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Huge turnout for Northwest Hope and Healing’s Alki Beach Run

(if you’re looking for someone in the crowd, here’s a slightly larger version of that clip)
Last night, we told you West Seattle-based Northwest Hope and Healing had 750-plus people signed up for today’s Alki Beach Run 5K run-walk to raise money for its mission of helping breast-cancer patients. Today – just take a look at that first video clip atop this report; we had a great eagle’s-eye view of the start of the race, and in our video, you can see all ONE THOUSAND-PLUS participants stream by – huge turnout! We talked to Northwest Hope and Healing director Shari Sewell during the run/walk, and she told us they had printed up 900-plus bibs, but ran out during registration this morning! Now – did you notice the flag in the video clip? Read on to see what it symbolizes, see a clip of what the flagbearers did just before the run, and hear from the person they walked in honor of – oh, plus, see the first finisher, all ahead:Read More

Alki Beach Run tomorrow: Record turnout expected

We’ve been telling you about West Seattle-based Northwest Hope and Healing‘s Alki Beach Run tomorrow, to raise money to help local women diagnosed with breast cancer. Should be a busy morning at the beach – we got word tonight that more than 700 participants are expected, more than triple last year’s turnout (the race format and location were different), for the 5K run/walk. But there’s still room for you to join in – register starting at 8 am at Alki Bathhouse; get details on the official website.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Walk ‘n’ Roll; mystery; colors


That’s the start of the Ataxia Awareness “Walk ‘n’ Roll” along Alki this morning. (Here’s more about ataxia, a nervous-system disorder; here’s how to reach the local support group.) P.S. The Alki Beach Run for Northwest Hope and Healing is tomorrow (online registration is closed, but race-day registration starts 8 am tomorrow @ the bathhouse). Second note – on the way to Alki this morning, we MAY HAVE solved part of a mystery:


That tent is on the industrial site just east of the Bronson street end, which in turn is just east of Salty’s. Between the tent, the nearby rental trucks, and the lights (photo below – one of at least two such setups on the site), we think it MIGHT be … we emphasize, MIGHT … be part of the answer to the movie-site mystery we reported two days ago. Maybe.


Of course, whatever’s happening there might have happened yesterday .. might be happening tonight … or who knows when. But we’ll keep an eye out. (SATURDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Karen says now that more setup has happened, it looks like a wedding. Oh well.) Meantime, close by, a quick pic of one of our favorite pockets of West Seattle fall colors:


That’s at Duwamish Head Greenspace. As for what else is up this weekend – check the West Seattle Weekend Lineup! Which is missing one activity we just were reminded of, in e-mail from West Seattle naturalist Stewart Wechsler, who says a few spots are still left:

Owl Hoot at Camp Long
Tonight, Sat September 27 7-9 p.m.
Ages 5 and older

A family friendly program. All ages and levels are welcome. Barred Owls
are likely (they’re usually around at Camp Long, but not always vocal or
visible) We will at least be able to see remnants of old pellets under old
perches. We’ll also keep an ear and a number of eyes out for Screech Owls,
which are possible, but not very likely anymore, since Camp Long was taken
over by Barred Owls. Great Horned sometimes show up in late October, but
we’ll try hooting for them just in case. After a short presentation with our
mounted owls of several species, we’ll look for owls. Remind me to bring
the Bat Dectector, as there are likely still some bats around. We’ll poke
around for pellets to pull apart and hear how to hoot. Please call (206)
684-7434 to register.

California/Dawson crash: Detective looking for witnesses


Just got off the phone with the Seattle Police traffic-collision detective who is investigating the crash that killed 92-year-old Rosemary MacCorkindale in the California/Dawson crosswalk earlier this week (investigation photo above). We’d originally called to check on the 30th/Trenton June motorcycle crash (after publishing this story about its survivor) and the 35th/Juneau crash that injured a 15-year-old girl (short answer on both those – the investigations aren’t complete yet), and he asked if we could put out this request: He is still looking for witnesses in the California/Dawson crash. Not people who “heard” something about it secondhand, but anyone who actually saw it happen, or perhaps something just before it happened. If you were a witness, please call/e-mail him, or if you know someone who saw something, please ask them to contact him: Detective Michael Korner, 206/684-8927, – he also gave us some insight into how the process of investigating major crashes works, and why just because a citation’s not issued at the scene doesn’t mean something won’t happen later – we’ll post about that separately later, en route to the Viaduct briefing now.

Update on Red Cross volunteer request

September 24, 2008 2:07 pm
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UPDATE FROM ORIGINAL POST: When we first posted this a few hours ago, it was a forwarded request for volunteers to go help Hurricane Ike survivors. We have since been contacted by the source of the e-mail saying they are overwhelmed with volunteers and don’t need any more for what that solicitation specifically mentioned – but they DO have a different need:Read More

The next festival: Fauntleroy looking for volunteers

September 24, 2008 1:53 pm
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From Kim Petram, e-mailing about the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, coming up Sunday, October 19th, 2-6 pm, at Fauntleroy Church/Schoolhouse/YMCA:

This will be the 6th year of our free community festival. It has grown tremendously and this year we are expecting more than 1,200 people to attend.

There will be many of the favorite activities returning including the climbing wall, pony rides, pumpkin painting and lots of community performances and music. The wood project for the year will be a fun airplane to build and the main craft project will entail designing and painting the Metro bus stop kiosk panels for Fauntleroy.

More details to come – posters and signs will be up soon in the community.

Currently we are looking for volunteer support to fill a few slots still remaining. If you can volunteer 2 hours on the day of the event we would love to have you! Please contact to sign up.

Pedestrian-safety rally planned in West Seattle


(WSB photo from 35th/Juneau crash scene, 9/4/08)
Just in from Denise Sharify, who works for Neighborhood House in High Point and has been active on area pedestrian issues: A pedestrian-safety rally is set for 2:30-4 pm October 7 at 35th/Juneau, where a High Point 15-year-old was hit and injured just a few weeks ago. Everyone concerned about pedestrian safety in our area – not just on 35th – is encouraged to join in; Denise’s note to community members also mentions the California/Dawson crash that killed 92-year-old Rosemary MacCorkindale yesterday and the 35th/Brandon crash that killed 39-year-old Gregory Hampel last month. More details on the rally when plans are further finalized.

Got some time Saturday to help people save energy and money?

September 23, 2008 8:55 am
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This event has been on the WSB Events calendar for a while, and it’s been previewed at partner site White Center Now, but the day’s getting closer and the call for volunteers (see the flyer here) has been renewed in the West Seattle as well as WC: A coalition of environmental and economic-justice groups plans to send volunteers to visit every home in White Center this Saturday to share information about energy efficiency. As you can imagine, that takes a volunteer force of hundreds; if you can spare some time that day, go here to find out how to get involved.

Three chances to put your feet where your heart is

Quick note about two fundraising walks next weekend in West Seattle, and one next month just called to our attention by a West Seattleite: First, just one week left till the Alki Beach Run for Northwest Hope and Healing, a West Seattle-based group that helps cancer patients, 9 am next Sunday (most recent update here; NWHH is sponsoring WSB this month to help further spread the word). Also next weekend, Alki will be the site of Walk ‘n’ Roll to raise money to fight ataxia (a nervous-system disorder) – 10 am Saturday (registration at 9) – here’s the flyer. And we just found out through a West Seattleite on our Facebook list that the underdiscussed fight to prevent suicide is coming to Seattle with a Green Lake walk on Oct. 11 (the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention‘s “Overnight” happened in Seattle earlier this year; we covered it here, and previewed it in this interview with a West Seattleite who lost her dad to suicide). Kristen Preusser gets credit for spreading the word about the upcoming Green Lake walk; we sent in a pledge and she wondered if we’d mind sharing the link to her fundraising page. Nope, not at all; here it is. (Anybody else in WS signed up for this walk? Let us know.)

Happening now: Cupcakes for Cora

September 21, 2008 4:08 pm
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While back in The Junction for the Car Show-ending awards ceremony (more on that in our wrapup later), we hopped over to the Seattle Lutheran High School gym, where the Cupcakes for Cora fundraiser (previewed here) continues till 5:30 pm. And we got to meet Cora, who is in pre-kindergarten at Our Lady of Guadalupe. She said she’s feeling “fine,” and her parents confirm all’s going well right now; some 4-year-olds just aren’t too chatty but we really got Cora to talk a blue streak when we asked about her friends at school:

(video no longer available due to shutdown)

Mom Chrissie and dad Ron were kind of out of the viewfinder by the time Cora told us all that, but they wanted to say “thanks” to the West Seattle community for its generosity. If you don’t see this till after Cupcakes for Cora is over, there’s info in our preview post about how you can still chip in to help Cora and her family as this brave little girl fights to win her battle against the Wilms Tumor that has already put her through surgery and chemotherapy.

2 more Junction events today: Farmers’ Market; Cupcakes for Cora

September 21, 2008 6:07 am
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The car show‘s not the only event in The Junction today. Here are 2 more reminders:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: As always, Sunday morning means we link to the latest “Ripe ‘n’ Ready” fresh sheet highlighting what to look for at the Farmers’ Market (10 am-2 pm, 44th/Alaska): Check it out here.

cora1.jpgCUPCAKES FOR CORA: We first told you about Cora (photo left) a few days ago: She’s a West Seattle 4-year-old who just started preschool — and is fighting a rare cancer called Wilms’ Tumor; she’s already been through surgery and is now receiving chemotherapy. This afternoon in the Seattle Lutheran High School gym (4141 41st SW; here’s a map) 2:30-5:30 pm, you’re invited to “Cupcakes for Cora,” a fundraising – and just plain fun – event to help Cora and her family, including a silent auction as well as those cupcakes. It’s a drop-in event, so stop by whenever you can make it.

New WSB Forums section: Freebies, Deals, Sales

September 20, 2008 4:00 pm
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Almost since their start 9 months ago, the WSB Forums — with more than 28,000 posts in nearly 2,000 topics, to date — have been a place for West Seattleites to help each other, as well as a place to discuss myriad topics (sometimes cheerily, sometimes crabbily, seldom boringly). computer.jpgHelp comes in many forms, from the official sections such as Reader Recommendations (where’s the best place to … who’s the best person to …) and Jobs Offered (businesses can post “help wanted” listings FREE), to individual discussions/events such as the fundraiser that helped an arson-damaged business recover (our report here), and many other smaller efforts in which people have come together to lend a hand. So the current economic jitters have inspired a new section: Freebies, Deals, Sales. Fairly self-explanatory (sales includes yard/garage/rummage sales, but can also include major business sales, like “annual half off everything”) – rather than set too many guidelines at the start, we’re going to watch first to see how YOU choose to use it. We just put it up a few hours ago and already, two people have posted freebies. West Seattle/White Center vicinity only, please; and, when your freebie is gone, or your sale is over, come back to post that too, so we can keep the area current. We prefer that the posts come from those who are offering the freebie/deal/sale, but if you spot something good you want to share, it’s OK to post that too – we reserve the right to delete anything suspicious, though (so this kind of thing doesn’t happen). Anyway: The new section’s here.

8 days left till the 5K Alki Beach Run for NW Hope and Healing


One week from tomorrow, it’s your chance to multitask in the best of ways: Enjoy an invigorating 5K run/walk along Alki, while raising money for a West Seattle-based organization that helps women fighting breast cancer. The Northwest Hope and Healing Foundation sponsored its fundraiser run through Lincoln Park last year (see photo above), but this year it’s along Alki, from the Bathhouse to Anchor/Luna Park and back. When NWHH joined the WSB sponsor team earlier this month to provide a continuous reminder of the upcoming Alki Beach Run, we wrote here about all the work they do – it’s different from the organizations that are researching treatments and cures; Northwest Hope and Healing provides services to help patients cope with the immediate needs in their lives once they have been diagnosed … and sadly, there still are plenty of people who need that help (read more on this NWHH webpage). It all starts a week from tomorrow, 9 am Sunday 9/28; you can register online here, right now — or if you can’t do the run/walk but would like to contribute to Northwest Hope and Healing anyway, you can do that here.

Want to help design a new West Seattle workout spot?

September 19, 2008 11:56 pm
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Southwest Community Center needs your help designing a new fitness room to replace the current workout zone next to the pool (which has been closed 3 months, 1 1/2 to go, for renovation work). To help, join in three workshops set for 6-8 pm 9/25, 10/16, 11/20. Want to know more? E-mail Kellee Jones,

WestSide Baby needs your help now: Newborn-size diaper shortage!

Just out of the WSB inbox from Nancy Woodland at WestSide Baby – can you help?

WestSide Baby has empty diaper shelves in the Newborn size! Although we were lucky to collect 27,000 diapers at Stuff the Bus at the end of July, we started supplementing the smallest (newborn) and largest (5&6) the very same week. As often occurs, most diaper drives result in a lot of diapers in the 1-4 sizes and our smallest and largest baby bottoms are missed. We will take open packages and we’re thrilled to announce a NEW Diapers Only drive-thru drop off location in the West Seattle Junction at Red Cup Espresso: 4453 California Ave. SW. Diapers can also be dropped off at any of our other drop off locations found at

We also collect carseat and booster seats that are in good condition, less than 6 years old and that have not been in an accident. We really need those carseats as well and we can accept them at the drop off locations.

The specific dropoff locations are listed on this page of the WestSide baby site.

Have a cupcake, to help 4-year-old Cora fight cancer

cora1.jpgStarting preschool is enough of a milestone — but Cora, a West Seattle 4-year-old, happens to be doing it while undergoing chemotherapy. Shortly after her birthday this past June, she was diagnosed with a Wilms’ tumor (explained here) in one of her kidneys. Friends and family say this is very rare – eight in a million US kids. One day after Cora was diagnosed, the tumor and kidney were taken out in a seven-hour operation. Her immune system is compromised because of the chemo but her family and friends are “praying for a healthy fall and winter so she can continue to attend (preschool).” To help in Cora’s fight, they are inviting you to join them anytime between 2:30-5:30 pm this Sunday at the Seattle Lutheran High School gym (4141 41st SW; here’s a map) for cupcakes, a silent auction, and a chance to buy Team Cora T-shirts. (If you can’t go, you can still help: Cora’s aunt Lori says, “Checks are payable to Ron and Chrissy Cardenas at any Wells Fargo branch to acct# 9713630631; if they would like to donate electronically they can use the Routing and transmittal #125008547.”

3 “green” updates: Ravine dedication; free hike; trail planning

September 15, 2008 12:59 pm
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FIRST UPDATE: Unless you live in the Gatewood vicinity – maybe even if you do – you may not ever have laid eyes on the Orchard Street Ravine, a lovely little oasis that’s way up the eastward Orchard Street hill, at the dead end of its northern fork (map). It’s a Pro Parks Levy project that’s been enhanced with tons of volunteer help through Friends of Orchard Street Ravine (including a work party this past weekend), and now it’s been announced that the city will officially dedicate Orchard Street Ravine with a ceremony and celebration on October 11. Details from the Morgan Community Association bulletin:

The ravine is in the second year of restoration and the trail connecting to the upper neighborhood will be opened at this event. Music, food, displays and information are all part of the celebration, with the official program beginning at 12:30. Parking at the site will be limited to disabled parking and dropoff only, so please plan to walk or bike to the event site.

SECOND UPDATE: We move on to another West Seattle greenbelt, where this Friday is your next chance for a free hike like this one:


That’s Nancy Whitlock of the Nature Consortium, explaining the sights and sounds of the West Duwamish Greenbelt to the group (including two WSB Team members – here’s our report) that joined her on the May version of its free monthly hikes through the WDG. You can join the next one, 1-2:30 pm this Friday, meet at the 14th SW/SW Holly trailhead (map) – but please RSVP first, 206-923-0853 or e-mail – it’s a fairly easy walk, suitable for just about anyone. THIRD UPDATE: Chas Redmond, who co-shepherded the first-ever West Seattle Walking Trails map, sends word that the next phase of making West Seattle more walkable is a planning session to which YOU are invited — 10 am-noon October 18, Camp Long Lodge. What’s to be planned, you ask? Among other things, the deployment of 100,000 city dollars to install signs along the proposed West Seattle Trail Network (which is featured in the WSWT map) – 60 signs and 10 kiosks.

Also happening today: Captain Phil, Bridge Park, football fundraiser

CAPTAIN PHIL IN WEST SEATTLE: The “Deadliest Catch” reality show co-star will be at West Seattle Thriftway 11 am-1 pm today to pitch his “Deadliest Coffee” (check this report from earlier in the week for more details and lots of fan discussion).

BRIDGE PARK: This new retirement community (which is one of our newest sponsors) is throwing open its doors for an open house 11 am-5 pm today, including guided tours and door prizes, plus a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 1:30 pm. Read more about Bridge Park (including its pet-friendliness!) here; it’s on Morgan at Lanham, just a few blocks east of 35th, across from High Point’s Commons Park.

FOOTBALL FUNDRAISER: The West Seattle Junior Wildcats junior football team will be washing cars and selling burgers/hot dogs in the West Seattle High School parking lot, 9 am-4 pm.

West Seattle Farmers’ Market: A day to bring, to buy, to taste

September 14, 2008 6:34 am
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Three notes about today’s West Seattle Farmers’ Market: First, if you grow fruit and/or vegetables, bring some to the market today, to “Share the Bounty”> via Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle, which will donate it to the White Center Food Bank (which also serves part of West Seattle). Second – it’s tomato-tasting day, starting at 11 am (one hour after the market opens). Third – here’s our regular weekly link to the Ripe ‘n’ Ready “fresh sheet.”

Saturday highlights around (and near) West Seattle

September 13, 2008 6:07 am
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LAST WEEKEND TO GO TO COSTCO THE USUAL WAY: By Tuesday morning, the sign beneath the sheeting should be unmasked, to point you toward the detour that will kick in from the 1st Avenue South exit on the eastbound West Seattle Bridge – because that’s when eastbound lower Spokane Street will close 1st-5th to all but local (deliveries etc.) traffic. You’ll have to turn left on 1st at the bottom of the offramp, head to Lander, then up to 4th, and then to Costco (etc.). It’s the very first phase of work that in 3 years will result in a double-the-current-width Spokane Street Viaduct (archived WSB coverage here).

PARKING ALERT: Long stretches of California SW between Alaska and Morgan Junctions are marked by “no parking” signs in effect for today; we’ll be checking shortly on exactly what sort of road work this is for.

ANOTHER TRAFFIC NOTE: Another reminder, the eastbound Fauntleroy end of The Bridge will have the outside lane blocked off for the West Seattle Gateway Cleanup most of the day today (hundreds of volunteers; not too late to join them, here’s how).

SPEAKING OF VOLUNTEERS: The volunteer hours and donated $ that communities contribute to city Neighborhood Matching Fund-assisted projects are celebrated today in an NMF 20th-anniversary open house at Youngstown Arts Center, 10 am-2 pm.

IT’S COOKIN’ ON ALKI: Only a couple tents were set up as of late last night but lots more should be showing up this morning for the weekend-long Evergreen State Barbecue Championships along the Alki promenade. More here (including a famous food-seller!).

CLEAN CARS FOR A CAUSE: Latest fundraising car wash – West Seattle High School girls’ volleyball team, 10 am-2 pm at the WSHS parking lot.

BONAFIDE BELL-RINGING: With a month and a half to go till the election, your doorbell’s going to start ringing a lot. Today, it just might be the folks trying to rev up support for the Sound Transit ballot measure, “Mass Transit Now”; they’re gathering at midmorning in Morgan Junction to launch a round of West Seattle canvassing.

Much more – live music! live theater! plant sale! rummage sale! fish-b-q! — in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup; here’s a quicklink to today’s events.

Hours to go till the West Seattle Gateway Cleanup!

September 12, 2008 10:01 pm
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After months of organizing, the big cleanup along the Fauntleroy end of The Bridge, from Walking on Logs to 35th/Fauntleroy (where Department of Corrections crews have just done some pre-clearing, as per photo above) is finally here. From organizer Nancy Driver:

It’s looking like we are going to have a really beautiful day for a cleanup. Thanks to the terrific response from the community, we will have well over 200 volunteers at the cleanup tomorrow. I’m really excited to see what it will look like after we’ve finished. Here’s what you need to know for tomorrow:

Where to check in: 4545 Fauntleroy Ave SW – in the parking lot of the former Huling showroom at the corner of Fauntleroy and 38th SW. There will be some parking available here but please consider arriving by foot, bicycle, bus or carpool.

What time: Welcoming ceremony starts at 9:00 a.m. and hopefully shouldn’t run more than 20 minutes. There will be a special declaration read tomorrow morning but we’ll let it be a surprise. Shifts run 9:30 – 11:30; 11:30 – 1:30; 1:30 – 3:30. All volunteers should check in at least 20 minutes before their shift so they can sign and be issued a safety vest. Everyone will be required to wear a safety vest at the clean up site. Right now we have an overabundance of volunteers for the 9:30 shift so if you haven’t already signed up as a volunteer and want to help out, please arrive for either the 11:30 or 1:30 shifts.

What to wear: I recommend long pants and shoes that will protect your feet. I know it’s going to be warm tomorrow but you’ll want to protect your feet and legs from getting scratched up from blackberries and other scratchy debris on site. We’ll have gloves available except for children – unfortunately, we will not be able to provide gloves for small hands. Just adult sizes small, medium and large. If you have your own favorite gloves – feel free to bring them but just be sure to hang onto them.

We’ll have water and other beverages as well as light refreshments available in the staging area. Water will also be available at the clean up site. We’ll also have a port-a-potty at both the clean up site and the staging area.

The City is providing all tools necessary so no need to bring tools.

The Mayor will be showing up around 10:30 at the clean up site and will be handing out reusable grocery bags to volunteers after they finish their shift.

Thanks again to everyone who has volunteered to help with this project.

Nancy / Fairmount Community Association

Chief Sealth Band uniform drive on the march


Tim Winston, best known lately for West Seattle Hi-Yu but serving this time around as a “Chief Sealth band fan,” sent the above photo with the following info:

Chief Sealth High Band has been raising money for new uniforms for several years and is closing in on the goal. They are trying to raise the last bit that will push them over the top.

The band members in the picture are wearing their current, difficult to fit & maintain, uniforms and holding a picture of the new uniforms. The new design has been a collaborative effort by band members, led by their director, Deborah Meyer.

If you can help out, please send your tax deductable donation to:

Chief Sealth Performing Arts
PMB #249
1606 SW 104th St
Seattle, WA 98146

Northwest Hope and Healing’s Alki Beach Run: Sign up now!

September 11, 2008 8:47 pm
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That’s a photo from last year’s Northwest Hope and Healing Foundation 5K run/walk – in ’07 it was at Lincoln Park, but this year it’s at West Seattle’s other big shoreline park – Alki – and it’s coming up later this month! Tonight we welcome Northwest Hope and Healing as a WSB sponsor, as they work to continue spreading the word about what they do and how your participation in this year’s Alki Beach Run 5K walk/run can help. NWHH has a unique role in the fight against breast cancer and the work to help those who are battling it: It’s a low-overhead nonprofit (one employee, who works part time), based in West Seattle, that reaches out to newly diagnosed patients all around the metro area. Last year alone, Northwest Hope and Healing helped 1,000 local women who each found themselves among the 1 in every 8 women diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. Director Shari Sewell explains that NWHH “provides financial assistance for non-medical needs like child care, counseling, transportation, meals & emergency rent to women receiving breast cancer treatment at Swedish Medical Center. In addition, our signature Healing Baskets are given free of charge to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients … over 3,000 of our Healing Baskets carried a message of love, life, and HOPE.” The money raised in the Alki Beach Run will help NWHH continue to spread that message; the 5K is set for Sunday, September 28, on a course between the Alki Statue of Liberty and Anchor (Luna) Park (here’s a route map on the NWHH website), with check-in on race day at 8 am at Alki Bathhouse, the run starting at 9. You can pre-register online right now by going here, or in person at Capers in The Junction. There are prizes for the 1st and 2nd-place finishers, too, provided by Salty’s on Alki (other prize categories include largest team and top fundraisers). Read more about Northwest Hope and Healing at its website, then go here to sign up for the Alki Beach Run (which is open to walkers, too), September 28 (two weeks from this Sunday).


Here again is the link where you can pre-register now; if you need to find it again later, just look for the Alki Beach Run logo ad in the right sidebar on all WSB pages.