WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: Seaview sighting

Jessica sent the photo and report tonight:

Upon coming out the front door on 46th Ave SW between Findlay and Juneau around 9:30 pm, I heard a noise and stopped. It went silent. I made my way to the car and once inside saw a coyote on the west side of the sidewalk. It followed my car up the street and then crossed the road, pausing for a photo. Then it ran across Juneau toward 47th.

Our standard reminder – we publish coyote sightings for awareness, not alarm. Here’s how to peacefully coexist!

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: Seaview sighting"

  • Sillygoose December 27, 2023 (12:12 am)

    That’s our girl, she lives in the Green Crescent. 

  • anonyme December 27, 2023 (5:45 am)

    What a beauty.

  • divine December 27, 2023 (8:33 am)

    The coyote sightings have the feel of a messenger, an emissary of caution and watchful, loving grace.  I imagine this is a bit of anthropomorphizing on my part, but it still has that feel to me as I see the images over the years on this local blog. 

    • anonyme December 27, 2023 (9:58 am)

      I think the whole anthropomorphizing myth is coming to an end, and good riddance.  The fact is that non-human animals are also sentient, emotional beings; to deny this aspect of their existence and the complex relationships between all species shows a lack of understanding on the part of human observers – as well as faulty science.  Humans do not have a monopoly on these qualities.  Indeed, both intelligence and feeling seem sadly lacking in a large segment of our homocentric species.

    • Kristina December 27, 2023 (12:36 pm)

      Divine, I feel that too. Every coyote, osprey, orca; every shimmering leaping salmon, every backyard butterfly, the crows who return my gaze… such gifts to the world contained in those visits, and I am paying attention. Thank you for noticing, too!

  • Kersti Muul December 27, 2023 (8:38 am)

    My block ❤️Lots of wildlife here. Racoons, owls, coyotes… Love them all

  • Mike December 27, 2023 (12:31 pm)

    My wife saw 2 on Beach drive the other morning walking our dog. I’ve seen one and the same spot, a few months ago. 5800 block 

  • shed22 December 27, 2023 (3:06 pm)

    The bunnies had a good run these past few years. 

  • LJ December 27, 2023 (4:32 pm)

    My family and I see coyotes all the time in front of our home. We were lucky enough to see one two days in a row. An early morning yesterday at 6:21am, then very early this morning at 1:18am. Usually we see them in packs, but both nights were just a lone coyote. 

  • Lea Black December 28, 2023 (10:14 am)

    I see coyotes regularly here in Fauntleroy. I  have 2 cats so I do not allow them outside in gloaming hours and I do not compost old food waste, this creates a buffet for coyotes and raccoons! 

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