UPDATE: Monday protest announced by sister of boy who died at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center

7:16 PM: We just received this announcement from the sister of the Chief Sealth International High School student who died of a gunshot wound last Tuesday at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center:

Tomorrow we are planning to hold a protest against gun violence and to get justice for my younger brother.

This past Tuesday my little brother, 15 years old, was shot at the community center (SWAC) and he died shortly afterwards. This happened during his lunch break during school hours and the weapon hasn’t been found yet and the culprits have been released. The protest will be taking place in front of Chief Sealth International High School @12pm noon.

We hope to get as much support as possible in order to pressure the authorities and make a difference. So we would greatly appreciate it if you could share this flyer to spread awareness. For both the safety of our children and community.

Police have yet to say whether they believe this was an accidental or intentional shooting.

8:01 PM: We asked her what action protesters want to see happen. Here’s her reply:

Some changes we need to have implemented are; cameras into the community center (swac). This is a huge safety concern for us, as we were told none of their cameras have been functioning for years. This is concerning as this is place where parents bring their children for recreational activities and a site where students frequently visit.

By having an operating camera, the investigation would have been easier in understanding what truly happened and how people responded.

Another change we must see is more gun regulation. Kids should not have access to firearms under no circumstances. Having metal detectors would insure that students are not carrying weapons on to school campuses. We are also suggesting to have more security presence on campus to ensure safety for all students at CSIHS.

We are also requesting to have 9th graders to have separate lunches from the upperclassman, by having this ensures that underclassmen are not leaving campus unsupervised.

Also if anyone has any information on the situation please contact this number (206) 625-5011 or email justiceformobarak@gmail.com

That phone number is the SPD non-emergency number; SPD’s suggestion is its violent-crimes tip line at 206-233-5000.

30 Replies to "UPDATE: Monday protest announced by sister of boy who died at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center"

  • Danimal January 28, 2024 (8:20 pm)

    This is definitely a sad situation. There are still so many questions though. Was this a self-inflicted gunshot? Even if it wasn’t intentional? Yes, we have a problem with gun violence, and we need to start dealing with it through regulation, but maybe no other child need be hurt by what happened. For the record, I’m shocked that we don’t already have metal detectors at the entrances of all schools, given what keeps happening in this country, and given the glorification of guns and shooting people in a large subsection of youth (and young adult) culture. 

  • Alan January 28, 2024 (8:24 pm)

    “Culprits have been released”?? Hard to imagine.  Yes, that point is worthy of protest. 

  • Jj January 28, 2024 (9:46 pm)

    I wish we knew more and I hope truth comes out. 

  • Curtis January 28, 2024 (9:48 pm)

    Hard to disagree with these points.Mr. Garcia Morales and the PTA leaders have ignored calls for more security at Chief Sealth as children continue to get hurt and die.

    • Sealth parent January 28, 2024 (10:43 pm)

      I attended a PTA meeting where Mr. Morales talked about trying to pressure the district to restore security on the Denny/Sealth campus to pre covid levels. He was struggling to make progress and was frustrated. Some of us at that meeting wrote letters to the school board to support his requests and let SPS know parents are behind him in asking for more security. I’m not sure what you’re referring to in your comment. 

      • Admiral Mom January 29, 2024 (9:19 am)

        Pre covid levels was a emphasis officer (SPD policeman) named Officer Vargas. He was great and served as a resource and mentor for students. Superintendent Juneau shut that down. Say all you want about police presence in schools but for my kid, it was a positive thing.

        • Sumshine January 29, 2024 (1:22 pm)

          The police presence in SPD schools was specifically removed from campuses in response to the racial justice protests around police killings in our country especially in 2020, which of note were at an all time recorded high in 2023.  While some officers and police presence can be helpful the way in which this truly plays out most of the time is over policing in schools and communities that are largely people of color. This was definitively the case with Denny/Chief Sealth. This is a symptom of a much larger issue of violence, structural povetry, lack of mental health services/resources and racism that needs to be addressed at a structural and systemic levels and no amount of police, cameras or metal detectors in schools will solve.

  • Neighbors January 28, 2024 (10:01 pm)

    It’s devastating, I can’t imagine her grief.

  • Mariem January 28, 2024 (11:25 pm)

    I will be there in spirit with these students and the community. All the requests should be met so students are safe and so there is justice for this teen. I’m so sorry for your loss. 

  • K January 29, 2024 (12:48 am)

    I 100% agree that that city should be transparent with families about the cameras not working -and the gym not being adequately supervised at the teen center. I’m shocked that they didn’t do anything to fix the cameras after Kadon Brown was killed after leaving the center during Late Night last year. I’ll be there tomorrow. 

    • K January 29, 2024 (1:17 am)

      To clarify- they need to have working cameras but if they aren’t going to fix the cameras, they should be transparent to parents who think that the community center is a safe place for kids. 

  • SPS concerns January 29, 2024 (7:01 am)

    I can confirm Nino Cantu SW doesn’t have any security cameras I have been pushing for them for years as well, especially in that parking lot kids do donuts in all night long…. I run at the track over by the high school and have been told by multiple sources that the principal doesn’t send security over that way doesn’t seem safe to have students wandering around all school day with no security…

    • Anne January 29, 2024 (12:04 pm)

      Is the principal responsible for “ sending security”to SW Athletic Complex”? Isn’t that under the purview of Seattle Parks Dept? Guessing SPS-specifically Denny & Sealth don’t even have enough security for their own facilities (if they have any at all). SPD has not released many details- first comments by others have said this shooting happened in the restroom. I don’t think that   there would be working cameras in the restrooms. What might work but be cost prohibitive are metal detectors for schools & park facilities like this.But you’d need to have someone there to monitor them. All this costs money to buy the metal detectors, hire security to monitor them. Would I personally agree to pay higher taxes to fund these -YES. 

  • Pinto January 29, 2024 (8:00 am)

    This is amazing for the brave sister to do this. My heart goes out to her and her family. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in the United States. Nothing more needs to be known.

    • Jethro Marx January 29, 2024 (9:40 am)

      Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in the United States.  Nothing more needs to be known.”

      This is incorrect, on both counts.  You are probably repeating a garbled version of a claim that gunshot wounds are the leading cause of death of  children and young adults age 1-19.  This may seem a small distinction, but by moving age ranges around one can easily make very different claims about what the leading cause of death is for subsets of the population.  For fifteen-year-olds, it seems to be automobile accidents.  It is important to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them, I agree on that.  Using manipulated statistics is not a good way to find a solution.

      • Really? January 29, 2024 (2:05 pm)

        Dude…read the room. A kid is no longer here. A gun took his life. No one cares about your need to explain how statistics work. 

        • Jethro Marx January 29, 2024 (6:26 pm)

          This blog posting is about a protest specifically suggesting solutions to issues contributing to the death of Mobarak, as well as the subsequent investigation. If we’re talking about those issues and possible solutions, the room demands truth.

          • WW Resident January 30, 2024 (1:58 pm)

            Did I just agree with Jethro Marx?! 

        • Alki resident January 29, 2024 (10:05 pm)

          It’s important to know facts and Jethro is right. It does matter to me and others what the truth is. 

      • Another One January 29, 2024 (5:11 pm)

        Dude does it matter if it’s*actually* the first or second depending on the age? Does it really matter??? If it’s not the first cause then it’s the second. Kids are dying. They shouldn’t be dead. 

  • Daniel January 29, 2024 (8:15 am)

    These seem like reasonable, tractable, and effective suggestions (though I’ll admit idk the particulars of lunch timings).  Major props to her for those, even during what must be an unimaginable time of grief. There’s no way I’d be functioning that well mentally right after my brother died.

  • hjm January 29, 2024 (8:17 am)

    It is an absolute tragedy  that this young man lost his life, but I have to ask if having working cameras would make any difference. There are cameras everywhere in our society, including on most people (smartphones) yet rampant crime still occurs. It seems to me that this problem is better addressed in the home and in the community.

  • Billy the kid January 29, 2024 (8:33 am)

    It makes 0 sense who is putting guns in teenagers hands. how does a teenager get a gun? Who is selling the guns to the teenagers? thats the real question. I went to WS high 10 years ago and no teens had guns back then from any high school. something has changed.

  • Hammer in Hand January 29, 2024 (9:12 am)

    Let’s be clearwhile the cameras not working is a problemthey are not what killed this young manthe gun is what killed 

  • KMB January 29, 2024 (11:12 am)

    I can’t stop by this today because my daughter is home with strep throat, but count me in as a supporter. I run a program at the health department that supports storing guns safely to keep them out of the wrong hands. We have materials in thirteen languages and counting, and we can get you a discount on a lockbox or gun safe if you need one! https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dph/health-safety/safety-injury-prevention/preventing-gun-violence/safe-firearm-storage The Alliance for Gun Responsibility is hosting a youth action day at the state Capitol today to support gun safety policy. Any youth who are reading this can connect with them to get involved in this kind of organizing with support from some excellent adults, also. Love and support to Mobarak’s family and community. No one should have to experience this kind of tragedy. 

    • Daniel January 29, 2024 (4:01 pm)

      If it’s a single pistol, there are often resources to get a free lockbox, not just a discount.  See e.g. Safer Homes.

  • Jj January 29, 2024 (12:11 pm)

    May I be so bold to ask where is the gun? Concerned neighbor just wondering.

  • Jeff January 29, 2024 (4:03 pm)

    Get. Rid. Of. Guns. Enough already…

  • wsres January 29, 2024 (5:25 pm)

    I 100% support 9th and 10th graders being required to stay on campus during lunches. An hour of unsupervised time, where kids can go where ever they want is so concerning. I have brought this up several times to the WSHS admin. And of course I 100% support more gun regulations. 

  • Calling those pickleball activists January 30, 2024 (12:01 am)

    If only this issue received the same outcry as urban birds & pickle baller!  Hey pickle ballers you know this happened just on the other side of those courts you play on.  Get in this fight and demand safety for our community spaces.  

Sorry, comment time is over.