(WSB photos by Ellen Cedergreen)
As promised, a few more of the West Seattle business windows painted with holiday scenes – seemed to us like there were more than usual this year, so we thought it would be fun to showcase some on Christmas Eve/Day; we showed the Talarico’s tribute to Bob Ross earlier. In this roundup, the top and below photo are from the display that’s generated the most buzz in The Junction – Puerto Vallarta‘s fun-loving, thong-sporting holiday entourage:
Those are by Sign Savant, Japhy Witte with Z. Rockstad; SS also painted the tamer scenes at West Seattle Coins and Courtesy Tire:
At Northwest Art and Frame, a rare non-Sign Savant window creation. This one’s by TJ Swier of TJ Grafix:
We’re planning to show a few more windows tomorrow.
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