SPORTS: City to resurface Solstice Park tennis courts, add some pickleball striping

Thanks to Brian for the tip: The Solstice Park tennis courts will be resurfaced soon. And that work will include adding pickleball lines to three of the six courts. Though the work was scheduled to start next week, Parks tells us the start date may slide because, “The contractor who will doing this project is currently working on resurfacing the courts at Volunteer Park, which has been delayed some this week due to the change in the weather. It has to be dry for the surfacing to dry or cure properly between the layers of color.” Once the Volunteer Park work is complete, Parks says, then the Solstice Park work can begin. Meantime, regarding the plan to add pickleball stripes to three of the courts: “It will be the north three courts so that the Lock Box we plan to install will be easily accessed from the north court gate. We will be purchasing 6 temporary nets there to be used at Solstice Park.”

P.S. While researching this, we noted that the city is still proceeding with a plan to add “dedicated pickleball sites,” including Hiawatha; while that plan suggested there would be community “engagement” this month about that, Parks told us it’s now more likely to happen this fall.

18 Replies to "SPORTS: City to resurface Solstice Park tennis courts, add some pickleball striping"

  • wscommuter August 10, 2023 (4:14 pm)

    In the list of world problems, this is small potatoes.  But the mixing of pickle ball with tennis courts, it needs to stop.  Designate pickle ball courts and give them to pickle ball players.  But please stop doing hybrid courts.  It is terrible for tennis players.  

  • Andrew August 10, 2023 (5:34 pm)

    If baseball can suffer through multi sport fields then so can tennis.

  • T-ball/P-ball August 10, 2023 (6:20 pm)

    Agree with wscommuter. Hybrids are problematic for tennis players, but also pickle players. Dedicated spots and nets for each is a better solution. There is room north of the existing Solstice tennis courts to build 4 dedicated pickle courts with fences.  Dedicating pickle courts leaves the nets up and available. Lock box for nets will be troublesome unsafe obstacles for tennis players and will lead to thefts/ vandalism. The Solstice south courts are already dedicated to youth programs all summer long leaving tennis players and pickle players to share 3 north courts. Pickle groups are very noisy and distracting, to ourselves, or to tennis players. Pickle groups rotate players frequently and hit more balls at sharp angles into nearby courts disturbing other pickle players or tennis players if there are no fences. Separate the sports. 

  • Lincoln Park Neighbor August 10, 2023 (6:51 pm)

    With the resurfacing please Parks Department fix the very bright lights that stay on for hours after nobody is playing. We need to do what we can to make the courts ascribe better to a dark shy approach. Put those lights on a timer. It can’t be that hard. 

    • 1994 August 10, 2023 (9:37 pm)

      How about charging for the use of the lights after dark? I also have observed them on often with no tennis players in sight, no cars in the little lot. What a waste! 

    • Rhonda August 11, 2023 (12:57 am)

      Motion-activated lights would do the trick. We have them in several parks in Bellevue 

  • Mike August 10, 2023 (7:24 pm)

    Agree with comments. Hybrid courts are hurting the tennis community. The courts are lined for pickleball at Chief Sealth and are terrible. Build dedicated pickleball courts away from homes. 

  • In a pickle August 10, 2023 (7:43 pm)

    As for pickle vs tennis, it’s unsurprising that tennis players want to preserve their territory.  But the times they are a-changing’ and perhaps it’s time to share. As for pickle paddle noise, I live next to these courts and while I can attest that tennis itself isn’t exactly silent, it’s undeniable that pickle ball play has a more invasive pitch and greater frequency.  But no, we don’t want the green space north of the existing courts paved over: perhaps pickle ball courts deep in Lincoln Park would make more sense  Finally, those of us in the area might contend that the more important issue is the new lights, which have no timer, stay on until 11:00, and create tremendous light pollution, giving the neighborhood the look of an alien spacecraft landing site. Turn ‘em down, turn ‘em off!

    • wscommuter August 10, 2023 (9:12 pm)

      It’s not about sharing – its about being fair to both sports.  Pickle ball is a great game,  especially for older folks who aren’t mobile.  I’m all for people playing pickle ball.  I’m also fine with converting some tennis courts at some parks to pickle ball.  But hybrid doesn’t work – let, for example, Hiawatha become 100% pickle ball.  Likewise, the tennis courts at Walt Hunley Park have become 100% pickle ball – cool.  Go ahead and convert the Alki courts.  But tennis players who use Solstice shouldn’t have to lose half the courts to pickle ball – and likewise, the decision to do that at Southwest is a mistake and unfair to tennis players.  

  • Early to bed August 10, 2023 (7:48 pm)

    Now noise pollution is to be added to the light pollution at the Fauntleroy tennis courts. I live near the courts and have already been disturbed by the changes made when the lights were changed this spring. Now we have invasive high intensity light streaming in our windows until eleven o’clock. To add more noise due to the high pitch and rapid staccato of pickle ball hits is going to negatively affect the neighbors. It seems that courts which are built in areas removed from houses would be more considerate of the neighbors. 

  • BigB August 10, 2023 (7:59 pm)

    As an avid user of the Solstice Park Courts I am concerned that adding pickleball lines will only increase the already high demand.Adding the extra lines to the courts destroys the asthetics of the courts and the noise of the pickleball creates is a nuisance.I would encourage you to reach out to and let them know your opinion.

  • Andrew August 10, 2023 (11:33 pm)

    If baseball games are played on these multi sport turf fields then some tennis courts can suffer the same trouble. Can’t stand turf. Too easy to field grounders that handicaps you on grass/dirt fields. 

    • YES2WS August 11, 2023 (7:12 am)

      @andrew.. Because misery loves company?

      • K. Davis August 11, 2023 (10:56 am)

        Tennis and pickle ball aren’t compatible side-by-side.  The noise and difference in activity for pickle ball ruins tennis on the next court. If you don’t play tennis, please listen to those who do – it isn’t being snobby; its just two different activities that don’t coexist well.   I agree with the comments above.  Build pickle ball courts and convert some tennis courts, because plainly, lots of people like pickle ball.  But keep tennis courts separate and don’t mix the two.  

        • Kyle August 12, 2023 (1:11 pm)

          So you would be happy converting 80% of tennis courts to pickleball since it is the more popular sport? Or the courts could be striped for both, giving more uses to more people depending on demand. The latter sounds like a better use to me 

          • K. Davis August 12, 2023 (10:45 pm)

            You’re missing the point.   Tennis and pickle ball in the same location doesn’t work for tennis.  Give pickle ball folks some dedicated pickle ball courts, which can (already is) including converting some tennis courts to pickle ball – and please build some pickle ball courts as well.  Clearly this is a popular game, especially for non-athletic folks and older folks – let’s support them.  But please leave some tennis courts alone with no pickle ball so that tennis folks can enjoy their sport.  With all respect, your comment suggests that you don’t play tennis and don’t understand why we don’t want pickle ball at tennis locations.  

  • YES2WS August 11, 2023 (7:10 am)

    Tennis and pickle-ball should be as separate as regular golf and miniature golf (putt-putt).  If you doubt this, try watching / listening to a tennis match or golf game. It’s completely different from the roar of baseball, football, basketball, etc.

  • Schmitz Park Dad August 13, 2023 (12:37 pm)

    How do they get the pickles to bounce?

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