WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Three businesses robbed in less than an hour

Police are investigating three strong-arm robberies (no weapons) at West Seattle businesses reported within the span of less than an hour this morning, likely involving the same two robbers. The first one was reported around 7:15 am at the Chevron station at 35th/Holden. Two robbers walked in, pushed the clerk out of the way, went to the register and got away with $700 in cash. According to dispatch audio, the robbers were described as male, Black, in their late teens or early 20s, one 5’11” and stocky, the other a couple inches shorter and medium build, masked and wearing dark clothing. They left on foot eastbound on Holden; a K-9 team helped search but they weren’t found. Then just after 7:30, robbers matching the description went into the South Delridge 7-11, “forced their way to the cash register in a similar way,” and left with $500 in cash. Then while police were still investigating that robbery, a third was reported at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW), same descriptions, same method, but that time they netted much less cash. If you have any information, the 35th/Holden robbery is 24-220072, the Delridge robbery is 24-220091, and the Highland Park Way is 24-220103; police say you can call the SPD tipline at 206-233-5000 or phone an anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS.

23 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Three businesses robbed in less than an hour"

  • H2OK9 August 7, 2024 (11:38 am)

    One of the frightening aspects of this sort of strong-arm tactic is if you were anywhere nearby at the time they would have robbed you too !  Probably getting tweaked all night in preparation. Stay aware out there folks !

  • DMartin August 7, 2024 (12:15 pm)

    Why don’t they have the people who work there behind bullet proof glass? This has to be traumatizing for those who work there. I’ve seen it in cities in the Midwest, and East Coast. 

    • Rhonda August 7, 2024 (1:38 pm)

      They would just choose a store without it like Target, Safeway, QFC, jewelry store, McDonalds, etc, or rob customers.

      • Derek August 7, 2024 (5:12 pm)

        Rhonda are we now concerning ourselves with made up crimes that didn’t even happen? Geeze there’s no hope. Maybe instead of making it so hard to live under capitalism and the MAGA world you envision, we try a compassionate approach to solving income inequality because capitalism is beyond broken. 

    • Brandon August 7, 2024 (2:10 pm)

      Why do we need to have vendors hide behind bulletproof glass? Is society not responsible for itself? We dont wear helmets on sidewalks to protect ourselves drivers who run off the road. We have a societal expectation and civic accountability to abide by the rules of the road, just as much as we have for burglary. Don’t normalize it by using bollards or BP glass. We did that with products getting locked up to counter theft, and humps for speeding, and it became a huge joke on every law abiding citizen.

    • WSBizOwner August 7, 2024 (2:12 pm)

      Because bullet proof glass is expensive and sends a terrible message to the customers. I would not want to shop at a store that seperated me from the employees with bullet proof anything. I would just go somewhere else.

    • Seattlite August 7, 2024 (2:31 pm)

      Isn’t sad that the hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens have to bow to the criminals by making every facet of their lives criminal proof.  What other solutions might stop the increasing criminal activity in Seattle?

      • AJ August 7, 2024 (6:13 pm)

        “What other solutions might stop the increasing criminal activity in Seattle?”     How about any armed robbery is automatic life in jail.   Knowing you will never see outside a wall may just do it.

        • Seattlite August 7, 2024 (8:49 pm)

              I like your solution, AJ!

        • WSDUDEMAN August 7, 2024 (9:07 pm)

          Our elected officials NEVER call for increased penalties for such crimes. Instead, when caught, the perpetrators are treated with kid gloves. 

    • Derp August 7, 2024 (2:46 pm)

      The one thing that came to mind was the cost.  

  • T Rex August 7, 2024 (2:19 pm)

    One of these days, one of these situations will end another way, then all the comments will be about what good boys they were. Yes, I am venting because it seems we see this every flipping weel! SO FRUSTRATING that this is getting consistently worse, and H2OK9 is correct, some innocent person could have easily been robbed or WORSE if you just happen to stop at one of these locations.

    • Jim August 7, 2024 (4:20 pm)

      Exactly right! Take just recently the man who saved a domestic violence victim in Lincoln Park using a firearm and people were calling for him to be arrested

      • HS August 7, 2024 (5:33 pm)

        I don’t believe that’s accurate. When I read the comments here, people were grateful he was there and helped a person clearly in desperate need.

        • End-O-Line August 8, 2024 (3:54 am)

          @HS it was a straight 50/50. Half the responses were what they should have been. Grateful for a law abiding, properly permitted, 2nd amendment citizen, coming to the aid of a fellow citizen in danger. The other half were angry that “this gun toting, trigger happy” individual stepped up instead of “minding their own business”. Had it not been for this law abiding, responsible, legally armed person, who was not only brave enough but also properly trained to read and act instantly to the situation at hand, as it unfolded, then respond accordingly to aid a defenseless, pregnant woman, who was being strangled and screaming for help. Imagine it going the other way. “Dead woman in LP due to DV”.I’ve had friends experience DV and they weren’t fortunate enough to have someone come to their aid and defense, no questions asked. Please don’t lump all gun activity into your “all guns and gun users are bad” assumption. I guarantee you, those of us that are licensed and responsible, will be the first ones to put ourselves in harms way to protect and save our unarmed, innocent neighbors.

    • Seejaypee August 8, 2024 (7:39 pm)

       H2OK9 is correct, some innocent person could have easily been robbed”A number of innocent people were robbed. It doesnt matter if your handing over the cashdrawer, or your wallet. 

  • Clerk August 7, 2024 (3:25 pm)

    Worked for 7-11 before.  They are required to keep no more than $40 in the register at any given time, excess to be dropped in the safe. $700 and $500 seems excessive. At least Highland park has some smarter clerks.

    • jj August 7, 2024 (4:26 pm)

      Good point. I don’t even think McDonald’s keeps more than like 250 bucks in their registers. 

    • End-O-Line August 8, 2024 (3:59 am)

      They have “safe drops” for big bills. Sadly those “safes” are automated and if you push an amount and then enter, they will also dispense however much you request to “make change” or “replenish the till”.

  • Eric1 August 7, 2024 (4:15 pm)

    I am just surprised that convenience stores have that kind of cash on hand.  It used to be $20 or less in the register.  Given the prevalence of electronic payments, you probably need less than $100 to give change to cash paying dinosaurs like me. Heck even just having $100 on hand might seem like a payday for desperate perps and there is no reason to reward the bad behavior of criminals. Going cashless might not be a bad idea.  

  • Grilled Cheese August 7, 2024 (5:32 pm)

    Wow! We live down the street on 32nd and Holden. This morning I heard a siren and looked out front and a cop car was there. They had the lights on but drove away. These thugs must have walked down Holden to continue their crime spree. Hopefully the cashiers are ok. People suck.

    • WSB August 7, 2024 (8:47 pm)

      Police speculate a getaway car was somewhere nearby but no description emerged – getting between robberies 2 and 3 in particular would have required one.

  • ArborRes August 7, 2024 (6:05 pm)

    Horrible. I hope the store clerks are doing okay. Must be very traumatizing. Going to work should not have to involve feeling like you are going to battle. Some civic leaders are quick to denounce Amazon but seem to have little regard for the small business owners who have to put up with robbery and general violence.  Don’t know how any small businesses, including franchisees, are able to make it here. 

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