CRIME WATCH: Two crash-and-grabs, including 4th in a month at Global Smoke & Vape

Two crash-and-grab burglaries to report:

GLOBAL SMOKE & VAPE, AGAIN: The all-too-familiar photo is from Sam, who was first to tip us that Global Smoke & Vape at 35th/Roxbury was broken into again, fourth time in three and a half weeks. It happened around 5:15 am. According to archived police/dispatch audio, the shop owner got an alarm notification and called police while watching the burglary on a video feed. A vehicle was used. Its description wasn’t discussed over the air but we followed up with SPD and they say it appears to likely have been a white SUV. Previous break-ins were on August 26th, September 6th, and September 13th.

MR. O.G. IN WHITE CENTER: Thanks to Zac for the tip and photo.

Zac noticed last night that the cannabis store at 9823 15th SW had the telltale boarded-up front. That’s in King County Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction, so we checked with them this morning. They say a vehicle was used to break into the shop early Monday and the burglars left the vehicle (no description given) behind,

28 Replies to "CRIME WATCH: Two crash-and-grabs, including 4th in a month at Global Smoke & Vape"

  • Had Enough Yet? September 19, 2023 (11:14 am)

    Bollards exist.  Shame that they have to, but this is why they are a thing.  Also f*ck thieves.  Sure wish we had more law enforcement in this city.  Who could have guessed that less police would equal more crime?

    • Objective Observer September 19, 2023 (11:46 am)

      Or they can do their jobs. I’ve seen no empirical evidence that they’re stretched thin. Accountability isn’t a bad thing, and law enforcement should not throw a hissy fit because of it. They should be working to help the people. “Protect and Serve.” If it means staking out areas (like this shop that keeps getting broken into), or setting up checkpoints in/out of West Seattle to monitor outsiders from Burien etc., while we crack down on crime, then so be it. But they need to be active. I don’t see why that big station near Home Depot shouldn’t station enough officers to cover the West Seattle area. Even now, with all the protection law enforcement still gets (qualified immunity, etc.), there’s really no reason why they shouldn’t be ready and able to do their jobs just fine. 

      • Mike September 19, 2023 (12:35 pm)

        You must have failed math class.

      • Dooh September 19, 2023 (12:50 pm)

        Seriously really, they are down over 600 officers,  and you think they just stand around. They are stretched thin, not sure where you get your info. Why is the the police fault ? They can’t be every where,  check points, really. They can’t fill a station with officers if they CAN’T HIRE THEM.  So out of touch,

      • Marina September 19, 2023 (12:51 pm)

        You’ve seen no empirical evidence?! What is wrong with you? It’s not even a hard google search. You can even use the search function on the WSB site. Start with every crime watch or neighborhood meeting. Or just pay attention. Good lord. 

      • WW Resident September 19, 2023 (12:54 pm)

        Objective? SPD is down 600 officers since 2020. Precincts cannot even get to minimum staffing half the time and are begging for people to work overtime in the attempt to do so.Your comment about check points to see who is coming in and out is laughable, especially in this environment. That would be protested as racial profiling and fascism in a heart beat, even if it wasn’t true.Hold police accountable. Ok, do that, but my question is why aren’t we then holding the medical industry accountable for the 250,000 killings that happen annually due to negligence and malpractice according to John Hopkin’s Research? I was told we need to hold police to a higher standard. So what they said was an industry that is supposed to help people and kills 250,000 people annually due to incompetence or even illegal practices shouldn’t be held to the same standard as police who help people and have a job that actually has a real probable chance that deadly force may be needed to help the innocent and who kill approx 1,000-1,2000 people annually, most of those being justified. It’s called a double standard and it’s just the cool thing to hate on police. And here we are

      • Anne September 19, 2023 (1:33 pm)

        You must be living in an alternate reality if you  actually believe what you’re saying. Why don’t you go down to the big station by Home Depot &  run your ideas by the  LEO’s there. Check points to keep people from Burien out?????? 

      • Rhonda September 19, 2023 (1:49 pm)

        Subjective Observer, you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. For the record, it’s probably not worth it to waste police officers to stake out a business that sells products that make people sick and dead, anyway.

      • Alki resident September 19, 2023 (1:56 pm)

        WOW just WOW

      • Tgt September 19, 2023 (2:55 pm)
        • Seattle is one of the highest paid police in the nation. They have zero excuse. It isn’t even a top 5 dangerous job. If you don’t want to be a cop in Seattle it is only because you don’t want to be held accountable. I’m in all the same “dangerous” areas they are without any weapon and have zero concern about my safety. With that being said the cop shortage has nothing to do with anything. The state doesn’t have any place to hold everyone. Citizens are too dumb to realize that your jails can’t also act as mental hospital, drug rehabs, and jail. Until citizens find a brain and demand more facilities built to lock up people appropriately with enough pay for the employees nothing will get done. Morons thinking more little beat cops is the answer is beyond laughable. People want artificially high home prices without crime too which is a laughable notion. It has all gone way too out of control and everyone gets all their info and beliefs from trash social media apps so I suggest just sit back and enjoy the movie because we are way too far away from turning this around. 
        • Mike September 19, 2023 (7:59 pm)

          It always amazes me how incompetent people are about what police deal with and what they actually do day to day.  We’re just starting to see the results of a shrinking police force.  It’s only going to get worse as more flee SPD.  Until people take action to demand change and stand-up for themselves, buckle up for a bumpy ride.

        • WW Resident September 20, 2023 (5:52 am)

          SPD isn’t even the top paid police departments in the Puget Sound region any longer. And you go to ALL the dangerous places cops go. Please, give me a break. No you don’t. Stop with your hyperbole Internet chest puffing, cause you really don’t know what you’re talking about

    • Jort September 19, 2023 (7:13 pm)

      Bollards are actually discouraged in American street planning because … get this … they increase the chances that a car will be damaged! But, I guess, too bad for the humans and businesses outside the car? Gotta protect the paint! Yet another example of how our society is structured almost entirely around these machines. 

  • Bob September 19, 2023 (11:24 am)

    If I were a cop I would know where to stake out. Or do they even do that anymore?

  • East Coast Cynic September 19, 2023 (11:42 am)

    The vaping and cannabis stores could use a night watchman with a 12 gauge:)

    • waikikigirl September 19, 2023 (12:09 pm)

      Or a few trained attack dogs!

    • wetone September 19, 2023 (2:46 pm)

      Couldn’t agree more and I’ll go one step farther, if it was my place of business and I’d been hit 4 times in a month I would be spending my nights there with a few surprises for them ;) just saying because it seems in this town criminal activity is a free for all and seems our  mayor is doing nothing to slow this behavior down and hold criminals accountable. My brother got his car stolen this weekend (sat) from junction area. Called SPD gave them info they said will talk to ya on Monday ? . Ended up in tow yard on Sunday cost $480. to get released and now has to deal with all the damages……..would of been better off not finding car ;(      Something has to change…………..

  • Steven September 19, 2023 (12:43 pm)

    Hang it up smoke & vape shops.  Any profit margin is not worth the risk.  

  • Paul September 19, 2023 (1:35 pm)

    Re: stake outs, that means you have staff for a stake out while answering 911 calls.  So if you stake-out, we will lose out on 911 response…at least until SPD can get their staffing numbers up.Agree with the bollard suggestion as well.

    Maybe West Seattle needs a bollard gofundme to help out businesses.  

    • Parenting September 19, 2023 (3:52 pm)

      Maybe instead of suggesting a go fund me for bollards to help look at the root of the issue. The kids weren’t raised right. You used to be able to do things to punish your kids and they behaved for the most part. But now in this kindergarten country we live in you can’t even yell at your kids without someone claiming abuse. The cop issues are part of it yes. But if these kids were raised right than the intrusive thoughts they have about stealing cars and robbing people and businesses would stay just that, intrusive thoughts, not actions that affect lots and lots of others. 

  • Anne September 19, 2023 (1:38 pm)

    Wonder if all the shops in this mini mall could pool their resources to buy bollards. If I remember correctly-the Pizza shop & Missing Piece  have been broken into as well. Not sure if they were rammed with car or not.

  • Kevin September 19, 2023 (2:53 pm)

    A big thanks to Councilwoman Sawant and the geniuses in the CHOP movement who called for defunding SPD about three years ago. Hope we can get some new city council members who will prioritize rebuilding SPD and help bring West Seattle back for its law abiding  citizens. Please vote in November!

    • Kadoo September 19, 2023 (4:45 pm)

      Amen, Kevin. 

    • Cat Girl September 19, 2023 (6:46 pm)

      The SPD was not defunded. Its budget has increased not decreased. 

    • Amy September 19, 2023 (6:48 pm)

      But they were never defunded…..

    • Jort September 19, 2023 (7:16 pm)

      They “called for,” but didn’t actually defund the police. This is a reasonable excuse for the police choosing to stop doing their jobs, you think? Hmm? Because the politician said a mean thing? So they won’t do their jobs unless there’s a different politician that they like more? What does this sound like, to you? Does this sound ok?

  • Rockefeller September 19, 2023 (7:31 pm)

    There must be a draw at Global that’s bringing back the criminals soo fast.  Are the valuable items not being secured? 

  • 1994 September 19, 2023 (10:07 pm)

    Time to leave a couple of large vehicles parked directly in front of these shops. Block the entry with parked vehicles and those eco blocks. 

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