UPDATE: Power outage in Luna Park/North Delridge

11:05 AM: Thanks for the tips. Seattle City Light‘s outage map shows 139 homes and businesses out of power in the area shown in the screengrab above, east of Luna Park and on the edge of North Delridge. We haven’t yet heard what might have caused it.

1:35 PM: The map shows the outage has since been resolved. We’re checking with SCL on its cause.

5:23 PM: SCL’s Jenn Strang says it was a “brief unplanned outage” that happened during a “pole transfer.”

2 Replies to "UPDATE: Power outage in Luna Park/North Delridge"

  • Taylor June 26, 2024 (11:15 am)

    We heard a huge boom around 10:45 and wondered what it was- this makes sense!

  • KS June 26, 2024 (11:17 am)

    I walked down Yancy at 10am and there was a road crew directing traffic and a couple big trucks, some guys in the a bucket by the wires and a bunch of wires along the sidewalk (being replaced or added?). I was on 26th when we heard a super loud boom which freaked my dog out, so as we were running back home I saw a fire truck at the gym and when I asked the road/ traffic crew what the boom was, she said “power’s out”…. Must have been something they did while working in the lines? 

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