2:55 PM: The sun has arrived! And the Fauntleroy Fall Festival is on, until 5 pm, at the church/schoolhouse/Y in the 9100 block of California SW. Here again is what’s happening and who’s here:
(If you can’t view what’s above, here’s the PDF version.) Among the attractions: The Falconer:
3:35 PM: This is an outdoor-indoor festival – something going on at every turn. Music, too! Inside The Hall at Fauntleroy on the west side of the street:
The @wsbigband just started playing in The Hall at Fauntleroy's big room. Awesome as always. pic.twitter.com/FQVPYBxIkX
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) October 21, 2018
Elvis is in The Hall, too!
Meantime, outside the church/Y on the east side of the street, here’s who was playing when we arrived:
The Don't Ask Band outdoors at Fauntleroy Fall Festival. (Inside The Hall across the street, Elvis in one room, @wsbigband in the other!) pic.twitter.com/JXpG11kxjM
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) October 21, 2018
To get between them, you’ll be assisted by volunteer crossing guards!
This is all free (except for food/drink) – this year funded in part by a city Department of Neighborhoods Matching Fund Grant.
5 PM: Festival’s over! Big turnout, all ages. Adding more photos/video in the next hour-plus. Starting with pumpkin-painting:
ADDED: More video – first Elvis:
The West Seattle Big Band:
Festival vendors included Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) with a multigenerational team:
And Wildwood Market with proprietor Lonjina:
Climbing was easier with a little help:
And it’s not the Fall Festival without salmon-hat-making (supervising off-camera, Judy Pickens):
By the way, Fauntleroy welcomes you back next Sunday (October 28th) – drum to welcome the salmon home (and bring fish jokes!) at 5 pm at the fish ladder across and upslope from the ferry dock.