WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Schoolhouse burglary, two hit-runs, car break-in

Four incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch:

FAUNTLEROY SCHOOLHOUSE BURGLARY: We first heard about this when it was mentioned at last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting, so we followed up with schoolhouse management today (the schoolhouse is a city landmark, nonprofit-operated home to multiple organizations and businesses):

This is the culprit who broke into the schoolhouse Sunday evening.

He first broke into Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes area about 10:45 pm. After he took their computer, sound system, and other oddities, he went across the street to Fauntleroy Church to do some damage over there before coming back to the schoolhouse into our hallways. He was able to break into one of our tenants’ rooms, stole their laptop, Bose system and some very personal items that were given to them by family members that are irreplaceable. One of our tenants’ clients recognized this guy from Morgan Junction area. Apparently, this client has seen him personally provoke & bother people within that neighborhood.

If you have any information, the police incident # is 24-095013.

FOUR VEHICLES DAMAGED IN AVALON HIT-RUN: Thanks for the tips this morning after people saw the damaged cars from this overnight incident.

(WSB photo)

As one tipster this morning, Michael, described it, “Someone SMASHED a parked car so bad the three cars ahead where pushed together.” SPD hasn’t been able to find the report on it but archived audio from the initial response around 1:15 am indicates the hit-run vehicle was a black GMC Yukon registered to someone in North Seattle; a man was seen walking away. Four other vehicles were reported damaged. Here’s another aftermath shot from this morning, sent by Jill, of vehicles still at the scene:

No injuries were reported, as there was no SFD response.

HIT-RUN ON VIDEO: Angela is hoping to find the driver who did this to her car before abandoning the car they were driving:

(Monday) night around 11 pm my vehicle was hit on the 4500 block of 47th Ave SW by a 2013 Ford Flex. My daughter woke me up when she got home around 1am to let me know there was a vehicle blocking the road with airbags deployed and door open. I went outside and called police who arrived in minutes. Vehicle was not reported stolen and driver is captured on video walking around and looking at my vehicle. Also spoke to neighbors. I’m hoping they reach out to me to provide insurance and take care of the damage they caused.

The license plate on the abandoned car started with AKV, in case that helps jog any memory (police impounded it). If you have any information, the incident # is 24-095491.

CAR BREAK-IN: The image and report were sent by Rachael:

We had two of our car windows smashed at 2:53 am on Ferry Ave. Just wanted to alert folks.

18 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Schoolhouse burglary, two hit-runs, car break-in"

  • Alki resident April 10, 2024 (4:14 pm)

    It was the dumbest thing to ever redo Avalon the way they did. Having cars park that close to the small lanes is insane and I can’t tell you how many damaged cars I’ve seen on that road since they changed it. 

    • R2 April 10, 2024 (5:54 pm)

      I was just thinking that this at least the third time I’ve noticed a car in that exact spot having been hit, and hard! Clearly, it’s a recurring problem, and the last place I would ever park my own car. I’m guessing the owners of any car that gets hit there would have a pretty strong claim against the city if it’s a known problem.

    • Michaelphelps April 10, 2024 (7:59 pm)

      Not to mention that the bike lane is a death trap if you’re heading downhill 

    • Ashley April 11, 2024 (2:49 pm)

      In this case it had nothing to do with them changing the road. This was a drunk driver who fled the scene. He went straight into the line of cars. 

  • West Seattle cyclist April 10, 2024 (5:19 pm)

    @Alkiresident, imagine how vulnerable and exposed we bicyclists were before the reconfiguration, when the bicycle lane and cyclists were “protecting” the parked cars from traffic instead of the other way around 

  • Always Trouble April 10, 2024 (6:58 pm)

    That stretch has been a problem for over 30 years even before the reconfig. My friend who lived on that block had their car hit 3 times (hit & run), always very late at night. There is a long history of accidents especially at the curve. It needs a barrier like Ambalm to protect the bikes and peds and simply no parking at least by the curve. 

  • Leigh April 10, 2024 (8:51 pm)

    At least 5 of us had our windows busted on 45th near Ferry last night as well.

    • Rachael April 11, 2024 (3:18 am)

      It had to have been the same guy. And we didn’t have anything in there to steal. This is the 5th incident for us since October. 

      • Leigh April 11, 2024 (7:10 pm)

        Wow, 5th time? That’s awful! We went for a walk tonight and saw multiple other cars hit on other streets too. Seems like they got around. We also didn’t have anything to steal so we’re out nearly 1k in glass repairs for absolutely no reason. Infuriating! 

  • Marina April 10, 2024 (10:34 pm)

    Is there a reason why the cars are still there on Avalon almost 24 hours later?   

    • WSB April 10, 2024 (10:41 pm)

      It’s up to owners to arrange for towing/repairs, so they may still be working that out. (Exceptions are when cars are rendered inoperable in a place where they’re blocking traffic, a sidewalk, etc.)

      • Eddie April 11, 2024 (7:50 am)

        I picked up and walked my bike through the extensive glass on the ground there yesterday.  The downhill (first) car was really hit hard! Its hard to imagine the vehicle that hit it not being really, really messed up.

  • BossKiller April 11, 2024 (4:06 am)

    Easy solution. Quit parking on the street. Park in your assigned parking spot. All these apartments have below ground parking. If parking on the street to save a few bucks is your solution and this happens, was your plan worth it? 

  • New Deal April 11, 2024 (7:11 am)

    Providing ample off street parking for cars is another direction we could take in order to provide nice wide bike lanes.  It would also help to lower those sky rocketing car insurance rates.   All those cars parked on Avalon will soon have extension cores strewn across the bike lane to charge them.   But wait, no one drives cars anymore. 

  • yokaifestival420 April 11, 2024 (10:03 am)

    Almost weekly it seems like a car gets smashed. Either get rid of parking, put up a barrier, or accept the reality that people don’t know how to drive.

  • bill April 11, 2024 (4:13 pm)

    As of 3PM there was still glass entirely across the bike lane at the smashed cars and a panel on the rearmost car was hazardously close to the bike lane. Coincidentally I happened upon a parking officer a few minutes later who said there was no way to get it cleaned up quickly by the city. She suggested I might sweep the glass myself. She was a nice lady so I didn’t vent. Now, I stop and toss rocks and car parts out of bike lanes all over the city, but I don’t travel with a broom. If those cars had been pushed into the general traffic lane you can bet SPD and SDOT would have removed them instead of suggesting drivers might want to band together to push them off the road. Seattle Police and Seattle Department of Transportation: DO BETTER!

  • S April 11, 2024 (8:24 pm)

    Tuesday night between 1-2am there were 4-5 cars broken into on 45th/Walker -two of them were my family’s.

  • Lisa98126 April 13, 2024 (7:59 pm)

    Do people realize how expensive it is to park your car in some of the apartments? The newer ones add almost $200 plus more per car and not all garages can fit most cars. I relied on street parking in the admiral district because it was so expensive. I was reliable and followed the rules. Move my car every three days. It was never hit for three years. Most of the houses in this area don’t have a garage. I have lots of empathy to the car that was hit. Yesterday the parking enforcement gave that car a ticket. 

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