WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: 2 more sightings

Two more West Seattle coyote sightings to share. First, one texted to us tonight: “Wanted to report a coyote sighting in North Admiral going east at SW Walker St toward 41st Ave SW.” Second, one that was sent by Martine on Halloween night:

I live on 34th Ave SW, between Andover and Charlestown, and this morning I had an encounter with what I think was a coyote. It was 7am and I was walking my dog. The coyote was only 6 feet away, not scared at all, and looked incredibly healthy. He did not run when I tried to scare it away and stayed within my eye-sight until I decided to just go back home and walk my dog later. It was a little unnerving.

As always, we want to note that we publish these sightings for awareness, not alarm, and for education: Here’s the state’s advice on do’s and don’t’s for coexisting with coyotes. (For previous sightings, click on the coverage-category link – “coyotes” – under the headline above and scroll through our archive.)

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: 2 more sightings"

  • WiseWoman November 9, 2023 (2:55 am)

    Thanks for the reports that is near one of my clients homes and there are lots of outdoor cats around there. 

  • waikikigirl November 9, 2023 (9:10 am)

    Yesterday morning when my husband got home from work (starts very early!) he came in and said “there’s a fish on our retaining wall) I go look and yep a small salmon, head partially decapitated. What shocked me was also a huge “hairball” if you have cats you know what those are! With gloves on I look thru the hairball and find either a cats claw or maybe a squirrels claw! Someone said it was a “owl pellet” is that we are to call cats hairballs, pellets? 😉Either or keep pets inside please don’t make them the coyote or owls next meal. 

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