Pickleball on the Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex courts west of Southwest Pool isn’t a rare sight, but Saturday’s activity was more extensive than usual – the Westside Pickleball League was hosting its second annual Rally on the Rock tournament. Rosina Geary and Amy Greger from the WPL were tournament directors, managing to keep things running with about 160 players participating, including a few from Canada.
Every so often, they had to wrangle winning teams for medal presentations and photos:
We happened to be on hand for that group getting their medals – Max Brockman, Spencer Klein, Eric Kim, James Lee, Zachary Wagnild, and Shane Silkey. The league routinely raises money for student athletics, as we noted when we reported on its formation a year and a half ago – and the Rally on the Rock tournament was for Chief Sealth International High School Cross Country – some students from the team helped out as runners during the tournament, ferrying scoresheets around among other things.
ADDED: Amy sent a few stats – by tournament’s end, they had 182 players – 58 percent men, 42 percent women, ages ranging from 20s to 80s, with the biggest demographic group in their 30s.