YOU CAN HELP: Register now for a dozen local ways to be part of this year’s One Seattle Day of Service

(Mayor’s Office photo)

As announced by Mayor Bruce Harrell today, registration is now open for volunteering opportunities during this year’s One Seattle Day of Service, on May 20th. We checked the map/list, and noted a dozen opportunities in this area. Most have caps on registration, so if you’re interested in helping out somewhere on that day, sign up fast! From the announcement, here’s what you can expect:

Volunteer opportunities include a variety of options for people across ages, abilities, and interests. Most volunteer shifts are 2-3 hours, ranging from just a few volunteers to up to 100 per shift. Nearly half of activity opportunities are open to all ages, and more than one third are open to all abilities.

Volunteer activities include:

Cleaning and beautification – collecting trash, removing graffiti, building repair, and painting
Gardening and restoration – weeding, planting, storm drain protection, and trail repair
Helping neighbors in need – grocery packing, donation organizing, and tiny-home construction

The locations and registration links are here.

1 Reply to "YOU CAN HELP: Register now for a dozen local ways to be part of this year's One Seattle Day of Service"

  • Spencer April 12, 2023 (2:11 pm)

    I really enjoyed doing this last year, and have already signed up for this year. It’s a great opportunity! :D

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