HOW hot was it? West Seattle Weather Watch gone wild!

Thanks to MargL (via e-mail) and Mark (via Facebook, where we are WS Blog) for those photos of the double-take-inducing Jefferson Square time/temp sign this afternoon. It may feel dramatically warmer, but so far we haven’t seen official temperatures beyond the low 70s. (And more 70s tomorrow!)

9 Replies to "HOW hot was it? West Seattle Weather Watch gone wild!"

  • Mookie April 5, 2009 (4:45 pm)

    The time/temp sign at Taco Time on Fauntleroy read “81” just now as I drove past. Crazy.

  • Darren April 5, 2009 (5:32 pm)

    The themometer was in shock!!! It went crazy. Not used to the warm temperatures.

  • JH April 5, 2009 (8:44 pm)

    That is so funny!

  • Bob April 5, 2009 (9:31 pm)

    I wasn’t born yesterday!

  • Bob Loblaw April 5, 2009 (10:12 pm)

    I will regret saying this in a few months, but I’d rather have those temps than any we’ve seen in the past month …

  • 56bricks April 6, 2009 (4:25 am)

    Probably maintained by the same folks that run the guv’mint.

  • OP April 6, 2009 (9:26 am)

    How it’s not just Seattleites that overreact and exaggerate when the temp gets above 70ยบ, the signs are in on the whining! ;-)

  • Karl April 6, 2009 (10:32 am)

    is that in Kelvin?

  • Brian April 6, 2009 (1:17 pm)

    The thermometer needs a bailout.

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