painted the vast majority of what we spotted). P.S. If you don’t remember Bob Rossthink public TV, painting, gentle voice, big hair. A closer look at some of the scenes:

No Bob in this one, but it’s cute just the same.

More holiday window art later!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Package-theft alert

Just received from Rebecka, who wanted to get the word out fast:

My family just witnessed a man take off with a package from our neighbor’s porch.

My husband stepped out to confront him and he immediately took off. We are on the corner of 42nd and Brandon. The guy was heading south in the alley between 42nd and 41st. By the time he rounded the corner, the guy was out of sight. We called it in to the police, but they were not even interested in getting a description, said it was too late to do anything.

Apparently this has been going on quite a bit in our hood for the last week. The guy was in his mid to late thirties, dark hair and goatee, black leather jacket, jeans, dark shoes. He looked as if he hadn’t slept for days, SUPER SKETCHY.

Just thought people should be aware if they are expecting deliveries today. This took place at 8:40 this morning.

West Seattle Christmas Eve 2010: Who’s open, and more

(3 Wise Penguins? Window @ Curious Kidstuff; WSB photo by Ellen Cedergreen)
Whether you are celebrating or not, we hope some of this information will be helpful:

*West Seattle restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores open Christmas Eve and/or Day
*West Seattle Christmas Eve/Day church services (list is atop the Holidays page)
*Metro and Water Taxi changes for the holidays (through New Year’s)
*Seattle Parks facilities info for the holidays
*State liquor-store hours

If you are doing last-minute gift shopping, most if not all of your West Seattle shops are there for you today at least into the afternoon. Many of our Holiday Shopping Guide participants (24 local businesses) have today’s hours listed already; local businesses are also welcome to add a comment here with today’s plan. We also have a directory of ongoing sponsors, with links to websites and Facebook pages, here. (And thanks to Bartell Drugs for sending a tweet that they’re open till 9 pm in Admiral today.) … Looks like ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) has some tickets left for the final “A Tuna Christmas” show at 5 pm today. … And if you’re planning on going out for a beverage – this is the final day for Christmas Cocktails, with six local bars/lounges contributing $1 to charity for each purchase of a special drink that’s part of the promotion. … Need wrapping help? There’s one more round of fundraising gift-wrapping to help local animal-advocacy groups – 2-7 pm at Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction.

Another West Seattle random act of holiday kindness

December 23, 2010 10:10 pm
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It’s the little things. Earlier, the tale of the candy cane; tonight, a tale of greenery, from Jamie and Chelsea:

My wife and I were walking back to our Morgan Junction home from buying half-off garlands tonight at West Seattle Nursery, and in front of the [frame shop] and tae kwon do studio near Juneau, this nice woman appeared out of nowhere and asked if we wanted her spare wreath. Apparently she had an extra and since we were already loaded up with holiday spirit i.e. garlands she must have thought we needed more!

Thanks to this nice woman, and happy holidays to West Seattle!

West Seattle New Year’s Eve: Highland Park’s 2nd annual parade

That’s part of our video from last New Year’s Eve, when Highland Park neighbors launched a new holiday tradition, the “Not-So-Silent Night Parade” (more WSB coverage here). Tonight, there’s word from Highland Park Action Committee chair Dan Mullins that they’re doing it again:

If you want to have some fun this New Year’s Eve, Highland Park is the place to be! Bang on a drum or shake your tambourine as you travel along with the second annual “Not So Silent Night Parade.” March along with us on a 20-30 minute trip through Highland Park, making just enough noise to remind our neighbors that it’s New Year’s Eve.

Afterward, they’re planning more festivities in the parking lot (same as last year), as well as hot cider and cookies. It’ll all start and end at the Highland Park Improvement Club (12th/Holden; map), meet at 6:45 pm, parade starts at 7 and will last about half an hour. Also from the announcement:

Dress warm ’cause we are going, rain or moon-shine, and you may want to bring a flashlight and an umbrella! (or even better a flashlight taped inside an umbrella, so it glows!) Bring the kids in their strollers and your friendly dogs on their leashes.

They’re also recruiting volunteers to help direct traffic along the way – if you can volunteer to be a crossing guard, e-mail Dan at chair09@highlandpk.net.