UPDATE: 35th SW reopens south of Avalon after 10-hour fallen-tree closure

5:06 PM: What one responder described to dispatch as “a very large tree” has fallen on 35th near Avalon.

5:11 PM: Thanks to everyone who’s sent photos. 35th is closed between Avalon and Alaska because of this. Above and below are texted photos:

5:16 PM: That photo shows the location clearly – just south of the bus stop on northbound 35th. Note there’s at least one utility pole caught up in this, and responders have just warned that the railing behind the stop “might be electrified.” Also, Metro has just sent an advisory that this situation will affect C Line and Routes 21, 50, 55, and 773 (Water Taxi shuttle).

5:41 PM: That’s our crew’s view from the other side of the tree blockage. No reports of injuries. Two buses got stuck behind the tree – one marked 21, one marked “to terminal” – and they’re trying to get them out by backing up. The tree’s indeed affecting some poles/lines, but no outage is reported. Meantime, our crew also reports that traffic is snarled in the Y vicinity and elsewhere just west of 35th. If you’re headed eastbound on Alaska, you can turn to southbound 35th from there, but not northbound.

6:09 PM: No estimate on reopening.

7:54 PM: Still closed. A traffic camera is pointing southward toward the closed/blocked stretch of 35th:

8:53 PM: The SDOT camera shows activity around the tree, but otherwise the road remains closed to traffic.

9:40 PM: More crews are arriving and the tree is brightly illuminated. We’ll continue watching for progress. … A nearby resident reports hearing chainsaw activity.

10:09 PM: Two angles from people who have a view from the west side of 35th, as removal continues:

That pic is from a texter who described the tree as “monstrous” – the photo is from after at least a third of it was gone. Also, Katherine sent this video, so you can hear the operation:

11:53 PM: The tree appears to be gone but crews continue with utility work.

1:10 AM: That’s continuing, Here’s a ground-level photo that Matty contributed in the comment section:

3 AM: After 10 hours, 35th SW has just reopened – the utility crews are leaving; the signs, cones, and tapes have been removed. We’ll be following up later today on plans for ensuring there aren’t any other trees in that roadside stand in danger of falling.

28 Replies to "UPDATE: 35th SW reopens south of Avalon after 10-hour fallen-tree closure"

  • NW January 4, 2023 (5:14 pm)

    I suspect it’s one of the trees west of the stadium Seattle parks field city of Seattle trees my observation over the years is they have ivy growing up them and not maintained at all. These trees parallel frequent transit too, if of course one has fallen. Hope everyone is ok!

  • K. Lusignan January 4, 2023 (5:32 pm)

    Yes. If you are trying to bus home from downtown, wait until you get a 21 if you’re going along 35th, because the C line is being rerouted and according to drivers will not connect with any 21 stops in West Seattle.

  • Alice January 4, 2023 (5:40 pm)

    Avoid this area! Traffic in all directions is stopped. My bus driver let me off and I walked up the hill to the Junction, beating the bus. 

  • Molly January 4, 2023 (6:10 pm)

    WSB for the win again. Got out of swim lessons at the Y and saw traffic both ways on that street, was confused. Then got stuck behind a fire truck and saw a bus turning by us, knew something had to be up. Had my husband look up on WSB and learned about the tree and knew it wouldn’t impact my ride home after the Alaska/Fauntleroy light. 

  • Cason January 4, 2023 (6:33 pm)

    WS Bridge crack.  Fauntleroy Ferry terminal crash. Lower Bridge frozen. Landslides.  King tides. Trees falling. I didn’t realize it was so dangerous to live in West Seattle?  

    • X January 4, 2023 (7:11 pm)

      Almost goes to the tune of We Didn’t Start the Fire! 

      • Terremoto January 4, 2023 (7:26 pm)

        X for the win!

    • NW January 4, 2023 (7:38 pm)

      As far as transit goes and this fallen tree impacting its route I often share with bus drivers there is never a dull day on the bus. 

      • Derek January 5, 2023 (7:46 am)

        Busses in King County are some of the best ran in the country. I’ve lived all over, trust me. We have such a good system and drivers. Complaints are all are so unfounded. 

        • NW January 5, 2023 (5:11 pm)

          Wasn’t a complaint Derek just an observation not meant to be negative. Thanks for confirming to me best not to comment or say anything these days never know how it’s interpreted. I support transit and thank drivers for their service on a regular basis. 

    • LifeLongWSRes January 4, 2023 (10:00 pm)

      Oh, stop.

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy January 4, 2023 (6:59 pm)

    Can confirm not cleared, road closed, no activity at 7:00 pm.The front of my apartment is unusually peaceful 🤗

    • Jeepney January 4, 2023 (7:19 pm)

      Happy for you Mad Sci Guy, your peaceful easy feeling is what it’s all about. Too bad for the folks who needed to get somewhere tonight.

      • HoneyBun January 4, 2023 (7:43 pm)

        People are allowed to enjoy sudden and unexpected pleasantness, even if the same event causes a hardship for someone else. Grow up. Besides, WSMSC was providing an update about the situation, not just signing on here to gloat about the quietness in front of their apartment building. Your immediate and irresistible desire to judge and shame others is what’s really “too bad for folks”. Just say’n.

        • Jeepney January 5, 2023 (5:07 am)

          “People are allowed to enjoy sudden and unexpected pleasantness, even if the same event causes a hardship for someone else“That is the most entitled comment I have ever read on the WSB.

          • HoneyBun January 5, 2023 (9:35 am)

            Of course you would see it that way; THAT is the true example of entitlement going on here. Bye.

      • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy January 4, 2023 (8:41 pm)

        It’s a pretty short detour at 7 pm when I posted. There were no backups anymore on my walk home. Maybe an extra minute to take Fauntleroy or even 36th if you’re going down Avalon. Five bucks says you’re not this unkindly to folks you talk to in person. If you are I’d love to meet you in person.

  • NW January 4, 2023 (7:35 pm)

    The route 50 seems to be on schedule relatively speaking considering the impacts of the fallen tree. 

  • Kersti Elisabeth Muul January 4, 2023 (7:35 pm)

    This is a mostly dead pine tree, that looks like it had a mid-stem failure. Communication lines down.

  • JB January 4, 2023 (8:01 pm)

    I wonder if this damaged a Comcast box or something, because my internet has just gotten VERY s l o w in the past 30-45 minutes.

  • Always check the blog January 4, 2023 (9:06 pm)

    Dang it! Wife left at the usual time for her overnight shift at Children’s. Then encountered this, She wasn’t THAT late, but it’s always a bummer to make the day-timers wait (they’re all long shifts). Next time we’ll check WSB first! 

  • Scarlett January 4, 2023 (9:49 pm)

    No one was hurt, which is the best outcome you can hope for.  I’ve read too many heart-breaking news stories of people losing their lives because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.    

    • Odd son January 4, 2023 (11:39 pm)

      All the more reason for the city to do a better job at identifying problem trees and proactively eliminating the risk. Trees fall every year or so and there have already been trees falling on vehicles. This is life and death. 

      • Lola January 5, 2023 (7:17 am)

        Odd Son, the City does not want to be proactive they just wait for the Catastrophe to happen.  Our fair city does not even clean up our Highway’s anymore or cut down brush that is growing along side of Freeway’s or Roads.  It would be nice if our tax dollars actually went to maintaining stuff around our city, but they have other Priority’s in mind. 

        • Hm January 5, 2023 (1:29 pm)

          You may be confusing WSDOT and SDOT

  • Matty PinPin January 5, 2023 (12:03 am)

    Midnight update photo on the 35th tree cleanup. Great from WSB coverage tonight. 

    • WSB January 5, 2023 (1:01 am)

      Thanks! We’re still watching …

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