WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Home-invasion robbery investigation, with helicopter (updated)

9:27 PM: Police are searching by ground and air right now for three people suspected in what they’re describing as a “home-invasion robbery” in the 3600 block of California SW [vicinity map]. The descriptions broadcast so far are a white man, 18, 6′, 190 pounds, white Nike Tech sweatshirt (whose identity may be known), armed with a bb gun; a Black male (age not mentioned), 5’8″, slim, all-black clothing, red Jordan shoes, armed with a hammer; and a Hispanic male (age not mentioned), 6 feet tall, white shoes.

9:46 PM: The helicopter moved on as they’d exhausted the possibilities, plus there was a lag of up to half an hour between when the robbery happened and when it was reported. But officers are still searching on the ground, including checking for video cameras in the area.

FRIDAY MORNING UPDATE: We asked SPD for whatever summary/narrative they have. So far: “At (9:08 pm), the victims were inside their apartment located at the 3600 block of California Ave SW. Three (people) entered through the front door and began grabbing items inside the apartment. (They) grabbed the victims’ cell phones, long BB gun, and marijuana products. The victims were able to recover their cell phones, and the (robbers) exited the apartment. Patrol, K9 and Guardian 1 responded to the scene. The suspects weren’t located. The SPD Robbery Unit was notified about the incident. This is an open and ongoing investigation.”

53 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Home-invasion robbery investigation, with helicopter (updated)"

  • Jay March 28, 2024 (9:30 pm)

    Umm… Yeah, sounds busy outside right now. Luck your doors.

    • Eldorado March 28, 2024 (9:48 pm)

      My doors are in luck. 

  • Lauren March 28, 2024 (9:30 pm)

    There’s been police circling The Triangle for the past few minutes 

    • Steve March 28, 2024 (9:37 pm)

      What is “The Triangle”

      • L March 28, 2024 (9:54 pm)

        It’s the area in the triangle between Fauntleroy, Avalon and 35th. 

      • Maeve March 28, 2024 (9:58 pm)

        It’s the area that is roughly bounded by Fauntleroy Way SW to the west, SW Alaska Street to the north, and 35th Avenue SW to the east. It’s called “The Triangle” because the main streets that form its boundaries create a triangle shape on the map.

        • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy March 28, 2024 (10:14 pm)

          I’ve never noticed this.  Why is the ymca the Google maps park color?

          • Daniel March 29, 2024 (6:10 am)

            Dunno, but it’s the whole block not just the parking lot.  If you zoom in on Google maps there, it renders the building and parking lot in grey, but the whole border in green which still seems… not right?  Seems like some kinda data bug.

        • Steve March 28, 2024 (10:16 pm)

          The helicopter and reported crime were just south of WS High School. Thanks for the education, I’ve lived in West Seattle for 20+ years and think of Trader Joe’s, the Y or Les Schwab as the landmarks for that area. I know there’s that triangle park/piece of grass west of Fauntleroy but I guess that wasn’t it. 🌈💫 The more you know

  • CC March 28, 2024 (9:31 pm)

    Cool… Please catch these losers. It’s basically the same area as the post office truck mail thieves from yesterday.

    • CC March 28, 2024 (9:45 pm)

      AND that attempted robbery where the home owner fought ’em off on 48th and Charleston. The heck is going on around here?!?

      • LAdmiral March 28, 2024 (9:53 pm)

        That was a separate situation as reported on and followed up by the blog…so not same guys, but def super scary! 

        • CC March 28, 2024 (10:11 pm)

          I don’t think it’s the same individuals….

      • Not a robbery March 28, 2024 (10:09 pm)

        It was not an attempted robbery. It was a random home invasion by a delusional person from the neighborhood. There was no weapon. He wasn’t even wearing shoes.

        • CC March 29, 2024 (5:55 am)

          Thank you for that very important correction. That’s even worse !

        • WSDUDEMAN March 29, 2024 (7:02 am)

          Oh good. No shoes, definitely not a threat then! Maybe he just compassionately broke that window, entered the house and fought the owners. Everyone knows delusional people without shoes can’t commit robbery. 

          • WSB March 29, 2024 (8:54 am)

            He was charged with burglary and assault, not robbery (we wrote about the charges; he remains in jail as the case proceeds).

  • Pinellas March 28, 2024 (9:34 pm)

    The choppers overhead. 😩 They’re why I’m here. 

  • WSREZZ March 28, 2024 (9:35 pm)

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop WSB! We were very curious 

  • GeneseeResident March 28, 2024 (9:36 pm)

    Get these guys!!!! The crime here lately is unreal and people need to be caught and prosecuted! Hoping everyone is okay and these guys are caught. 

  • JJ March 28, 2024 (9:37 pm)

    That’s why I keep hearing helicopter blades

  • G March 28, 2024 (9:39 pm)

    Well that was crazy! Helicopter just flew away. I hope they were caught!

    • WSB March 28, 2024 (9:44 pm)

      No, the helicopter moved on as they’d exhausted the possibilities.

      • JJ March 28, 2024 (10:28 pm)

        Looks like increased helicopter activity in the area again (unless that is usual air traffic?)

  • M March 28, 2024 (9:42 pm)

    This is so unnerving hearing the helicoptor constantly. Please find them.

  • JJ March 28, 2024 (9:43 pm)

    Hope everyone is okay! Any ideas about why there has been a recent uptick in home invasions in the area? 

    • Mike March 28, 2024 (9:49 pm)

      Letting criminals out of jails/prisons because of the pandemic, not prosecuting criminals, zero and low bail, no repercussions.  Don’t worry, Dow has it all figured out now.  https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/king-county-close-youth-detention-centers

      • Odd son March 28, 2024 (10:19 pm)


      • Scarlett March 28, 2024 (10:41 pm)

        Is everyone in West Seattle on a first name basis with “Dow” Constantine?    

      • Derp March 29, 2024 (4:51 am)

        Turn off Fox News Mike. It will curdle your brain.  

        • Mike March 29, 2024 (8:57 am)

          I don’t have network or cable TV, thanks for playing.

        • Morty March 29, 2024 (7:22 pm)

          I have never watched Faux News and I agree with Mike. So, if you think repeatedly setting free repeat offenders to commit crimes again and sometimes attempt murder is hurting our safety you must watch Fox? How do you reach that conclusion?

  • Greta March 28, 2024 (9:43 pm)

    So that was nuts! Right above our house…hope they were caught? Helicopter just flew away. 

  • Theresa March 28, 2024 (9:48 pm)

    I have a view and still see multiple officers on foot.    Still a large response if sending photography.

  • Theresa March 28, 2024 (9:49 pm)

    Also, canine heard barking.

  • Chopper March 28, 2024 (9:50 pm)

    Reminds me of my college days hearing the ghetto bird at this hour going back and forth. Back then they’d shine a light right in your window, balcony etc. until they caught the bad guys.

    • Oh Seattle March 29, 2024 (5:56 am)

      Ah, memories. At least 3x times per week in SW Houston in the early 90s.

    • ChopperII March 29, 2024 (6:25 am)

      Ghetto Bird?! That is so racist.

  • GeneseeResident March 28, 2024 (9:56 pm)

    30 min late from when robbery happened to when it was reported? That’s seems incredibly long for a home invasion. 

    • WSB March 28, 2024 (10:02 pm)

      I don’t know the specific circumstances in this case but reasons for delays in some past cases have included robbers taking victims’ phones, also victims wanting to wait until they were absolutely sure the robbers have left … could be one of many reasons.

  • MP March 28, 2024 (9:59 pm)

    Crime in our hood is getting out of control.  Ridiculous… 😡

  • Dog Whisperer March 28, 2024 (10:40 pm)

    A BB gun, a hammer and a pair of white shoes. Today’s young criminals don’t strike much fear. 

    • MarinersMan15 March 29, 2024 (8:58 am)

      Hi Dog Whisperer, three young men forcing their way in to someone’s home at night is a traumatic experience that will likely take years to fully recover from. I challenge you to find some more empathy for your neighbors. 

    • A March 29, 2024 (11:42 am)

      A hammer could absolutely take someone’s life… and a BB gun to the face or eyes could do permanent damage I imagine. Let’s not underestimate people who already have dishonorable intentions. 

  • Admiral Citizen March 28, 2024 (11:09 pm)

    Please update our community on this incident please. 

    • WSB March 29, 2024 (12:59 am)

      This is all the info I have. Later this morning I will ask SPD for the report summary and add whatever we get.

  • Aubrey March 29, 2024 (12:14 am)

    My car was stolen 3 days ago and all the crimes committed in west Seattle have had the same description of the men who stole my car. I have photos. Red Jordan shoes, 5’9 male, I know what his face looks like! I SAW MY CAR at Westwood village yesterday with new plates. Everyone keep eyes out for a silver Kia sportage with black rims 

  • D March 29, 2024 (7:20 am)

    The know the perp’s age of 18? How is that? Did he drop his driver’s license?So, they know who it is, and a warrant will be issued.

    • MarinersMan15 March 29, 2024 (9:00 am)

      D, probably just an estimate that the victims gave to the police! Please try to think about the victims and keep the (unhelpful) snark to yourself. 

      • Cliff March 29, 2024 (7:24 pm)

        Why? I had the same thoughts? Is snark somehow outlawed? Isn’t there some free speech thing that we hold dear here in the US?

        • MarinersMan14 March 30, 2024 (1:22 pm)

          Cliff, the first amendment protects against being arrested for your speech – which is not going to happen.It doesn’t protect you for being called out on a local blog for not being empathetic to your neighbors. God bless!

  • WSRes March 29, 2024 (12:21 pm)

    Lived in West Seattle for over 20yrs. The level of crime is like nothing I’ve seen before. This isn’t a blip, or a spike. This is a big shift. So sad to see. I love our community and I hope our elected representatives take some serious steps to address the issue and get tough on the offenders. 

    • AG March 31, 2024 (6:40 am)

      I get that this might read as a shameless plug, and in some ways it is, but I am launching an app and piloting in King County, (and hope to grow it globally), that is meant to make local government more accessible and held accountable – it’s called Voter (http://voterapp.io/) and launches this May/June. But as West Seattleite myself, I feel like this is exactly the kind of thing that the App will be good for. The outcry won’t sit here in the comments section but will be directly seen by our representatives. 

Sorry, comment time is over.