West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
Thanks to the Denny International Middle School parent who shared an alert sent today to families from Denny and adjacent Chief Sealth International High School:
A Denny student reported a suspicious vehicle following them as they walked to school this morning. The vehicle drove away when the student took out their cell phone. The student reported the incident when they arrived at school. Denny staff immediately contacted the Seattle Police Department (SPD) and Seattle Public Schools (SPS) Safety and Security team.
SPD officers were dispatched to the school and patrolled the area near our school throughout the day. An additional member of the SPS Safety and Security team was stationed outside the school in the area where the vehicle was last seen. He will be stationed there again on Thursday.
I am proud of how the student and our school community responded. Our school and district safety protocols were followed. Our school and district staff remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering the well-being of every student.
You can help your student(s) stay safe by talking to them about personal safety:
• Reporting incidents as soon as they happen,
• Being aware of surroundings,
• Not talking to strangers or going anywhere with them,
• Walking to school or activities in pairs or groups.
The alert, signed by Denny principal Jeff Lam and Sealth principal Ray Garcia-Morales, did not include a description of the car, nor the specific area(s) in which the student was followed. We’re trying to obtain those additional details.
5:06 PM: What one responder described to dispatch as “a very large tree” has fallen on 35th near Avalon.
5:11 PM: Thanks to everyone who’s sent photos. 35th is closed between Avalon and Alaska because of this. Above and below are texted photos:
5:16 PM: That photo shows the location clearly – just south of the bus stop on northbound 35th. Note there’s at least one utility pole caught up in this, and responders have just warned that the railing behind the stop “might be electrified.” Also, Metro has just sent an advisory that this situation will affect C Line and Routes 21, 50, 55, and 773 (Water Taxi shuttle).
5:41 PM: That’s our crew’s view from the other side of the tree blockage. No reports of injuries. Two buses got stuck behind the tree – one marked 21, one marked “to terminal” – and they’re trying to get them out by backing up. The tree’s indeed affecting some poles/lines, but no outage is reported. Meantime, our crew also reports that traffic is snarled in the Y vicinity and elsewhere just west of 35th. If you’re headed eastbound on Alaska, you can turn to southbound 35th from there, but not northbound.
6:09 PM: No estimate on reopening.
7:54 PM: Still closed. A traffic camera is pointing southward toward the closed/blocked stretch of 35th:
8:53 PM: The SDOT camera shows activity around the tree, but otherwise the road remains closed to traffic.
9:40 PM: More crews are arriving and the tree is brightly illuminated. We’ll continue watching for progress. … A nearby resident reports hearing chainsaw activity.
10:09 PM: Two angles from people who have a view from the west side of 35th, as removal continues:
That pic is from a texter who described the tree as “monstrous” – the photo is from after at least a third of it was gone. Also, Katherine sent this video, so you can hear the operation:
11:53 PM: The tree appears to be gone but crews continue with utility work.
1:10 AM: That’s continuing, Here’s a ground-level photo that Matty contributed in the comment section:
3 AM: After 10 hours, 35th SW has just reopened – the utility crews are leaving; the signs, cones, and tapes have been removed. We’ll be following up later today on plans for ensuring there aren’t any other trees in that roadside stand in danger of falling.
According to Washington State Ferries‘ most-recent Service Restoration Plan update, “Early in 2023, WSF will begin trialing full, three-boat service on the Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth route.” How early? The plan is on the agenda for WSF’s winter community meetings, which will be held online next week, as explained in the announcement:
At 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11, and 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12, WSF staff will discuss the ferry system’s service restoration progress, ongoing efforts to address workforce challenges as well as updates on key projects. WSF Assistant Secretary Patty Rubstello will lead the meetings in coordination with the Ferry Advisory Committees, appointed representatives of ferry-served communities who advise WSF.
Both events will cover the same material and are designed to give participants the option to join the Zoom meeting that best fits their schedule. Meeting participants will be able to ask questions and provide comments.
You can register for one or both meetings via links on this page. Meantime, given that vessel availability is a factor in service restoration, we asked WSF today about repair progress on M/V Cathlamet, out of servive since the Fauntleroy crash last July. WSF spokesperson Ian Sterling says it’s expected back in service by the end of March.
3:14 PM: Thanks to Mel for the tip. SPD and SFD are responding to a two-car crash reported on Sylvan Way at High Point Drive [map]. Avoid the area for a while.
4:09 PM: Thanks to Sam for the report that Sylvan has reopened in both directions. We’re checking with SFD regarding injuries.
2:48 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a water-rescue response by land and sea to Seacrest, to look into a report of people who are possibly in distress about 300 yards out. Updates to come.
2:51 PM: So far, all they’re seeing is divers – but they’re checking to be sure the divers are OK.
2:53 PM: And they’ve confirmed – it’s three people out diving and they’re fine. “False alarm,” they’ve proclaimed, and the response is being canceled.
Seattle Public Utilities has long been warning that its contractor for the Pump Station 38 upgrade project would have to close one lane of Alki Avenue SW to install a sewer pipe, and that closure (in the 1400 block) has finally begun. We went through a short time ago; flaggers are there to help traffic alternate through the one open lane. If weather doesn’t get in the way, this could be done by the end of the week. This is just part of the $2 million project, for which construction began last summer and is expected to last into spring,
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Five and a half months after a hit-run driver killed Robb Mason as he bicycled home from his West Seattle job, police have identified a suspect, and prosecutors have charged him.
After a reader tip, we obtained the charging documents this morning. 20-year-old Mohamed A. Yusuf of High Point is charged with vehicular homicide and felony hit-run.
According to the charging documents, he was identified through “scrupulous detective work” with evidence including car debris at the scene, security video from a Metro bus and neighborhood cameras, and the suspect’s online/phone activity, including searches, links, and messages related to the case. The charging documents say the crash video showed distinctive pre-existing damage to the Hyundai Elantra that struck Mr. Mason and that police cross-referenced a list of all similar vehicles with a database of incidents, zeroed in on this car, found it outside Yusuf’s residence, and impounded it.
He is accused of driving that Elantra faster than 50 mph the evening of July 15th, 2022, when Mr. Mason was hit and killed east of the low bridge. Here’s the narrative written by prosecutors:
63-year-old Robert Mason was on his way home from work. He was riding an electric bicycle and wearing a yellow safety vest. He was riding eastbound in the eastbound lanes and had just entered the eastern marked crosswalk and was turning left to cross the westbound lanes presumedly to rejoin the bike lane on the north side of the street. The road has two lanes in each direction divided by double yellow painted lines. The crosswalks at the intersection are marked and painted with white hash marks.
20-year-old Mohamed Yusuf was driving eastbound in his sedan. He was speeding over 50 mph on the 25 mph-posted street. He crossed the double yellow centerline and plowed into Mr. Mason. Mr. Mason suffered catastrophic injuries and was killed immediately. … The collision was captured on several road cameras and significantly a Metro bus’s forward-facing camera.
The defendant had initially braked but accelerated away. He never checked on Mr. Mason or contacted the police or called 911. He was identified through a scrupulous investigation that included Ring camera video and audio which captured him behind his house telling someone he was driving “55mph,” several admissions he made in his social media feeds, including searches for “hit and run death of cyclist,” “how long does marijuana (weed) stay in your system?” and links to news articles on this specific event … He sent video of the police knocking on his door and shared that his lawyer told him not to answer.
Yusuf has no criminal record and has not been arrested; the case was filed on a “summons” basis, and he is under orders to appear for arraignment next Monday (January 9th) morning in King County Superior Court. We asked King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office spokesperson Casey McNerthney about the decision to file this way; he replied, “The State Constitution and court rules significantly limit the situations in which the Court will issue warrants or hold defendants in jail pending trial,” adding that the decision was “based on judges’ rulings over years in previous unrelated vehicular homicide cases with similar circumstances – particularly noting the defendant’s lack of criminal history or warrant history, even with this serious vehicular homicide charge.”
Mr. Mason’s death stirred an outcry, particularly in the cycling community, which first placed a “ghost bike” at the scene and then organized two memorial rides, with gatherings addressed by the victim’s widow, in July and in September.
Prosecutors are asking the arraignment judge to order Yusuf into electronic home monitoring while awaiting trial. According to KCPAO’s McNerthney: “If the defendant violates any terms imposed by the Court or does not appear at a required court date, prosecutors can make a motion for a warrant with a bail request.”
ADDED 6:57 PM: We reached out this morning to ask if Claudia Mason wanted to comment. Tonight we’ve received this:
It means a lot to me that so many people remember and care about Robb.
His death has hit our community very hard and for those of us in the cycling community it’s been a painful reminder of how precarious our commutes can be when we are required to travel through areas that are inherently dangerous.
My own life was stolen when Robb was so brutally killed and I am relieved that the defendant will be arraigned in a few days. It has been a very long and agonizing wait to get to this point and I know that the process is far from over but this news is a big step in the right direction towards getting some justice for my beloved husband Robb Mason.
(Another view of The Olympics, by James Bratsanos)
Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead:
NORTHWEST SEAPORT ALLIANCE: The port commissioners of Seattle and Tacoma comprise the managing members for the two ports’ joint cargo authority, and they meet starting at 11:30 this morning. Our calendar listing has links for the agenda and online viewing.
LIVE AT LOCOL: Locöl (7902 35th SW) spotlights live music 6:30-8:30 pm Wednesdays, no cover, 21+, rotating artists.
INFO NIGHT FOR TWO RUNNING PROGRAMS: Both at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) – 6:30 pm, learn about intermediate training for a half-marathon; at 7 pm, learn about “Get Fit West Seattle,” a couch-to-half-marathon training program.
DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY NETWORK: Community advocates for West Seattle and South Park meet online tonight at 7 pm; attendance and agenda info in our calendar listing.
MUSIC BINGO: Play weekly at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7 pm.
TRIVIA x 5: At 7 pm, you can play trivia at the West Seattle Brewing Mothership (4415 Fauntleroy Way SW); Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW) hosts Wednesday-night trivia starting at 7:30 pm; there’s 7:30 and 8:30 pm Sporcle Pub Quiz at The Lodge (4209 SW Alaska); trivia starts at 8 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW); at 8:30 pm, trivia at Talarico’s (4718 California SW) with Phil T.
SKYLARK OPEN MIC: 7:30 pm signups @ West Seattle’s longest-running open mic – no cover to watch. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Have an event – one-time or recurring – to add to West Seattle’s only comprehensive event calendar? Please email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
6:02 AM: Good morning! It’s Wednesday, January 4th.
This is the 13th day the low bridge has been closed to surface traffic.
Here’s the latest update on repair needs and plans; free Water Taxi and bus rides are in the works, as are temporary protected bike lanes over part of the recommended detour for riders.
Watch for the aforementioned bike-lane preps along stretches of West Marginal Way and 1st Avenue South … Seattle Public Utilities says the lane closure for sewer-pipe work near the pump-station project in the 1400 block of Alki SW is finally close to starting.
Rain likely by day’s end, high in the upper 40s.
–Metro is on a regular schedule today but still down buses for repairs – keep watching notification channels such as @kcmetroalerts for trip cancellations and route suspensions.
-The West Seattle Water Taxi is on its regular schedule.
-WSF’s Triangle Route remains on its two-boat schedule- check here for alerts/updates.
Delridge cameras: Updating this recent report, five are now live. Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also up at Delridge/Oregon, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Orchard, and Delridge/Henderson.
High Bridge – the camera at the top.
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way).
1st Ave. S. Bridge – the south route.
Highway 99: – the northbound side at Lander.
All functional city traffic cams can be seen here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page … Are movable city bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.
If you see a problem on the roads/paths/water, please text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.