HAPPENING NOW: Alki Art Fair, day 1

ORIGINAL REPORT, 4:58 PM: Biggest event on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (breaking news precluded a highlight list today) is happening right now – first day of the Alki Art Fair, on the promenade and lawn west of the sand. We’re on our way to the beach now for photos. The list of participating artists is here; the music lineup (mostly Saturday/Sunday) is here. The booths are scheduled to be open until 8 tonight, 10 am-6 pm tomorrow and Sunday, with music 12-7 pm Saturday, 11 am-5 pm Sunday.

5:49 PM: As promised, we’re adding photos – wide variety of work again this year, from visual art (Ula Nero‘s work, above, and Shelby Huff‘s photography, below) …

… to the apparel, jewelry, and basketry you’ll find at Rekik Mezenghie‘s booth:

This year’s Kid Zone focuses on giving little visitors a place to create their own art:

Again, this is on until 8 tonight, then starts up again at 10 am Saturday.

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