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Aircraft concerns? FAA, port announce new meeting date/place

October 29, 2012 10:45 pm
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The Port of Seattle has announced the new date for what was originally an October 23rd meeting to talk with South and West Seattle residents about concerns related to “existing flight procedures” – such as noise and flight patterns. The rescheduled meeting to include representatives of the FAA, port (which runs Sea-Tac Airport), and county (which runs Boeing Field) is now scheduled for 6:30-8:30 pm Tuesday, November 13, at the auditorium of Cleveland High School (5511 15th Avenue South; map).

FAA’s flight pattern, aircraft noise meeting postponed

Next Tuesday’s planned meeting for Seattle’s south communities to talk with the FAA about aircraft noise and flight-pattern changes has been postponed, with no new date yet. So reports The Seattle Times (WSB news partner); we’ll check with the FAA tomorrow and let you know when there’s a new date. The meeting was announced a month ago following Mayor McGinn‘s request last month for a south-side meeting, after the FAA closed the comment period on the Greener Skies plan despite having meetings only in Ballard (WSB coverage here) and Federal Way.

Admiral Neighborhood Association: Tracking development; seeking a signal

How do you get early word of development/construction projects planned for your neighborhood – and if one goes to Design Review, what’s that like? Those were among the questions answered at this week’s monthly meeting of the Admiral Neighborhood Association – which also included other topics such as pursuing a grant to get a long-sought traffic signal:

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Followup: 36th/Morgan house, center of neighbors’ concerns, now boarded up

The house at 36th and Morgan that has been a hotspot of concern for its neighbors is boarded up tonight, with NO TRESPASSING signs.

It came to light here five weeks ago after this Crime Watch report about a suspected thief being chased there. In comments on that story, neighbors described frequently reporting the house to authorities for concerns including suspected stolen property. Then it came up at the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting two weeks later (WSB coverage here), where City Attorney’s Office precinct liaison Melissa Chin talked about what could be done to deal with the situation. And late today, we got a tip about the boards and signs. We checked with Chin, who tells us that the owner had been under pressure from not only her office but also Seattle Police, the Department of Planning and Development (which had issued a citation for junk storage), and King County Public Health – so, Chin said, the owner “voluntarily kicked out the tenant, posted up ‘No Trespassing’ signs, cleaned up the yard, and told us she was going to board up the house.” Which, as our photo shows, was done. Meantime, the man whose arrest was noted in the original report has, so far, not been charged.

Neighborly night! West Seattle block parties celebrate Night Out 2012

6:00 PM: We’re on the road to check out Night Out parties around West Seattle – thanks in advance to everybody who e-mailed to say we’re welcome to stop by, and to everybody who shares a photo from theirs! Coverage to come.

6:12 PM: We’re stopping first in Westwood, where Aaron sent the invite. Above, a makeshift barricade that seemed synergistic with the just-ended strike. Or maybe just the best thing handy. Driving to this neighborhood, we passed five closed side streets in a row – everybody’s having a block party! More than 1,300 registered, says SPD. Here’s the early turnout on Aaron’s block:

Before leaving WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy, we loaned our neighborhood block party the tent we usually take to street fairs. The neighbors are bringing the fun stuff, like Bob with his authentic 1962 World’s Fair souvenir glass:

Our block’s been pretty quiet this year, despite bordering a two-arterial intersection. It’s been almost two years since the wrong-way hit-run crash.

6:30 PM UPDATE: Next stop, the block party in the Hansen View neighborhood, where West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network leaders Karen Berge and Deb Greer reside. And their neighborhood is signing up more neighbors for Block Watch, along with, of course, the block party repast:

6:51 PM UPDATE: From there, we veered over to Howie‘s neighborhood just uphill and west of Avalon/Genesee, where it’s a Hawaiian theme tonight:

They had the most creative flyer we’ve seen – we’ll have to add a link later. Baby Olivia was the youngest partier on hand:

Howie told us that Pagliacci Pizza had come by with three free pizzas. We then got a text saying they’re randomly picking Night Out parties to drop by with freebies – so maybe you’ll see them at yours!

7:04 PM UPDATE: Just south of Gatewood Elementary School, The Whale Trail‘s Donna Sandstrom invited us to stop by her block party. So you won’t be surprised to see what the kids are working on:

The inflatable orca made it into the group shot, too:

To the east of there, on the west-facing slope of Gatewood Hill, Cathy and neighbors had flags for decor – our group shot includes a few of them:

We’re told neighbor Fred decided to put them up. This party also had multiple grills going:

Next stops, Fairmount Springs and Seaview, before we zig-zag south again.

7:25 PM UPDATE: We’re taking neighborhood group shots when we can – here’s Alison‘s block party in Seaview:

And in Fairmount Springs – maybe more like east Morgan Junction – Jennifer and neighbors:

If you use Twitter, while the national hashtag tonight is #NNO, the local one is #seattlenightout. We’re tweeting along the way too.

7:38 PM UPDATE: Let’s call Kate‘s neighborhood east Gatewood, a couple blocks west of Fire Station 37:

And speaking of the Seattle Fire Department, we’re a few blocks east of Westwood Village now and a fire engine has just shown up – SFD and SPD are both making rounds tonight, to block parties that registered in advance on the official police page. Here’s Engine 11 from Station 11 with Amanda and neighbors:

(Minutes later, Engine 11 had to rush off on a call!)

Next party photo came to us via text (thank you!) – same number you text or call 24/7 if there’s breaking news, 206-293-6302:

The text just said that was a block party on 28th SW.

8:10 PM UPDATE: Another photo via text – the kids on 56th SW, Genesee Hill area, are enjoying a bouncy house at their block party:

When that came in, we were in Highland Park, 13th and Cambridge, where Lisa and neighbors gathered:

From there, west to Arbor Heights, where we stopped by JoDean‘s neighborhood – she’s a Block Watch captain and hosted the “Living Room Conversation” event with police that we covered back in March:

By the way, have you noticed the clouds tonight?

8:34 PM UPDATE: Just checked out a party south of The Junction (east of the California SW Rite-Aid), to say hi to Fiona and neighbors:

Meantime, from North Admiral, Erik shared photos from a block party on Palm:

They got a fire-engine visit, too:

By the way, we have also been by a couple that appear to have broken up early – since it’s mostly cloudy tonight, it’s darker than some past Night Outs have been by the last half hour.

8:46 PM UPDATE: That said, we’re now at 48th and Dawson, a few blocks west of the previous stop, where they’ve got a band!

This was probably the biggest party we stopped at all night – and these neighbors are proud of a past WSB group shot, too – Christopher Boffoli photographed them during a previous Night Out and that photo wound up on the SPD Night Out home page!

Very organized group – the dots here track which neighbors were on hand:

(added) From that same party, Nick later shared this photo of the neighborhood kids’ bike parade:

9 PM UPDATE: We wrapped up with a stop at Pagliacci in The Junction to check in on their pizza giveaway, mentioned earlier. Totals: 8 parties, $500 worth of pizza. Here’s the kitchen crew – who were almost too busy to stop for a pic:

Next, we’re adding the photos shared with us from parties we didn’t get to or didn’t know about. Here are the kids at a Belvidere block party:

That photo is courtesy of Sara, who says, “The kids loved having a closed street to play on.” Next, to Pigeon Point, where Pete Spalding (below right) shared photos, including this one of him with mayor/police liaison Harry Bailey (left) and SPD Capt. Joe Kessler, former SW Precinct commander, now the department’s Ethics and Professional Responsibility captain:

Chalk art graced the Pigeon Point party’s asphalt – visible in this photo of visiting Engine 36 from North Delridge:

Here’s a party in a park: Nine families who live just east of Hiawatha gathered there for Night Out:

Thanks to Sarah for the photo. It’s a night for so many to celebrate neighborhood pride; Maureen in the 9000 block of 13th SW in Highland Park wrote, “We have such an awesome block!” as she shared this picture:

Here’s Mark‘s block in Gatewood:

And Claire‘s neighborhood, block-partying in Seaview:

Night Out – originally National Night Out Against Crime – is in its third decade around the country (read its history here). The neighbors who know each other will watch out for each other, so the concept goes, and that ultimately means stronger, safer neighborhoods. If yours isn’t part of a Block Watch yet, you can find out here how to get one started.

Night Out this Tuesday: 2 updates, with 2 days to go

Now that it’s Sunday, just two days till this year’s Night Out – a time for community-building, crime-fighting block parties, coming up Tuesday night, 6-9 pm. Two updates right now:

NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP WITH SPD: We checked last week to see what the deadline is – and Seattle Police say there’s really not one; sign up your block party by Tuesday, get on the map, and make your party happen. How to do it:

*Go here to register (you can close off your non-arterial street without a permit or fee)
*Add your block party to SPD’s online map (not mandatory)
*Print your street-closure and neighborhood-invitation signs

WEST SEATTLE LIBRARIES GET IN THE ‘NIGHT OUT’ MOOD: Shared by children’s librarian Amy LaVare:

West Seattle’s libraries will be offering a variety of Night Out programs and displays during the week of August 7th. Night Out is an annual event promoting community spirit and safety. The Family Story Times at the High Point Branch on Monday, August 6, and at the Delridge Branch on Tuesday, August 7, will feature songs and stories about neighbors. All of the West Seattle libraries (Delridge, High Point, South Park, Southwest, and West Seattle) will have displays of “neighbors” or “nighttime” books, and your local librarians would love to help find you more items!

Your library locations/hours/programs are all online at

P.S. If you’re having a Night Out party and wouldn’t mind if we stopped by for a photo – every year we make the rounds to stop by as many neighborhoods as we can – please e-mail us the location (and let us know if you or someone else will be the person we ask for when we get there) – – thanks!

Morgan Community Association: Sewer project update; RapidRide; trees…

Can you imagine yourself gazing at Puget Sound views and potentially “sub-alpine meadow” landscaping from atop the sewer-overflow-reduction facility to be built across from Lowman Beach? A county rep brought the newest design plans to Wednesday night’s Morgan Community Association meeting, which also included a RapidRide update – read on:

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Admiral Neighborhood Association: Concerts ahead; celeb emcees

(ANA’s Dave Weitzel and president Katy Walum at the post-4th of July Parade concession stand)
We covered another community-council meeting last night – the Admiral Neighborhood Association. Summer events were at the heart of the discussion. For one, the ANA-presented Summer Concerts at Hiawatha (co-sponsored by WSB) series starts July 26th, and while the music lineup (see it here) has been final for a while – and the poster’s now out:

And the emcee lineup has just been announced: Mayor Mike McGinn will be MC for the Caspar Babypants show on August 23, and (acting) Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams will MC The Braxmatics‘ show on Alki Beach on August 16th. The other four concerts will be emceed by West Seattle broadcast personalities – each one by either Marty Riemer or Jim Dever. ANA also plans to be in the West Seattle American Legion Post 160 Grand Parade on July 21st (and president Katy Walum mentioned that the Admiral merchants would be, too). And they’re pleased with how their concession sales went after the West Seattle 4th of July Kids’ Parade a week ago – bringing in about $900 for the group (which is nonprofit and all-volunteer), including sales of 20 of their distinctive Admiral-logo T-shirts. P.S. ANA is taking August off, as many community councils do – keep an eye on their website for word of the September meeting.

Admiral Neighborhood Association: Ready for summer

June 14, 2012 6:51 pm
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Story and photos by Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Gearing up for a busy summer was the primary order of business at Tuesday night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, led by president Katy Walum.  From the 4th of July Kids Parade to the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha, there will be no shortage of activity during the summer months, and ANA is ready to help make it happen.

As usual, the meeting was held in the lower level of Admiral Congregational Church (California/Hill) but was preceded by something new: A pre-meeting potluck to give neighbors a chance to get to know each other in light of recent violence citywide and community concern in West Seattle. Attendees brought a dish to share and deemed the event a success, and Walum said ANA will likely make it a regular prelude to their future meetings. “No pressure to stay for the meeting,” Walum added, “just a chance for neighbors to meet and talk.”

Highlights from the meeting itself:Read More

West Seattle scene: Different kind of ‘neighborhood watch’ sign

Some streets have prefab “Neighborhood Watch” signs. Some are homemade. Then, there’s this:

Alicia shared that photo from 30th/Henderson in Westwood last night, saying it had just “popped up.” (We went over to verify – it’s still there.) Wondering if any specific recent incident had inspired the sign, we checked the city’s “incident response” map; nearest notable crime shown on the map is a burglary attempt early last Tuesday one block east, in which, according to the police report, the victim tried to scare off the suspect, who was reportedly trying to kick their door in, “by yelling for his wife to call the police and get his gun.” The report also says police arrested a suspect nearby.

Morgan Community Association: Updates on Murray CSO, RapidRide, festival…

Salvage work has started at the residential properties that will be demolished to make way for the million-gallon underground tank anchoring the Murray Basin Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Project. An update on the CSO project was one of several major items at Wednesday night’s Morgan Community Association meeting:Read More

Time-travel with the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council

Well, in lieu of actual time-traveling, envisioning the future is the next best thing. And that’s what the Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council – which hasn’t had a general meeting in a while – is getting ready to do, with the help of as many interested neighbors as they can find! One week from tonight, the journey begins:

What would make our neighborhood a great place to live in 2020?

The GSNC is embarking on a neighborhood Vision 2020 planning process, and we want YOUR input and involvement! Please come to our next meeting and share your ideas with us:
• What do you like about our neighborhood now?
• What short- and long-term changes would you like to see?*

Thursday, April 26, 2012
6:30-7 p.m. Social Time (refreshments will be served)
7-8:30 p.m. Meeting (with lots of time for input and perhaps a speaker or two)
Howell Auditorium, West Side Presbyterian Church, 3601 California Avenue SW

* Some areas to think about:
Social events, parks, communication, traffic improvements, beautification projects, education and support, crime prevention, emergency preparedness, gardening, policy, shared interests/resources, volunteer opportunities

For more information (including a map), please visit our website at If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please send your name and email address to

Admiral Neighborhood Association: Crime; concerts; Clothesline…

“Not only do we dream the ideas, we do the ideas,” said vice president Karl de Jong, toward the start of last night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting. And with that, the toplines, including updates on some of the ANA ideas that have become reality – first, though, the crime-trends update:Read More

Early warning: Search/rescue drill may be visible from West Seattle

March 19, 2012 11:20 am
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From the “very early warning department,” we have an alert about a “multi-agency open-water search-and-rescue drill” next Monday that might be visible from here. We’ll file it into the calendar, but if that’s your field of interest, you might want to know even sooner, so read on:Read More

Beach Drive murder: Neighbors invite you to vigil, walk tonight

Three days after police announced that 51-year-old Greggette Guy had been murdered (WSB coverage here), likely hours before her body was discovered in the water off north Beach Drive, neighbors are planning a vigil and walk. Just received from Judy Bentley:

Neighbors of Emma Schmitz Park and Me-Kwa-Mooks Park will gather at 7 p.m. tonight, Sunday, March 18, for a walk and vigil to remember Greggette Guy and to claim the park as a safe public space. Please join us at the north end of the park, on the waterfront side of Beach Drive at 7 p.m. Bring flashlights and candles although it will still be light at the beginning of the walk. We’ll walk the length of the park together. We’ll anyone who needs company walking home. Please join us.

We have been following up with police, but so far they have no new information to report, and continue to request any and all tips that might help them solve the mystery of who killed Ms. Guy, who is believed to have come to the area for a waterfront walk last Sunday evening. On Thursday, they published this photo of her car, found Monday at Emma Schmitz Overlook:

That’s close to where the vigil/walk will start tonight (here’s a map). In a report published Saturday, Beach Drive Blog shows why there have long been concerns in the area.

Neighborhood meeting updates: Admiral x 2, Delridge

March 12, 2012 10:49 am
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No daily preview today because of the morning’s breaking news, but there are two meetings to note: Admiral District merchants meet today at 4 pm at the Benbow Room (agenda here); North Delridge Neighborhood Council meets tonight at 6:30, Delridge Library (agenda here). Meantime, the Admiral Neighborhood Association has a CHANGE OF PLAN for tomorrow night. Instead of its regular meeting, ANA is tabling at 5:30 pm tomorrow before Mayor McGinn‘s 6:30 pm Town Hall at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (agenda here).

@ Admiral Neighborhood Assoc.: July 4th parade future; more

February 16, 2012 11:57 pm
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(WSB photo of Sherri Chun speaking to participants before last year’s 4th of July parade)
The longtime coordinator of the 4th of July Kids’ Parade, which has grown far beyond its origins as a fun little North Admiral event, is asking the Admiral Neighborhood Association to consider taking it over. At Wednesday night’s ANA meeting (a day later than usual, to avoid a Valentine-night conflict), Sherri Chun came to talk about the parade’s past, present and future. That, and other toplines from the meeting, ahead:Read More

2 community groups move meetings to avoid Valentine conflict

February 7, 2012 10:52 am
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One was already on the calendar – one, we just found out about. The Admiral Neighborhood Association and Fauntleroy Community Association both usually meet the second Tuesday of the month, but since this year, that falls on Valentine’s Day, both have moved their meetings. ANA will meet at 7 pm Wednesday, February 15th (same place as usual, basement meeting room at Admiral Congregational Church); FCA will meet at 7 pm tonight (same place as usual, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse). The public’s always welcome at both.

Morgan Community Association: Park concerns; CSO design

After last Saturday’s shooting by Morgan Junction Park, some discussion centered on safety concerns in the park itself. Some of those concerns came up at last night’s quarterly meeting of the Morgan Community Association (a week later than originally scheduled, because of last week’s snow/ice).

Other major agenda items included an update on design of the Murray CSO-control project across from Lowman Beach Park, and upcoming electrical-cable work in Gatewood. Read on for details:Read More

Know the perfect band for Summer Concerts at Hiawatha 2012?

(Star Anna & The Laughing Dogs at 2011 Summer Concerts @ Hiawatha finale)
We’re proud to have been a sponsor of the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha each year since the series began – and tonight, we have word that ANA is tuning up for the fourth season of free outdoor performances on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center! ANA president Katy Walum has just put out the call for interested bands:

The Admiral Neighborhood Association is putting out the call for bands to apply to perform for our 2012 Summer Concert Series at Hiawatha Park! The series will again run Thursday evenings, 6:30-8pm, on the park’s east lawn. This summer’s dates will be July 26th, August 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th.

Interested bands may e-mail us at Please include with your message (1) a website or other means by which we may listen to samples of your music, (2) dates you are available, (3) your band’s price for a 90-minute set (please take into consideration that we are a community organization with a fairly limited budget, and that there is value in the great exposure your band could receive as a part of our series – last year’s series drew crowds of up to 1500 people per show), and (4) stage size and/or sound requirements for your group.

Our series last year included performances from The Gothard Sisters, Massy Ferguson, Caspar Babypants, LeRoy Bell, Star Anna & The Laughing Dogs, and Yogoman Burning Band. Highlights of prior seasons included Pearl Django with Greta Matassa, Camille Bloom, Swamp Soul (zydeco), and Alma Villegas (Latin jazz). We strive in our series to provide a range of musical genres that can appeal to all members of our community.

We welcome band recommendations from WS Blog readers, though it is helpful if readers can include as much of the above requested information as possible with their notes.

We also invite local businesses and others to sponsor our 2012 Summer Concert Series. This is an opportunity for folks to support a fantastic community event and to gain substantial exposure for their business! Please e-mail us (again at to find out more about sponsorship levels and benefits available this year.

Thanks so much, and we look forward to bringing more fabulous music to Admiral/West Seattle in 2012!

Katy Walum
President, Admiral Neighborhood Association

(The association does a lot more than sponsor concerts, of course, and if you’re an Admiral resident/businessperson interested in seeing what ANA is up to, check out its next monthly meeting this Tuesday, 7 pm, lower-level meeting room at Admiral Church, California/Hill.)

Metro changing its proposed changes, planner tells Admiral Neighborhood Association

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Admiral won’t lose as much Metro bus service as the first draft of the transit service’s “restructuring” plan proposed.

That’s what lead planner Jack Lattemann told the Admiral Neighborhood Association tonight, in the first public update on what’s happening since the public-comment period for that draft plan closed. The “restructuring” is planned in connection with next fall’s debut of RapidRide service in West Seattle (which will replace the 54).

And they got plenty of public comments, he said: 3,000 people took the online questionnaire; another 1,000 people provided non-online written comments. As an Admiral-specific result, he said, “I can assure you that we are going to submit a revised proposal that will include some level of bus service on California 7 days a week all the way as far north as Atlantic Street … it looks like that is going to be feasible,” said Lattemann. “We’ll have a second round of proposals out in about a month.”

That round will include another series of community meetings, he said, likely in the first two weeks of February. He says other “concepts” from the draft circulated online and at public open houses (including two in West Seattle) are being revised in response to public comments, too.

One option for that could be extending Route 128, Lattemann said, and that route already is up for an extension with service at least until midnight – California and Admiral both will be served at least that late, he said. (It also, he said, is up for the addition of two afternoon trips to help with the student load at those times.)

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Update: Neighborhood meetings tonight in Pigeon Point, N. Delridge

December 12, 2011 1:31 pm
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Two updates on tonight’s roster of neighborhood meetings: First, thanks to Pete for pointing out that we had omitted a mention of the Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council‘s meeting tonight; it’s their holiday potluck, Pathfinder K-8 (1901 SW Genesee), 6:30 pm. On the agenda is an update from Seattle Police on the rash of burglaries lately in that area (several of which have been included in West Seattle Crime Watch reports). Also – if you are going to tonight’s North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting (agenda here), thanks to Diane for reminding us that the location has changed; it’s not at the usual spot, but instead at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).

West Seattle weekend scene: Neighborhood’s pre-holiday giving

Generosity abounds all over! Today we met these folks, who live along 45th SW between Edmunds and Erskine, just west of the south end of The Junction, after finding out that they have a tradition of cleaning up the neighborhood this time of year. Marilyn Wolf explained, “Whomever is available comes out and sweeps up the leaves on the whole block. The city donates the bags and some supplies and come and pick up all the bags for free when we are done. We also check all the drains in a 4-block radius and make sure they are cleaned by the city to cut down on run off. This is part of the city’s fall clean-up and adopt-a-drain program.” And after those blasts of wind earlier this week – clearing the storm drain is a big help in any neighborhood. (You can find out more about Adopt-A-Drain here.)