Fauntleroy 1212 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search by Fauntleroy Park

(WSB photos)

4:20 PM: Thanks for the texts – we’re on our way to check out a police response near Fauntleroy Park. Checking with Seattle Police media relations in the meantime, this apparently started as a report of a possible burglary at a home on the north side of the park, along Barton. More to come.

4:27 PM: Police are outside a house on the south side of Barton at Director.

They think a burglar might be inside, so they are using a bullhorn to tell anyone inside to come out before they send a K-9 in to search.

4:41 PM: The K-9 has gone in and come out.

4:47 PM: The house is empty but police found a hole in the fence. Now the Guardian One helicopter is flying around the area looking for any signs of a possible burglar at large.

5:40 PM: The helicopter has long since departed after doing what it could; no word of an arrest yet but last we heard, police in the Fauntleroy area were still on the lookout.

8:18 PM: We checked with SW Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting; no arrest. The K-9 tried tracking from the hole in the fence that might have been used for entry/exit but couldn’t pick up a trail.

PHOTOS/VIDEO: Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2017, from birds to bouncy toys and beyond

2:24 PM: If you’re not already here, you have until 5 pm to get to this year’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival – an awesome autumn all-ages celebration that’s under way on both sides of the 9100 block of California SW (around Fauntleroy Church and Schoolhouse). Above, Ladybird the Eurasian Eagle-Owl is one of the birds here as part of a new festival participant – The Falconer – find her and the other birds with their handlers in a garden area behind The Hall at Fauntleroy‘s courtyard. Here’s the schedule of everything that’s happening:

(Or see it here in PDF.) The Cake Walk (and cake-decorating judging) inside The Hall is not to be missed. Just a few entries:

You can vote until 3 pm, when the winners will be announced; then the Cake Walk is 3:15-4:15 pm, with your chance to win a cake! Back outside, over in the church parking lot – music, bouncy toys, birdhouse-making, salmon-hat making, pumpkin-painting …

Seattle Fire and Police are there too:

2:44 PM: This is a festival with something for the very littlest visitors, too. Like “Baby Dino Lake” for 4 and under:

And for those bringing babies/toddlers, there’s a diaper-changing station inside Fauntleroy Children’s Center on the north side of the schoolhouse. It’s not all kid stuff, though. We’ve been enjoying awesome jazz by the Jump Jazz Trio behind the schoolhouse:

And the West Seattle Big Band plays inside The Hall starting at 3.

3:11 PM: Bronwyn Edwards‘ ferry cake won the “experienced” category in the cake judging. And now, the cake walk is under way:

Speaking of food, vendors (all listed here) include Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) with sliders:

Back over in the church lot, you still have time to paint a pumpkin:

4 PM: Final hour of the festival has just begun. Still lots of people having lots of fun. Music outside…

…where it’s mixing with the hammering of birdhouse-makers. Inside, it’s the big sound of the WS Big Band:

Jim Edwards directs the WSBB, and the vocalist in our short clip is Sarah Ackers. As you arrive/leave, you might notice the donation stations … this is an all-volunteer, all-community event, and if you can spare a few $, those donations help it stay free and fun every year. They’re also collecting socks for people in need:

That bin is by the walkway up to Fauntleroy Church on the south side of the lot.

5:04 PM: Festival’s over! Spectacular afternoon. We expect to add a few more photos later. (added) From the back lot – the ponies and the petting farm:

We couldn’t leave without one more look at the birds:

FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL 2017: See the full lineup and food list for Sunday!

October 13, 2017 12:28 pm
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(WSB file photo of birdhouse-building at Fauntleroy Fall Festival)

This weekend’s biggest event is the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, 2-5 pm on both sides of the 9100 block of California SW [map], in and around Fauntleroy Church and Schoolhouse. We published some preview notes back on Wednesday, in our Fauntleroy Community Association coverage; today, courtesy of festival organizer Debbie Kerns and Fauntleroy information coordinator Judy Pickens, we have the full festival activities/entertainment schedule, followed by the food lineup:

If you can’t scroll through those, here’s the schedule and the food plan (both PDF). See you Sunday!

P.S. Bring socks to contribute to a donation drive for those in need.

@ Fauntleroy Community Association: Fall Festival preview & more

October 11, 2017 11:58 am
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img_7116(WSB photo from 2016 Fauntleroy Fall Festival)

Sunday (October 15th) brings the Fauntleroy Fall Festival – and a preview was the centerpiece of last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting, including:

NEW THIS YEAR: You’ll find a raptor display in the garden area behind The Hall at Fauntleroy, between the building and the open area where you’ll find the pony rides and petting zoo. Also new, an inflatable obstacle course and some extra activities for the littlest festivalgoers.

RETURNING FAVORITES: Birdhouse-building in the Fauntleroy Church parking lot, visiting vehicles from Seattle Police (the Mobile Precinct is expected) and Seattle Fire. Lots of live music around the festival grounds!

FOOD: Vendors will include Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering with brats and squash soup, plus pretzel sticks … Fauntleroy’s new Wildwood Market will be there … Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) too … and “the tamale guy.”

CAKE WALK AND DECORATING CONTEST: It’s a highlight every year and cakes are needed – from the festival announcement:

There are three categories: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. To enter, bring your decorated cake to the Vashon Room at The Hall at Fauntleroy on Sunday 10/15 between 12 noon and 1 pm. Voting takes place from 1:30-3 pm. Prizes will be awarded for each category! The Cake Walk follows and continues until all the cakes are gone. Cakes can be any shape or size. They should have an autumn, Halloween, or West Seattle theme.

The festival is 2-5 pm Sunday on both sides of California SW in the heart of Fauntleroy – around Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW, east side of the street) and The Hall at Fauntleroy/Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW, west side).

Also at last night’s meeting:

CRIME TRENDS: Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Ron Smith said the Fauntleroy area is seeing an increase in car prowls and auto theft and as often happens, police suspect it’s related to a repeat offender’s recent release, with some new accomplices, and Southwest officers/detectives are on their trail. Asked how best to thwart them, Lt. Smith repeated the most-important advice – leave absolutely nothing in your vehicle, and keep it locked.

FERRY BRIEFING: Gary Dawson, who’s on the Ferry Advisory Committee for Fauntleroy as well as the Triangle Task Force, updated the FCA board on the ongoing travails related to trying to reduce backups – including the recent meeting on Vashon (WSB coverage here).

The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets second Tuesdays most months, 7 pm at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse.

VIDEO: Fauntleroy vigil seeks healing and hope in ‘the light of love,’ while mourning ‘so many lost’

(WSB photos and video by Patrick Sand)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

~60 people sang, prayed, and pondered in a candlelight circle tonight outside Fauntleroy Church, during an emotional vigil that went beyond mourning the 59 lives lost in the Las Vegas massacre.

Leading them, above, were West Seattle’s three United Church of Christ pastors, from left, Rev. Diane Darling of Alki UCC, Rev. Leah Atkinson Bilinski of Fauntleroy UCC, and Rev. Andrew Conley-Holcom of Admiral UCC. Their voices rang clear in the night with grief and anger – and even a prayer of confession, that “I confess I believed things would get better on their own, and I confess that I was wrong.”

There were questions – including those raised in Bob Dylan‘s “Blowin’ in the Wind,” the first song led by Bronwyn Edwards and Leann Conley-Holcom, with readings between the verses:

As the names of those who died in the massacre were read – “so many lost” – there were a few words about each. Someone celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary. Someone celebrating their 28th birthday. A father there with his four grown children. Off-duty law enforcers. The mother of a 6-week-old baby. A 67-year-old woman. And when Seattle resident Carrie Parsons‘ name was read, Rev. Atkinson Bilinski noted that Ms. Parsons was the “close friend of the granddaughter of a Fauntleroy Church parishioner.”

A chime sounded after each name and description … and the last name read was that of the killer, noting that he left behind his family, as well as a nation “confused and heartbroken.” And it was noted that the massacre took the spotlight from others around the world who are in pain and suffering, from hurricane and earthquake victims to those in our country experiencing racism and other social injustice daily. Gun-violence statistics were read, including the fact that “most gun deaths are suicides.”

Ultimately, however, the vigil’s message was that of hope, with the candles representing “the light of love” – hope that with action, with collaboration, change can be made. In that spirit, the final song was “Somewhere to Begin” by T.R. Ritchie:

As the vigil ended, participants were invited to continue lighting candles and to write notes of appreciation to local first responders.

We are told the notes will be taken to a local fire station on Sunday.

WEST SEATTLE SALMON: Volunteers sought for Fauntleroy Creek

October 6, 2017 1:17 pm
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markahlness(“Wally,” a 2016 Fauntleroy Creek coho photographed by Mark Ahlness)

Another call today for salmon-creek volunteers in West Seattle – this time, it’s Fauntleroy Creek that can use your help watching for spawners starting later this month. From creek steward Judy Pickens:

Salmon Watch 2017 will start on Sunday, October 15, on Fauntleroy Creek and new volunteers are welcome. Watchers monitor the lower creek after daytime high tide to record any spawner activity. Sign up as often as you want, with training during your first watch. Contact Judy Pickens at judy_pickens@msn.com for details.

Seven coho were counted last year – which was seven more than the year before.

P.S. Whether or not you plan to volunteer as a watcher, you’re invited to the fish-ladder overlook (upper Fauntleroy Way and Director, across from the ferry dock) for drumming to welcome the salmon home at 5 pm October 22nd.

FOLLOWUP: Here’s how much West Seattleites recycled at the Roundup

(WSB photo from September 24th)

The grand total is in from the most recent Recycle Roundup in Fauntleroy. Judy Pickens sends the report:

A total of 370 vehicles bearing 13.5 tons of recyclables passed through the Fauntleroy Church parking lot during the Sept. 24 Recycle Roundup. This take brings to 204 tons the amount collected from West Seattle households for responsible recycling since twice-yearly roundups began in 2010. The church’s Green Committee will host the spring roundup on Sunday, April 22.

That’s up almost 50 percent from last fall’s 9.25-ton dropoff day.

P.S. If you can’t wait until spring – the West Seattle Junction Association‘s recycle/reuse event is coming up a week from Saturday – 9 am-1 pm October 14th!

WEST SEATTLE VIGIL FOR VEGAS: Saturday night in Fauntleroy

Just announced:

In the wake of the Las Vegas shootings, Admiral, Alki, and Fauntleroy United Churches of Christ are organizing a community candlelight vigil for victims, survivors, and “the soul of the United States.”

It will be Saturday, Oct. 7, 7:30 pm in the main parking lot at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California Ave. SW). Parking there will be reduced but available in the upper lots.

Girl Scouts create, install West Seattle’s newest Little Free Library

The report and photos are by Jenny Mandt (thank you!):

Olivia Lundstrom (left) and Ava Geary, members of Girl Scout Troop #40890, recently installed a Little Free Library geared to young readers outside Fauntleroy Church.

It was their troop’s Silver Award project – the highest award a cadette (6th-8th grade) can earn – and the design mirrored the church’s iconic sanctuary window. The troop partnered with the church to encourage the love of books in young readers and invites everyone to take or leave a book, especially titles for pre-school through middle-school readers.

SIDE NOTE: Just two and a half weeks until the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, at the church (9140 California SW) and at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse across the street – 2-5 pm Sunday, October 15th!

HAPPENING NOW: Don’t need it? Can’t use it? Fall 2017 Recycle Roundup is on!

September 24, 2017 10:48 am
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 |   Environment | Fauntleroy

The fridge and bed frame are just some of the items dropped off in the early going at the fall 2017 edition of Fauntleroy Church‘s twice-yearly Recycle Roundup. Until 3 pm, you can drive up, ride up, or walk up to drop off your recyclables, free – as long as they’re on the list – in the church parking lot at 9140 California SW. The crew from 1 Green Planet is again filling truckloads, fast – they’ll get you through in mere moments.

BIZNOTE: Grand opening for Treo Organic Salon in Fauntleroy

Until 9 tonight, there’s a party in Fauntleroy’s Endolyne business district – the grand-opening celebration for Treo Organic Salon. It’s in the 45th SW/SW Wildwood corner space where Salon Fauntleroy closed earlier this year, next to The Original Bakery and two doors down from Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor). Treo’s proprietor is Sarah Griffiths:

Sarah explains, “We are partnered with Green Circle Salons which allows us to recycle used foil, hair clippings, and much more, reducing our waste by 85-95%. We also work with a new charity every year donating a portion of all sales and services to the cause. This year we are working with the White Center Food Bank. We will happily take food donations on their behalf as well.” That includes at tonight’s party.

UPDATE: ‘Heavy rescue’ callout after truck driver hits house

(WSB photos)

2:06 AM: Seattle Fire is sending a “heavy rescue” response to 40th SW and SW Thistle [map] on the Gatewood/Fauntleroy line for a report of a box truck hitting a house. We’re on our way to find out more.

2:23 AM: SFD is working to free the driver from the truck.

2:36 AM: Firefighters have cut the driver, a man believed to be in his late 20s, out of the truck. Medic unit will take him to the hospital. SFD says he is in ‘stable’ condition. No one hurt in the house; a neighbor tells us the residents apparently weren’t home.

2:57 AM: Firefighters have patched a spot on the corner of the house where the truck stopped. Some of the SFD units are leaving.

3:15 AM: We just left too – but first, once we were able to get closer, saw more of what happened, a story told by torn-up shrubbery and fencing: The truck appears to have gone onto the wrong side of the road just east of 40th SW….

then westbound across 40th and into/through the side yard, behind shrubs and fencing, of the house east of the one that it finally hit, also crossing an alley in the process:

Via scanner, SFD has just cleared the scene, and when the truck is towed, the Department of Construction and Inspections will have to check the house to see if it’s safe to inhabit.

READY TO RECYCLE? ‘Roundup’ on Sunday

September 22, 2017 12:24 pm
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One more reminder that Fauntleroy Church‘s twice-a-year Recycle Roundup is now just two days away – 9 am to 3 pm Sunday (September 24th). Drive up, ride up, or walk up to drop off, free, whatever the Recycle Roundup partner 1 Green Planet is accepting (scroll through the list above, or see the PDF version here). As always, the church – which is at 9140 California SW [map] – advises that lines are shorter in the early going.

VIDEO: Standing room only as Washington State Ferries managers listen to customer complaints and suggestions about the Triangle Route

(UPDATED THURSDAY AFTERNOON with slide deck from meeting)

(WSB video of Vashon meeting)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Ferry riders’ frustrations resulting from months of seeing vessels leave Fauntleroy during peak hours with space remaining, and a long line of vehicles still waiting, boiled over into everything from angry words to constructive suggestions at the first of this week’s two public meetings.

Last night’s meeting brought a standing-room-only crowd to Vashon Island High School to talk, and hear, about the Triangle Route and what has been, and might be, done about its challenges.

In one of the WSF presentations/speeches that began the meeting, WSDOT assistant secretary Amy Scarton, who is in charge of WSF, noted that their system is “very safe and generally efficient,” and that “ridership is growing … I know you guys feel that … 2016 ridership is highest that it’s been since 2014, and 2017 ridership is even higher … But … we’ve had a tough summer. I admit that, I own that.” She mentioned ferries going out of service for maintenance/repairs as short as 12 hours and as long as 2 months. “We are working hard every day to get those boats back in service as quickly as we can.”

She also insisted that “these dialogues are extremely important,” because management “is not going to know the best thing for your community” until they hear it directly from community members. She noted that the attempts to fix the Triangle Route dated back to her predecessor, and led to community conversations and creation of the Triangle Route Improvement Task Force. “I think as long as we keep this dialogue we can come up with some stuff to make this route even better.”

The dozens who spoke before meeting’s end certainly had a lot of “stuff” to suggest. More about that shortly, but first:

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Triangle Task Force mulls its mission, with Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route public meetings ahead this week

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Is there really anything the Triangle Route Improvement Task Force can do to improve the route?

One task-force member asked that question about midway through the task force’s most-recent meeting at Fauntleroy Church, wondering aloud, “What is (Washington State) Ferries hoping to get out of us continuing to meet – because maybe we’re done.”

There was no direct answer for that but the indirect answers could be heard throughout the meeting, including toward the end, when time was opened for public comment, and several of the Vashon residents in attendance stood up.

While WSF changed its Fauntleroy terminal processing procedures in mid-June, hoping to get drivers through the tollbooths more quickly, frustrated Vashon residents have been pointing out that many boats are still leaving with empty spaces – and not because there are no vehicles left to load.

WSF says a major part of the problem is that the Fauntleroy dock holds 80 waiting cars, but the route is running 120-vehicle-capacity boats. Expanding the dock, in the midst of a single-family-residential zone, has long been considered to be out of the question.

Riders contend that problem could be transcended somewhat if WSF had portable scanning equipment that could be used by terminal staffers, so that those with tickets didn’t have to stop at the booth to be scanned.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. First, we should note that WSF plans two community meetings this coming week – the one on Vashon, Wednesday night, is likely to be particularly contentious. (Times and locations are at the bottom of this page.) Now – here’s how last Thursday’s task-force meeting unfolded:

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THIS WEEKEND: 2nd-Time Sale @ Fauntleroy Church

With the weekend in view, it’s time for some previews of big events – starting with the 2nd-Time Sale, both days this weekend. The photos and preview are from Judy Pickens:

One of the largest sales in the 23-year history of the 2nd Time Sale is shaping up at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California Ave. SW). Bargains on nearly everything imaginable will overflow Fellowship Hall on Saturday, Sept. 16, 9 am – 4 pm, and again on Sunday, Sept. 17, 11:30 am – 2 pm. Cash or checks only at this “clean, culled, and organized” fundraiser for the church. Special items include this new ready-to-party diner jukebox with CD, FM, and MP3 capabilities:

Several pieces of Melissa and Doug play equipment await new homes in the toy section:

P.S. Next weekend, the church hosts a different kind of recycling event – the one where you bring stuff instead of buying it – the Recycle Roundup is a week from Sunday.

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Toplines, from ferries to festival

September 13, 2017 10:14 am
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A few notes from last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting at the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse:

FERRY UPDATES: Gary Dawson, longtime Fauntleroy rep on the Ferry Advisory Committee and also a member of WSF’s Triangle Route Task Force, briefed the FCA board. He wasn’t at the most recent Task Force meeting, but caught up recently with other members. And he looked ahead to the next meeting of the Task Force, coming up tomorrow (Thursday), 4:30-7 pm (Fauntleroy Church, 9140 California SW), as well as the public meetings planned on Vashon (September 20th) and in Southworth, with people furious that boats continue to leave without being filled. He also noted that WSF has been short on boats due to unplanned maintenance issues. and had an update on turnover on the task force – especially among its Vashon membership; without Vashon representation, he thinks WSF should consider discontinuing the Task Force.

FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL: The popular annual event is coming up on Sunday, October 15th (details forthcoming). While the festival’s organizer couldn’t be at the meeting, she sent some updates: A falcon will be among the new attractions. New Fauntleroy business Wildwood Market will be a food vendor, with mac and cheese. The tamale vendor will be back. So will the cake walk, pumpkin painting, and birdhouse-making. They’re still looking for festival sponsors – and volunteers.

FAUNTLEROY TRIANGLE: 14 more planters are on the way to various areas in and around the newly reconfigured triangle in Fauntleroy’s Endolyne area. The planters and their dirt are to be provided by the city, while FCA is accountable for the cost of the plants. The owner of the building in the heart of the triangle has been donating the water to keep the plants hydrated in that area. FCA has a few other issues with how the area is working, but SDOT says other items are on hold because they are concentrating right now on “corridor” projects.

SURVEY: Every other year, the FCA surveys the community, both to find out what’s on residents and businesspeople’s minds, and to let those people know about FCA. It’s soon going to be survey time again, so they’re opening discussions about what they might ask and how they might get the survey out to the largest number of people. In the past, they’ve used postal mail as well as online.

MEMBERSHIP: A board business item included running through who had paid dues – FCA is one of the few local groups that collects them – and who had not. About a third of the membership on the rolls is behind. The bills should have arrived in spring with the newsletter. Also, a concern was raised about whether they’re reaching new prospective members who move into the area.

NEW BOARD MEMBER: Kris Ilgenfritz was introduced as the newest member of the FCA board.

NO CRIME BRIEFING: Though SPD had been on the agenda, they were not in attendance, so there was no update on local crime trends this month.

The Fauntleroy Community Association board meets most months on the second Tuesday, 7 pm, in the meeting room by the main entrance of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW). All welcome.

GET READY! 3 weeks until fall Recycle Roundup at Fauntleroy Church

Got a little spare time this holiday weekend? See if you have anything to drop off at the upcoming fall edition of Fauntleroy Church‘s legendary Recycle Roundup. Above (or here, in PDF), you can see the list of what 1 Green Planet will (and won’t) be accepting this time around. When the big day arrives (Sunday, September 24th), just walk/ride/drive into the church parking lot at 9140 California SW, 9 am-3 pm, and drop off your item(s). It’s free, though of course the church’s Green Committee will gladly accept donations to help cover their costs for this twice-a-year community event.

About the ‘assault with weapons’ call at 37th/Cambridge

August 19, 2017 12:50 pm
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Seattle Police are at 37th and Cambridge, south of Fauntleroy Park, where they and SFD responded to an “assault with weapons” call – but they found no evidence that the purported victim who called it in had been assaulted at all, with or without weapons. He showed signs of intoxication and was taken to a hospital for evaluation.

FERRY ALERT: Two Fauntleroy/Vashon runs canceled Wednesday morning

August 15, 2017 6:12 pm
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From Washington State Ferries:

On Wednesday, August 16, the Vashon 5:45 am to Fauntleroy and the Fauntleroy 6:10 am return to Vashon are cancelled due to overnight repairs to the propulsion system of M/V Issaquah, requiring sea trials in the morning. The Issaquah will return to service with the Vashon 6:40 am sailing to Fauntleroy upon successful completion of sea trials. We apologize for any inconvenience. Updates will occur as more information becomes available.

UPDATE: 1 person to hospital after 3-car crash in Fauntleroy, possibly connected to 35th/Barton hit-run

2:37 PM: A three-car crash at 44th/Director [map], north of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, is sending at least one person to the hospital, we’re told at the scene – the driver of the red vehicle, which hit a pole. Police are also looking into a report that vehicle may have been involved in an earlier hit/run crash at 35th and Barton; we’re heading off to check that scene.

2:49 PM: The photo above is from 35th/Barton; the white car visible between the fire engine and police cars is the one struck by a hit-run driver suspected of involvement in the aforementioned crash. No serious injuries, we’re told.

UPDATE: Tree limb falls on car at Lincoln Park

5:44 PM: Thanks to the person who texted about this: A tree limb fell on a car on the north end of Lincoln Park’s north parking lot; that entrance is closed right now.

A Seattle Parks rep at the scene told us no one was injured and that the car was not seriously damaged. He said it happened about an hour ago and that a crew is en route.

We don’t know if this is one of the ~90 Lincoln Park trees identified for pruning/removal, as reported here earlier this summer; that work is expected to start soon.

8:20 PM: Just went by the parking lot. A Parks crew is wrapping up removal of the downed limb. The north entrance to the north lot is open again.

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: Humpback whale’s Fauntleroy stranding

August 7, 2017 4:14 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news | Wildlife

expertsout(WSB photo, August 7, 2016)

One year ago today – on August 7th, 2016 – it was a heartbreaking, yet enlightening day on the Fauntleroy shore just south of the ferry dock: A 39-foot-long juvenile female humpback whale came into the shallow waters early that Sunday morning, stranded and died. Volunteers worked to see if anything could be done to get her back out to sea, but within just a few hours, she took her last breath; then the situation became more of an investigation and finally a towing operation.

IMG_5594(WSB photo, August 7, 2016)

Some sampling/testing was done right on the beach after the tide went out, as noted in our 12 hours of coverage, but no formal necropsy report ever emerged. Humpbacks are no longer rare in Puget Sound – that was part of the education that this one left as her legacy, reminding those paying attention that they are increasing in numbers – up and down the entire West Coast, in fact. And since then, we have indeed had many humpback sightings (like this one off Fauntleroy in June).

One of the many experts, local and otherwise, who came to the scene a year ago (as shown in our photo gallery) was John Calambokidis of Cascadia Research Collective, well known for its whale research. We contacted him recently, looking ahead to the anniversary, asking if further information had become available. His reply:

We did get some information back but (it) did not add too much. Jessie Huggins, our stranding coordinator, indicated: “The necropsy observations of severe internal damage from the live stranding event, malnutrition, and parasitism were confirmed by histopathology. There were small amounts of biotoxins detected in the feces (both domoic acid and saxitoxin) but are considered incidental (not high enough levels to have contributed to the stranding event). The exact cause of the live stranding remains a mystery”

On the second morning after the whale’s death, West Seattle-based Global Diving and Salvage towed her carcass to a spot off Blake Island for a quiet burial in about 400 feet of water.

globlgoingaway(WSB photo, August 9, 2016)

The humpback was the first whale to strand and die on a West Seattle beach since a gray whale in The Arroyos in April 2010.