Election 2015: Now 4 in the running for West Seattle/South Park’s City Council District 1; announcing our February forum

2015 will make history in West Seattle for at least one reason: Our area’s first-ever District 1 City Councilmember will be elected. Today, there’s a change in the list of who’s in the running: According to the city’s election-information website, one of the five declared candidates, David Ishii, has moved his candidacy to one of the city’s two at-large seats, so that leaves four District 1 candidates so far (with other changes likely of course since the deadline for declaring is months away) – in alphabetical order:

*George Capestany
*Amanda Kay Helmick
*Tom Rasmussen
*Chas Redmond

checkbox.jpgAnd this gives us the chance to mention that all four candidates are confirmed for an early City Council District 1 Candidates’ Forum that we at WSB are presenting on February 5th – get it on your calendar now! It will start with mingling and refreshments at 6:30 pm, forum 7-8:30 pm, at Highland Park Improvement Club – we thank HPIC, one of West Seattle’s great historic community venues, for agreeing to provide the space for the forum!

Though West Seattleites will vote on three City Council seats in August and September 2015 – District 1 plus two at-large – we are focusing this forum ONLY on D-1, the one seat that will be accountable directly to this area. Stay tuned to WSB for more details as it gets closer. (P.S. If anyone else files to run in District 1 before then, s/he will of course be invited to participate too – contact us at editor@westseattleblog.com if we don’t contact you first!)

7 Replies to "Election 2015: Now 4 in the running for West Seattle/South Park's City Council District 1; announcing our February forum"

  • Peter December 16, 2014 (2:27 pm)

    I’m looking forward to it already! I’ve been wondering when we’d have a chance to hear from the candidates. Currently only Redmond and Helmick have campaign sites up (that I could find), and those are pretty vague, so there’s not much to judge them on yet. I’m interested in hearing what specific policies they would pursue if elected. This should be a good race.

  • morgan December 16, 2014 (3:10 pm)

    Wish we could vote out sawant

  • debra December 16, 2014 (4:09 pm)

    Opportunity to hear what the candidates views are on the massive density building that is occurring and impacting our community…Time to evalaute and let our voices be heard on what is important to us.

  • tom December 16, 2014 (10:21 pm)

    Wish we could vote out morgan (of the comments). Really tho, I’m glad Rasmussen will have to answer directly to the Westy commuters for his oversight of a boondoggle and complicity in destabilizing my solid sneak-route home everyday. Hey Tom- if you read these, be a leader and take pride in your chairmanship! Thanks!

  • ltfd December 16, 2014 (10:28 pm)

    One of the first questions for the District 1 Councilperson to pursue is to find out why there are sometimes only two officers on-patrol in West Seattle. Time to hire more for the city.

  • westseattledood December 17, 2014 (12:25 am)


    I am curious where you heard that? Can somebody confirm this here in comments?
    I have known that North Highline and White Center etc. have had a severe understaffing of patrol deputies for years now – often just two deps – covering everything. I am suspecting/hoping you have the agencies confused…?

    • WSB December 17, 2014 (12:33 am)

      That was what I thought. I have *never* heard of only two officers on in the SW at any time of day or night, and listening to the scanner, even at oh say 2 am, you hear more than that many call signs/IDs … if there were only two officers, that would mean only one W(illiam) and only one F(rank) and I have never heard that. Not to say more aren’t needed …

Sorry, comment time is over.