West Seattle New Year’s Eve: Highland Park’s 2nd annual parade

That’s part of our video from last New Year’s Eve, when Highland Park neighbors launched a new holiday tradition, the “Not-So-Silent Night Parade” (more WSB coverage here). Tonight, there’s word from Highland Park Action Committee chair Dan Mullins that they’re doing it again:

If you want to have some fun this New Year’s Eve, Highland Park is the place to be! Bang on a drum or shake your tambourine as you travel along with the second annual “Not So Silent Night Parade.” March along with us on a 20-30 minute trip through Highland Park, making just enough noise to remind our neighbors that it’s New Year’s Eve.

Afterward, they’re planning more festivities in the parking lot (same as last year), as well as hot cider and cookies. It’ll all start and end at the Highland Park Improvement Club (12th/Holden; map), meet at 6:45 pm, parade starts at 7 and will last about half an hour. Also from the announcement:

Dress warm ’cause we are going, rain or moon-shine, and you may want to bring a flashlight and an umbrella! (or even better a flashlight taped inside an umbrella, so it glows!) Bring the kids in their strollers and your friendly dogs on their leashes.

They’re also recruiting volunteers to help direct traffic along the way – if you can volunteer to be a crossing guard, e-mail Dan at chair09@highlandpk.net.

3 Replies to "West Seattle New Year's Eve: Highland Park's 2nd annual parade"

  • a Fan December 23, 2010 (9:20 pm)

    That’s wonderful. What a way to have some fun on New Year’s eve with our neighbors in Highland Park! See you there this year! …. a fan

  • Alaska Junction Resident December 29, 2010 (5:24 pm)

    a parade sounds fun but not exactly what we were looking for. Friends were supposed to have a party but now one of the hosts is sick and are canceling the party. Does anyone know if any of the local bars, pubs, restaurants having a special New Years Eve party of some sort? Its so last minute so we are not expecting much but don’t want to sit at home. thanks

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