Tomorrow (Sunday, October 20) night, the Byrd Ensemble returns to West Seattle with a new vocal concert, spotlighting the music of “The Tudors.” The Byrd Ensemble is sponsoring WSB this weekend to make sure you know about a ticket deal – 30 percent off if you order online with the code WSBLOG30. The concert is at 7:30 pm Sunday at Holy Rosary Catholic Church (42nd and Genesee) – here’s what you’ll see and hear:
An exploration of Renaissance music from Tudor England, this program features Latin motets by the finest composers of the era: John Taverner, Robert White, William Cornysh, John Sheppard, and William Byrd. The program also includes a new work by American composer Nico Muhly, Fallings (2023), commissioned by the Byrd Ensemble in celebration of their 20th Anniversary.
The Byrd Ensemble, directed by Markdavin Obenza, is an internationally acclaimed, Seattle-based professional ensemble performing with at least 10 singers.
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