Neighborhoods 953 results

Alki Community Council tonight: Slopes, shoreline, more

September 15, 2011 11:19 am
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Sorry, no full-size West Seattle Thursday preview today – you can always check the Events calendar page – but there is one community meeting you might want a heads-up about: Alki Community Council meets tonight, 7 pm at Alki UCC Church (62nd/Hinds). A sure sign of fall is on the agenda – city reps talking about landslide mitigation. Also on the agenda, the “street end improvements” for the shoreline at Bronson (east of Salty’s; photo at left) and emergency preparedness. Full agenda here; all welcome.

Neighborhood power! Two West Seattle block parties tonight

You don’t have to wait for Night Out to have a block party … tonight, we got word of two in West Seattle. First note in announced the 2nd annual Seaview Swine-Que last year’s edition was in September (just as well they didn’t wait this year, at this rate we may have fall snow). Can’t have a Swine-Que without the swine:

Joel Hagman provided the music.

Thanks to Shelly for the tip again this year; she says they procured a Beer Junction sponsorship once again too.

Not long after her note came in, we got word from Patrick in North Admiral that HIS neighborhood had its second annual block party under way:

Neighbors in the Walnut/College area hit the street to celebrate. Like Seaview, they had a bouncy house:

No pig here; the North Admiral party was potluck. P.S. Next organized “block party” type event on the West Seattle calendar is just six days away – Picnic at the Southwest Precinct next Saturday (August 20), 1-4 pm on SW Webster between Delridge and the south Home Depot entrance!

Coming up in Arbor Heights: Crime meeting and block party

August 12, 2011 6:03 am
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Arbor Heights Community Church sends word of two upcoming neighborhood events: A crime-prevention meeting with Seattle Police is planned for 7 pm Tuesday, August 30th, at the church (4113 SW 102nd). All AH residents are welcome, as is also the case with the annual block party, happening even sooner – official announcement ahead:Read More

North Delridge Neighborhood Council: DESC, Stockbox, new logo

Highlights from this week’s North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting included a push for another community forum about the proposed Downtown Emergency Service Center 75-unit apartment building to house homeless people living with mental illness. NDNC leaders said that DESC was suggesting smaller gatherings, but discussion at the meeting solidified a sentiment that a big-group forum was important, as there hadn’t been one yet – given the June 27th meeting (WSB coverage here, with video) from which dozens were turned away given the small size of the venue. No meeting date yet. As reported here two weeks ago, the proposal is now in the city permit system.

NDNC attendees, meeting Monday night outdoors in the Delridge/Genesee park area, also heard a presentation about a new business headed to Delridge:

Stockbox Grocers‘ founders were in attendance to announce they plan to open its first West Seattle prototype on September 1st, in a parking lot at the Westhaven Apartments (24th/Holden).

Presenting the plan to NDNC, Stockbox’s Carrie Ferrence explained it’s a “miniature grocery,” meant to be permanently housed in a recycled cargo container, though the two-month West Seattle experiment will be in a 20 x 8 “portable office” structure. Stockbox is a for-profit startup that hopes to grow to multiple locations with mini-corner-store type operations, but for now, they’re planning to start in the Delridge and Skyway areas. They’re also trying to raise $15,000 more capital via a Kickstarter campaign. They’ll start by being open 3-8 pm (to catch people heading home) weekdays, 8 am-8 pm weekends.

Also at NDNC: A round of voting resulted in a choice for the organization’s new logo:

That was one of nine entries in the council’s open-to-the-public logo contest. Turns out, though, the artist isn’t from Delridge – but rather, from Edmonds, according to NDNC’s Patrick Baer, who spearheaded the contest.

NDNC also discussed plans for upcoming events including the Delridge Day festival, 11 am-3 pm on September 17th, which they’re organizing – vendor booths (still time to apply), food, and more, plus the centerpiece of the day, the skatepark dedication – the festival site will be in the adjacent park area. Asked if there will be live music, project lead Amanda Leonard said Parks is working on that. NDNC needs lots of volunteer help to make Delridge Day a success;

NDNC also reiterated the public invitation for this weekend’s Longfellow Creek walk: Meet at 26th/Brandon (Greg Davis Park) at 1 pm Sunday (August 14th) – kids and pets welcome.

You can find out more about the North Delridge Neighborhood Council at; meetings are first Mondays, 6:30 pm, Delridge Library unless otherwise announced – like this summer’s outdoor versions!

West Seattle ‘Night Out’ 2011: Parties around the peninsula

(WEDNESDAY NOTE: We’ve received several more photos from Night Out parties, and have added them to this report, which now includes scenes from 18 parties!)

6:11 PM: At some West Seattle “Night Out” block parties tonight, it’ll be as much carnival atmosphere as anything else – the folks at 32nd and Kenyon shared that photo of the bouncy house awaiting neighborhood kids. In Upper Fauntleroy, the block party we’ll be missing while out covering others already has one young attendee in place:

That’s Colin, who’s 9. We’re in Gatewood right now, as of 6:10 pm, and heading to as many stops as we can make before 9 pm (let us know if your party’s running late – we found one last year after dark).:

That’s the first of two Gatewood parties we’re stopping by – 97-year-old Louise is the star of the show; she’s lived on the block since the ’40s. Thanks to Holly for letting us know about the party in Louise’s ‘hood.

6:21 PM: A few blocks southwest of Louise and company, this jovial Gatewood group is barbecuing:

Thanks to Jill for the invite.

6:29 PM: Heading east into Westwood, a few adjacent blocks have so many parties, Kelly e-mailed to tell us they’re offering “passports” to encourage people to visit them all and meet more neighbors. Here’s Denise, who came up with the passport idea:

6:49 PM: Scenes from three of the parties in Kelly and Denise’s neighborhood:

More to come – South Delridge/Highland Park next!

7:01 PM: Marcia Ventura invited us via Facebook to stop by the 9000 block of 13th SW:

We didn’t realize that there we would also find local artist/belly dancer Dina Lydia Johnson – who made the sign in the photo (and is also a photographer – she took a group shot right before ours) – and her fellow community advocate husband Blair Johnson, as well as more of their neighbors. Next stop – High Point Community Center.

7:20 PM: Turns out the HPCC party is more a series of small gatherings elsewhere in High Point. We’re now en route to the HQ of the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network, in Hansen View, near Providence Mount St. Vincent (WSB sponsor). But we do have a new photo, e-mailed from Alki by Lisa Dawson:

7:39 PM: As we head toward Pigeon Point, photos from the WSBWCN leaders’ block:

Biggest crowd we’ve seen so far – they had 80 people last year and think they’re close to that this time. They had a high-level SPD visitor too – Assistant Chief Dick Reed, with WSBWCN’s Deb Greer and Karen Berge, and neighbor Jim:

8:08 PM: At the Pigeon Point party, Pete Spalding told us they’d already had a visit from Assistant Chief Reed – as well as precinct commander Capt. Steve Paulsen. And Seattle Fire Department made its annual stop at that high-profile party – here’s the Engine 36 crew from just down the hill at the north end of Delridge:

The kids of Pigeon Point were creating street art:

And the grownups were nominating neighbors for a new “garden recognition” award to be named after the late Vivian McLean, a neighborhood giant known for (among many other things) her beautiful garden:

Visiting from nearby Puget Ridge at the center of the photo, by the way, that’s Stu Hennessey of Alki Bike and Board and Sustainable West Seattle (seen recently atop the award-winning Trikeceratops in the West Seattle Grand Parade). Pete pointed out that West Seattle Nursery donated the plant atop the nomination table.

We’re in North Delridge now – but first, Cheryl shares a photo from her block party in Fauntlee Hills:

8:36 PM: From the North Delridge party, more Seattle firefighters meeting neighbors:

And we’re now in Seaview, where SPD Community Police Team Officers Kevin McDaniel and Ken Mazzuca are visiting a party (photo added 8:54):

Thanks to Alison for the invite. We then rolled over to South Admiral – where the block party we were going to check out was packing up – does happen by this time of night. We found some night owls in Fairmount Springs last year and are going to head that way before wrapping up the Night Out 2011 journey. We’d still welcome your photos, too, as we’re likely to have one more roundup tonight or tomorrow. (

ADDED WEDNESDAY MORNING: Decided to add the additional pix here. First, from Barbara, in the 8800 block of 38th Ave SW, where Ladder 11 stopped by:

In the Admiral District, Kendall shared a photo from their party *at* a fire station (29):

From Cinda on 42nd SW in Gatewood (where she says the second photo shows neighborhood kids writing “42ND ROX”):

Next one is from Seaview, where Karl reports a great turnout in the “48th Avenue corridor from Hudson to Brandon”:

From 52nd/Stevens, BD shares this photo of “one of the dads, doling out s’mores at the Night Out party. We were all about the fire and s’mores over here”:

Still a few more to come!

Night Out eve: Still time to get West Seattle parties on the map

(2010 Night Out photo of 48th/Dawson party, by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
Tomorrow night is the biggest block-party night of the year around West Seattle and the rest of the U.S. – Night Out. Years ago, it started as National Night Out Against Crime, and that’s still its focus, to bring together neighbors and neighborhoods in the interest of crime prevention and deterrence. It’s not too late to get your party on the citywide map – a few West Seattle events are there now, but we know there are more! (10 am Tuesday is the deadline.) And thanks to party organizers who have sent us info on locations/times for the traditional WSB “as it happens” Night Out report – if you wouldn’t mind us potentially stopping by, please e-mail us the address and who to ask for. It’s a great chance to celebrate neighborhood spirit.

2 weeks till Night Out – registered your West Seattle block party yet?

Only two weeks till this year’s Night Out Against Crime, Tuesday, August 2nd. Still time to register your block party so you can close the street, providing it’s not an arterial. Here’s where to sign up.. You can also check out the Night Out page on Facebookfind it here. And if you wouldn’t mind us stopping by your party as we travel around that night trying to get to as many as possible, please send us the address (here’s how to reach us) before party night, and let us know who to ask for! Also note the city is inviting people to map their parties by adding them to a calendar – this is the first time ever for that – once you’re in the calendar, there’s a map on the city Night Out page showing locations that have been added!

Admiral Neighborhood Assoc.: Candidates, concerts, more

July 13, 2011 6:59 pm
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(From left, ANA secretary Jim Cavin, president Katy Walum, City Council candidate Brad Meacham, City Councilmember Bruce Harrell)

Story and photos by Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Political discussion, local business interests, community safety, and summer entertainment took center stage at the July meeting of the Admiral Neighborhood Association Tuesday night at Admiral Congregational Church.

Meeting highlights included discussions with two candidates for the Seattle City Council, details about the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series (lineup here), a presentation about disaster preparedness, and updates on ANA’s efforts to engage with Admiral-area businesses.

Read More

West Seattle Junction Neighborhood Service Center closes, quietly

With just a minute to go till 5 pm, one last visitor went into the city’s Neighborhood Service Center in The Junction, which then closed quietly, permanently.

We dropped by about 10 till 5 to see what was happening in its final moments.

The customer-service rep didn’t want us to take his photo. He’s one of the people losing his job because of the midyear budget cut that shut the center down, less than a year after passionate lobbying by neighborhood advocates saved from a previous budget ax.

At 4:50: “I didn’t know this place was closing down,” a woman said, aloud but to herself, in the lobby’s corner.

4:52, another woman walked in: “Where’s the nearest pay phone?” The customer-service rep told her she could use the phone on the wall right outside his window.

4:55, another woman came in to pay a bill. Maybe two.

Another employee entered the lobby. Maybe we can photograph you closing the door one last time? we ask. He pointed out the door is power-assisted and closes automatically. So much for the potentially poignant shot; the NSC – “linking city government to Seattle’s neighborhoods,” as its webpage says – was just going to unlink one neighborhood without fanfare. As of tomorrow, you can transact city business in the one remaining NSC on the peninsula, in Delridge, north of the library.

West Seattle summer: Beloved Mexico @ Admiral concerts

As popular as the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series (presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association, with co-sponsors including WSB) has been, many have wished for dinner options, so you don’t have to haul in your picnic for the outdoor series. Today, there’s word there will be something new this year – the Beloved Mexico food truck, which has been a fixture at the West Seattle Produce lot along Fauntleroy Way, will be there, according to ANA president Katy Walum. Definitely for the five shows that will be at Hiawatha, and they’ll also try to be at the one show set for Alki (August 11), she says. Also booked again this year: The Full Tilt Ice Cream bicycle-pulled cart with ice-cream bars, for all shows. Missed the announcement of the Admiral concert lineup? Check it out here; six Thursday nights, starting July 28th, free, all ages welcome, BYO chairs/blankets!

Admiral Neighborhood Assoc.: Ready for a busy summer ahead

By Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

It’s shaping up to be an action-packed summer schedule for the Admiral Neighborhood Association, based on the full agenda and lively discussions at the group’s meeting Tuesday night at Admiral Congregational Church.

Meeting highlights included a recap of plans for the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series (lineup here) and Admiral 4th of July Kids’ Parade (latest update here), a “summer activity” preview from SPD, and discussion about ANA’s new website (latest update here).

Ahead, toplines including what police had to say about the reported child-luring attempt in Admiral, as well as information about events that will interest even those who live outside Admiral:Read More

Admiral Neighborhood Association: New website; Tuesday meeting

Two notes from the Admiral Neighborhood Association: First, they’re the latest neighborhood group to launch a website – it went live over the weekend; you can see it here. Previously, their main means of communication was a Yahoo! mail group. The website includes information on the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series (co-sponsored by WSB), which previously had its own site.

Second – tomorrow night is ANA’s monthly meeting, with lots on the agenda, including the concert series and the 4th of July Kids’ Parade (previewed here earlier tonight). 7 pm at Admiral Congregational Church, lower meeting room, California/Hill – see the full agenda here.

Also in action today: Admiral Neighborhood Association volunteers

Yet another of the many groups out doing great things in great weather today – this morning was the quarterly Adopt-a-Street event for the Admiral Neighborhood Association, whose president Katy Walum shared the photo, explaining: “Big smiles from some of our younger volunteers as they set out to clean up in the sunshine! 13 showed up today. We thank all of our volunteers for their commitment to keeping Admiral beautiful.” ANA has another big summer ahead – the free Summer Concerts at Hiawatha (with WSB among the sponsors) run Thursday nights July 28-September 1 (here’s the lineup, if you missed our story on the announcement last month).

SW District Council, report #1: New Neighborhoods boss

June 2, 2011 2:18 am
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Bernie Matsuno, awaiting confirmation as director of the city Department of Neighborhoods, met with the Southwest District Council on Wednesday night, asking for “patience.” She inherited big changes required by big budget cuts last year – most notably the reorganization of the District Coordinators team, no longer including one coordinator per district, but now serving 13 districts with 9 coordinators who work in teams. “It’s going to take some time before they know the region as well as they know their own district.” (The South Region team now serving West Seattle does not include either of the area’s longtime coordinators – Stan Lock, who had staffed Southwest, moved to another part of the city; Ron Angeles, who had staffed Delridge, retired.) Though district councils including SW have expressed concern, Matsuno said she doesn’t expect that staffing level to change any time soon – especially with directors having been asked by the mayor to come up with potential 12 percent budget cuts.

An extra wrinkle for Matsuno: Mayor McGinn has asked her and four other department directors (Economic Development, Housing, Sustainability/Environment, and Arts/Cultural Affairs) to explore the possibility of consolidation . She told SWDC members she doesn’t believe the mayor wants to get rid of Neighborhoods or “minimize it to the point where we don’t know what it is any more,” but she admitted it’s tough to review without knowing where he’s leaning. Earlier in the day, she said, had been the sixth meeting regarding the “feasibility study” for the potential consolidation, and the question remains whether it would save any money. “We have it down to five different options,” she revealed.

Speaking of research: DON has an online survey going, asking you how they should prioritize their “outreach and engagement” activities. Share your thoughts here.

Alki Community Council: Sunday=Fun Day; Seal Sitters briefing…

May 19, 2011 8:16 pm
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Big stuff at the beach, starting with Sunday’s big events – read on for toplines from the Alki Community Council meeting just concluded:Read More

New decals debut at Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting

We’re at the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s monthly meeting, where the sticker/decal you see on the vehicle window has made its debut. They’re available for purchase as of right now – $5 each. You can e-mail ANA president Katy Walum at, or come to an ANA event such as the monthly meetings (2nd Tuesday, 7 pm, lower-level meeting room at Admiral Church), upcoming Summer Concerts at Hiawatha in July/August/September, or the 4th of July Kids’ Parade. Katy says, “Show your Admiral pride and support the neighborhood.” More to come from the meeting, including the lineup for this year’s concert series (Thursday nights July 28-Sept. 1st)!

Alki Community Council: Be part of 5/22! Plus, The Whale Trail

(October 2010 West Seattle orca sighting; photo courtesy Jeff Hogan)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Want to help make the next “car-free day” on Alki more of a street party than it’s been before? Want to help save the orcas? Opportunities for both factored into Thursday night’s Alki Community Council meeting, with major topics including Alki’s Summer Streets day (just one month away, May 22nd) and imminent West Seattle milestones for The Whale Trail:Read More

Morgan Community Association: Festival; potential park space; more…

Story and photos by Katie Meyer
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

A new wayfinding kiosk, an update on the Murray CSO Control Project, and the 6th annual Morgan Junction Festivalthis June were some of the topics covered at the Morgan Community Association‘s quarterly meeting last night.


*A wayfinding kiosk will soon go up on the west side of Fauntleroy Way SW across from the tennis courts, with map and information about the area including Lincoln Park and Solstice Park.

*An update on the Murray CSO project was presented by Martha Tuttle from King County: The environmental review has been completed and results will be made public later this month, after which the public has 14 days to comment, then the design phase begins.

*The Morgan Junction Festival will be on June 25th, with 2 different stages for live music from 10:30 am to 7 pm; local vendors, plenty of activities for children, and the “Bite of Morgan” featuring local restaurants.

Traffic-calming concerns, Zipcars, a unanimous re-election, emergency preparedness drills, tips on deterring crime, and more, after the jump:Read More

Mayor chooses Bernie Matsuno as permanent Neighborhoods director

Bernie Matsuno, who’s been acting director of the Department of Neighborhoods for three months, will be its permanent director if confirmed by the City Council, according to an announcement just sent by Mayor McGinn‘s office. The announcement includes other appointments – a new personnel director and communications director. Read on for the full news release:Read More

Admiral Neighborhood Assoc.: Union promise; Rasmussen; more

April 13, 2011 9:14 am
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By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

“It’s been quite a meeting,” observed Admiral Neighborhood Association president Katy Walum as her group’s monthly session concluded last night.

That, it had – with a promise and a presentation from a labor union that recently drew ire for its noisy protest, a briefing from a city councilmember, and pride over a regional magazine feature, among other highlights. Toplines ahead:

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Neighborhoods: North Delridge tonight, Admiral tomorrow

April 11, 2011 9:15 am
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NORTH DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL TONIGHT: Agenda includes this Saturday’s “Green Up! Delridge” event (previewed here) and NDNC‘s strategic goals for the months and years ahead. 6:30 pm tonight, Delridge Library (Delridge/Brandon).

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION TOMORROW: As mentioned briefly Friday in our first report on the Admiral Safeway hard-hat tour (2nd report coming today), ANA president Katy Walum invited all sides of the recent construction-site protests (WSB coverage here and here) to come explain (and answer questions). So far, Walum says, both the Regional Council of Carpenters and Marquise Drywall (the company they targeted) have confirmed they’re sending representatives. 7 pm Tuesday, Admiral Congregational Church lower-level meeting room (California/Hill).

2 West Seattle neighborhood alerts: ‘Keep a lookout’

April 3, 2011 8:14 pm
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Two notes from the WSB inbox might best be termed “neighborhood alerts” – one a warning of vandals on wheels, the other, a potential scavenger, at the very least – read on:Read More

No 47th/Admiral light, and more from Admiral Neighborhood Assoc.

From last night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting: ANA president Katy Walum read a letter from SDOT turning down the longrunning request for a pedestrian light at 47th/Admiral (map), the intersection where City Council staffer Tatsuo Nakata was hit and killed more than four years ago. ANA has been pressing for stepped-up safety measures at that intersection; the letter signed by SDOT’s Luke Korpi pointed out the intersection has had work done including the addition of curb bulbs and, more recently, stop lines (as you can see in our photo), ultimately concluding that its volume of usage doesn’t merit a pedestrian signal. Walum said she is continuing to hear from area residents who see numerous near-collisions, and vowed not to give up pushing for a signal.

That was just one of the items on the agenda for last night’s meeting in the lower-level meeting room of Admiral Congregational Church – read on for more toplines including the latest on the Lafayette Playground project and the plans for this year’s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series:Read More