Before the weekend’s over, we have another gallery of reader-contributed West Seattle bird photos! Above, two Northern Flickers, from Chi K Photography; below, two Common Mergansers, photographed by James Tilley along Alki:
And two Crows – one leucistic – who posed for Michelle:
Mark Dale sent this photo of a Cooper’s Hawk in flight over Gatewood:
Two photos from Erin B. Jackson in Arbor Heights – first, a Spotted Towhee:
Next, a White-crowned Sparrow:
From Gentle Tassione McGaughey, a Townsend’s Warbler:
And this Ruby-crowned Kinglet was photographed by Greg Harrington:
Thanks to everyone for sharing their photos – best way to send us a pic, bird or otherwise, is (dfor breaking news info and photos, text 206-293-6302)!