FOLLOWUP: Parking-lot gates going in at West Seattle High School

Last August, we reported on a plan to add gates to the West Seattle High School parking lot, after longrunning complaints about after-hours use for illegal/dangerous activity. Today, gate installation is under way. Thanks to Pat for the tip; we just went over for a photo. We never did get info on what days/hours the gates will be open, so we’re following up with Seattle Public Schools. (This is the second day in a row we’ve had a note about the WSHS parking lot; Thursday we reported on a plan to put four portables in the lot, which would remove 30 parking spaces.)

19 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Parking-lot gates going in at West Seattle High School"

  • SPSemployee January 20, 2023 (1:10 pm)

    gates will most likely only be open during school days/hours and events. 

  • Mike January 20, 2023 (1:52 pm)

    Bad investment.  These gates will fall into disuse.  

  • ACG January 20, 2023 (2:11 pm)

    I understand some of the unfortunate illegal/dangerous uses of the parking lot. Especially if they will be installing portables soon. But it will be a bummer to not have access to that parking on weekends when there are activities next door at the Hiawatha playfields (youth soccer games, etc). 

    • Frog January 20, 2023 (4:03 pm)

      My thoughts exactly.  The WSHS parking lot functions as parking for Hiawatha fields and CC if it ever opens again.  It would be fine to close the gates from 9 or 10pm to 6am every day, but probably there is no person there to do the closing at those hours or on weekends.

  • Zim January 20, 2023 (2:45 pm)

    I totally agree, school are funded with taxpayer money and parking lot should be available during no school hours for the general public 

    • OrMaybe January 20, 2023 (7:55 pm)

      Or maybe they should be available for what the public wants them available. Which in this case, appears to be, not available. People did donuts, other people complained, the gov heard the complaints and this happened. If you don’t like it go complain. Looks like there are a lot of seats opening up, you could be the change you want to see. 

    • WSRes January 20, 2023 (8:19 pm)

      The Sealth and Denny parking lots have had gates for years. No complaints about it there.

    • CAM January 20, 2023 (8:41 pm)

      Just because something is government property doesn’t mean you get to use it for whatever and whenever you want to. Some property is kept by the government for the use of specific people or for specific purposes to provide necessary services. They have every right to restrict you from those areas. 

    • Auntie January 20, 2023 (8:44 pm)

      And just what is the general public going to use this parking lot for after school hours? Seems like the only use it gets is in the middle of the night by the stupid cruiser/drifters. Should our taxpayer dollars be providing them with a place to do their dirty work, while driving the neighbors crazy with their noise?

      • ACG January 21, 2023 (9:37 am)

        I do not disagree that the lot should be shut at night due to the illegal and dangerous activity. But that lot is used a lot during the day on weekends for events held next door at Hiawatha Playfields. (Youth soccer games and things like that). This will push all those cars out into the neighborhoods- and on some weekends there are a LOT of games held there.  When young teams play there, there can be multiple games held on that field at the same time- which means a lot of people are there all at once.  Can gates like that be set on an automatic timer for daytime weekend access instead of having someone there to manually open and close it?

        • WSB January 21, 2023 (9:57 am)

          As noted above, I’m trying to get district information on the plan for when the gates will be closed. I did not get a reply on Friday so I’ll be starting anew on Monday.

  • Alki resident January 20, 2023 (2:58 pm)

    Ok let’s fence off all areas for squatters and gate up all parking lots. Lock up all eggs and formula behind customer service desks, what else am I missing? Oh, keep kids from having a skatepark on an unused lot. Seattle is an amazing place to live. 

    • Spooled January 21, 2023 (8:05 am)

      Absolutely lets do that!  If areas are prone to misuse and abuse, and there is no other enforcement method available, they get locked up or blocked off.  It’s a normal thing to happen.  Likewise if eggs and formula are theft leaders for a retailer they’re going to secure those items like the Burien Safeway did with the beer and medecines.  It’s inconvenient but just the way things are today.  It didn’t used to be and I hope it gets better but that’s how things are today.

  • Sasquatch January 20, 2023 (4:39 pm)

    To those complaining, the side shows that happen here on the weekends are so loud you can hear them five blocks away at my house. I can’t imagine what it’s like for people living near the lot. And there is much denser housing around Hiawatha then where I live. Furthermore, there are large groups of teenagers hanging out there smoking cannabis in cars in the middle of the day while little kids are learning to ride bikes.

  • Escaped to a Saner and Safer World January 20, 2023 (6:00 pm)

    I’m so glad I moved from Seattle. It’s unrecognizable.

  • S Admiral January 20, 2023 (7:28 pm)

    Clearly none of the first several comments are from residents who live within a five block radius of WSHS. Those that do know that (during the summers especially) almost every single night local (or likely non-local) cruisers drift and do donuts for extended periods in this parking lot. It is Insanity. This starts as early as 11 and will go until 3am or later. Usually for five minute bursts of defeating terror, then they will tear a** down California off to some other locale to cause trouble and to avoid a police call, then they return an hour later to do it all again. When the weather permits, you can count on it. We live three blocks from WSHS and have been awaken in the middle of the night countless times by this. I have always a felt very sorry for the residents of the retirement condominium directly across from the parking lot that must be terrorized by this. These are not just kids hanging out in a parking after dark having a drink or smoking weed. These are pathetic man-children living out some childish Hollywood car fantasy at 2am, and committing crimes in the process.This is Long. Overdue.I, as well, hope this new infrastructure will be monitored and maintained, such that it is open during the day for students, public/residents and local events, but consistently locked at night. 

    • Calires January 20, 2023 (8:31 pm)

      I lived within 5 blocks of WSHS for almost 15 years and recently moved away.  I was so used to hearing screeching tires around 11 p.m. most every night, I realized that I was still waiting for it from 3000 miles away.  There are some things I miss about West Seattle, but that’s definitely not one of them.

  • Lisa January 20, 2023 (11:59 pm)

    Thank goodness! I was walking around the track last week in the middle of the day and some kid was doing donuts in the lot. What a nuisance! While he wasn’t technically harming anyone/anything (other than his parent’s  SUV), it was very disturbing and loud. It “felt” dangerous. And I’m getting that sense more and more in WS. To the point “leaving” is a frequent topic of convo in our household.

  • Wseattleite January 21, 2023 (1:03 pm)

    This is getting very familiar. The poor actions of a few affect the lives of the many. Of course, everyone is worried about gates and not the actual behavior that is bringing them into existence. A tiny bit of enforcement, a healthy does of parental roles in youngsters lives, and a true community spirit that crowds out this behavior before authorities are called to provide a solution would go a long way toward a better existence for those who live here. Unfortunately, all those things seem to be very much in decline. 

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