PHOTOS, VIDEO: 2023 Night Out block parties, from pizzas to pub to police horses, plus music

6:45 PM: Among the hundreds of West Seattle neighborhoods having Night Out block/building parties tonight is this one in Seaview, where Elyse and her neighbors are gathering for the first time.

Even something fun for the kids:

We’re making several stops tonight and also are welcoming your block-party photos ( If you’re not at a Night Out party tonight, be mindful of the many makeshift STREET CLOSED signs on non-arterials through 9 pm or so. Updates to come!

6:59 PM: One of the benefits of registering yuur Night Out party, though it’s not mandatory, is that you can ask for public-safety personnel to visit.

Also in Seaview, the party on Melody‘s block (you might know her as chair of the Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council) got a visit from the SPD Mounted Patrol, which is headquartered in West Seattle, at Westcrest Park. At left below is Chance, at right, Buzz:

Plus Melody and neighbors:

7:20 PM: In Gatewood, Jennifer invited us to stop by her block party –

It’s one of at least several tonight with live music:

That’s the voice of the Mariners, Tom Hutyler, performing. (Video added:)

7:40 PM: In Sunrise Heights, Lizzy and Vinnie are hosting a wood-fired-pizza block party:

They made the dough and sauce – neighbors brought the toppings:

7:54 PM: Another party with music is in east Gatewood – Reference Only is playing – video (added):

This party also has an inflatable Irish pub – at right in the background of our group photo:

9:14 PM: We’re adding more after taking a break this past hour for election-night coverage. Next photo is from our first stop of the night – every year when registration opens for Night Out, JoDean invites us to her Arbor Heights block party:

Night Out is for all ages. Jon sent the next pic from his block party west of The Junction – with him is 100-year-old neighbor Marie, who he reports is “still going strong”:

9:58 PM: We didn’t get to join in our Upper Fauntleroy neighborhood’s party since we were out photographing others, but we did take this pic of our neighbors upon return:

Not far away, here’s the Northrop Block Watch party, in the neighborhood at the top of the famously long SW Thistle stairs:

Melinda sent this photo from her Youngstown-area block party:

She reports: “We finally took a photo of our Night Out BBQ/Potluck — after 40 or so years!! “A good time was had by all” as was reported in the weekly Redfield Press of Redfield, South Dakota when I was a kid referring to Altar Society, 4-H club, etc meetings.” … Next pic is from Allison in Arbor Heights:

Pete’s party in Pigeon Point drew Southwest Precinct visitors:

And a texter shared this party photo from Fauntlee Hills:

Next year will be the 40th anniversary of the first nationwide Night Out.

ADDED WEDNESDAY: Two more photos – Carole says she and her neighbors had a great time at Cottage Grove Park:

And Barb appreciated the SPD officers who visited her neighborhood’s party:

Thanks again to everyone who shared photos or told us where they were gathering so we could stop by!

1 Reply to "PHOTOS, VIDEO: 2023 Night Out block parties, from pizzas to pub to police horses, plus music"

  • Neighborly August 2, 2023 (11:41 am)

    There is nothing better than when a community comes together to enjoy each other. I love these pics. Thank you all for showing how great WS can be. 

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