Just received from Rebecka, who wanted to get the word out fast:
My family just witnessed a man take off with a package from our neighbor’s porch.
My husband stepped out to confront him and he immediately took off. We are on the corner of 42nd and Brandon. The guy was heading south in the alley between 42nd and 41st. By the time he rounded the corner, the guy was out of sight. We called it in to the police, but they were not even interested in getting a description, said it was too late to do anything.
Apparently this has been going on quite a bit in our hood for the last week. The guy was in his mid to late thirties, dark hair and goatee, black leather jacket, jeans, dark shoes. He looked as if he hadn’t slept for days, SUPER SKETCHY.
Just thought people should be aware if they are expecting deliveries today. This took place at 8:40 this morning.