COUNTDOWN: 2 weeks to West Seattle 4th of July Kids’ Parade! Here’s the route

Before we get to today’s what’s-happening list, a quick reminder that we are now two weeks away from the big, free, fun event that starts Independence Day celebrations on the peninsula, the West Seattle 4th of July Kids’ Parade. It’s now presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association, and organizer Megan Erb sent this reminder of the route:

The parade officially starts at 10 am from Sunset and 44th, where you can start gathering at 9:30 am. The parade will be preceded by the National Anthem, with a singer from Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor), and a brief welcome from City Councilmember Rob Saka. Then everyone heads west/southwest on the route shown above, which loops back to cross California Avenue SW on the way to end at Hamilton Viewpoint Park, where you’ll find games and food trucks, highlighted by the traditional sack races. This is a non-motorized parade except for the Seattle Fire engine and classic pickup truck at the start – human-powered wheels are welcome. The parade is in its second quarter-century!

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