ADMIRAL BRIDGE PROJECT: Top-deck closures start next week

(SDOT photo)

Thanks to the person who called to tip us to the portable signboards on Admiral Way displaying only “TRAFFIC REVISION STARTS AUGUST 26.” A check with SDOT confirmed our suspicion that it’s a reference to the Admiral Way Bridge earthquake-strengthening project. The project already has closed Fairmount Avenue beneath the bridge, and now the major top-deck closures are about to start. Here’s what happens first, SDOT tells us:

Starting the week of August 26, 2024, we will be entering Stage 1, where the north bridge will be closed and then the South Bridge will be the primary way to travel in both directions.

The “north bridge” means the (corrected) westbound side, and the pedestrian walkway will be closed on that side as well as the vehicle lanes, but again, SDOT will use the other side of the bridge for two-way traffic, so detours won’t be necessary. (As reported previously, SDOT has dropped plans for full closures of both directions of the bridge.) The other two “stages” will involve either a closure of the south bridge or closures of one lane on each side; timing for those closures is not set yet, nor is duration of this first one.

17 Replies to "ADMIRAL BRIDGE PROJECT: Top-deck closures start next week"

  • Seattlite August 20, 2024 (3:11 pm)

    Do I understand the directions correctly:  There is one Admiral Bridge with two eastbound lanes and two westbound lanes.  SDOT plans to close the two eastbound lanes along with the adjacent sidewalk and temporarily convert the two westbound lanes into one westbound lane and one eastbound lane.  Those of us who have relatives outside of WS who visit regularly need this information so I want to make sure I understand.  Thank you.

    • WSB August 20, 2024 (5:18 pm)

      Technically, it’s two Admiral Way Bridges (I just call it one to avoid confusion), but yes, that’s what’s happening.

      • WSB August 21, 2024 (1:08 am)

        CORRECTION (of what I had written) … the north side is the westbound side, the one heading toward the Admiral business district. That’s what will be closed first.

  • Admiral-2009 August 20, 2024 (5:28 pm)

    The City needs to fix the malfunctioning signal at 41st and Admiral, the signal keeps cycling to the side street even when there are no pedestrian or vehicles present.  This cycling, if not fixed, will cause significant back ups on Admiral.  Also the City needs to restrict both Walnut and 39th intersections at Admiral to right turns only.

    • Al King August 20, 2024 (6:30 pm)

      Same problem at 47th/Waite/Admiral intersection. I’ve called SDOT more than once. Even with the new controller they installed it still turns green for 47th or Waite when there’s no cars, or pedestrians wanting to cross. Their response: no response.

    • Yello August 20, 2024 (7:28 pm)

      Yep i suggested this weeks ago and no one seems to care. Expect people driving 55 mph plus on side streets trying to get around this mess.

    • Mike August 20, 2024 (8:51 pm)

      This might be the most unnecessary added light in west seattle… tends to clog admiral both ways with no one / cars going N to S.

      • K August 21, 2024 (9:14 am)

        It’s possibly intentional programming, because allowing it to skip cycles when no cars are present could affect timing with traffic a few blocks ahead at the California light.  Timing for street lights isn’t done in a vacuum; they often look at area traffic patterns to make determinations about the best way to move people through.

    • Traffic Calming August 20, 2024 (9:24 pm)

      Perhaps it’s intentional programming to break up traffic and prevent people from driving 50 mph through that stretch? When I go out for walks, I will an activate crosswalks to slow down traffic, even if I don’t need cross. I’m so sick of seeing the way people drive around here, if this helps, then so be it.

      • Bw August 21, 2024 (12:50 am)

        Have you considered that actually you’re adding fuel to the fire?  If the lights cycled as needed for cars/peds that’s one thing. I’m going to guess drivers who are frustrated about having to wait for a light ( which is aggravating to be sure)  are going to drive even more aggressively when they don’t see a reason for the light/ signal to be against them.  I’m a long time West Seattle resident  and understan the frustration around people driving aggressively, just not convinced this is accomplishing the desired goal.

      • flimflam August 21, 2024 (7:26 am)

        Don’t do that. Why intentionally antagonize strangers?

    • sf August 21, 2024 (9:20 am)

      While I agree the crosswalk button is a bit of a passive aggressive way of getting situations should change.  Can we talk a minute about how “adults” can’t be trusted to survive and not act out on the unmitigated frustration of a dastardly traffic light?  Perhaps we should learn how to slow down our immediate anger and realize there are other people, systems in the universe and you are sitting in a comfy chair with in a neato motorized conveyance with @#%@ AC.  and yes, please on the no left turn suggestion on Walnut and 39th.  I’ve almost been hit multiple times in the crosswalks and then been yelled at to get out of the way.

  • drahcir61 August 20, 2024 (5:30 pm)

    Also, Fairmount Ave SW is closed … to cars, to bikes, to walkers … nothing gets through except squirrels.  The number of cars/bikes/walkers that continue to ignore the signs at Fairmount & Harbor, & assume that, “I can get thru” is astonishing although, not surprising.

    • WSB August 20, 2024 (5:33 pm)

      That’s mentioned above (and we’ve mentioned it on the site every day for weeks now).

  • Dosonething August 21, 2024 (9:24 am)

    I have found the most effective way to deal with the feet dragging of SDOT is to write an email and address it to Mayor Harrell as well . When you start the letter, be sure you have written it to the head of SDOT and also that you are specifically addressing honorable Mayor Harrell(so the reader at SDOT is perfectly clear that you have gone above their heads)Yes, it is ridiculous and a waste of gas and a cause of stress to have that light malfunction. it increases air pollution and also causes people to drive on the side street which is dangerous. it’s pretty elementary in 2024 to SDOT to manage traffic and not be causing delays, stress, waste of gas(which is finite)), air pollution, and more traffic within our neighborhoods, trying to avoid being stopped for nothing. Ridiculous.! please write to SDOT and Mayor Harrell via email. The addresses are readily available with a Google search for a staff directory of the city of Seattle.. wrote to the TOP person at SDOT and Mayor. Don’t assume someone else is going to handle it.:  you write. And the more that it the better to show SDOT that we’re not going to endure this ridiculous light.!  And they are disregard for the environment, safety, stress.

  • JE August 21, 2024 (9:27 am)

    Closure starts Aug 26th BUT WHEN DOES IT END?

    • WSB August 21, 2024 (9:31 am)

      As noted above at the end of the story, the duration is not yet known. Among other things, depends on when exactly it starts.

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