Feedback sought on West Seattle High School plan for parking-lot portables

The city Department of Neighborhoods has put out a call today for feedback on a plan to add four portable classrooms to West Seattle High School, in the parking lot. Approval is required for zoning exveptions – formally known as departures – so that’s why there’s a feedback process – this would involve departures for “reduced vehicular parking quantity” and “amended bicycle parking performance standards.” From the presentation on the city website:

The presentation notes that the 30-space reduction would be from an already-reduced number – zoning requires 238 spaces, almost 50 more than what’s currently provided. The city says they’re taking comments through February 17 – email or send postal mail to Nelson Penigan, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, PO Box 94649, Seattle, WA 98124-4649

21 Replies to "Feedback sought on West Seattle High School plan for parking-lot portables"

  • Ts January 19, 2023 (6:26 pm)

    So more students should have to find parking in surrounding neighborhoods? Not sure if I would be a fan of that if I was a neighbor since I was in a few fenderbenders of teen drivers when I went there. Any other possible place for them

    • Tony January 19, 2023 (8:25 pm)

      More students should be walking or taking the bus.

      • Anne January 19, 2023 (10:53 pm)

        No they shouldn’t. 

        • Jort January 20, 2023 (12:04 am)

          ………???????? Why not? Seriously? 

          • Anne January 20, 2023 (2:17 pm)

            If I had a student in school I would not want them riding in the unhealthy environment on buses-not to mention not being able to count on them being on time. But Jort  all you know is  -cars are evil-buses & bikes & walking  are the  ONLY acceptable way to get around. That’s great for those who can -there are others who -for reasons you will never acknowledge  as valid-who can’t . 

        • Tony January 20, 2023 (9:15 am)

          Really Anne, what is the problem with more kids walking or taking the bus? 

          • Anne January 20, 2023 (2:12 pm)

            As someone else said-plenty do walk & take transit-& if more will that’s great-but many need to drive -not just to & from school-but to after school sports & practices-even jobs. Don’t remove parking spaces-they’re needed. Really wish some students would weigh in on this issue. 

      • cmon man January 20, 2023 (1:44 pm)

        hey tony, i don’t think you realize a lot of students DO take the bus and they DO walk, and this is coming from an alumni who walked AND took the bus to and from school. busses get full and seattle is not the ‘driest’ place in the country for a majority of the school year. students shouldn’t have to wake up at 5 am and walk in the rain just so they can make it to class on time. 

        • Tony January 21, 2023 (9:44 am)

          I live close to the school, and do recognize that many kids walk, but that doesn’t preclude more from making the effort. Frankly this just sounds like more of the car-centric mantra constantly pushed in our neighborhood and city, and I would like to see more people try transportation methods other than a car. If these kids have to keep driving when the portables go up, there is no shortage of street parking during the day within a few blocks of the school. 

  • NativetoSeattle January 19, 2023 (9:00 pm)

    The parking already seems limited when going to a school function- basketball games, open houses, etc. I don’t know what the impact is for student parking; but if this makes it almost 80 spots below zoning, that’s concerning. 

  • Frustrated Parent January 19, 2023 (9:52 pm)

    There’s PLENTY of acreage to build or install decent portables on the grounds, but they’re still going to look terrible and not be warm or cool enough through the seasons. Hiawatha is not fully utilized consistently, why not use some of their rooms or a whole floor? 

    • Anne January 19, 2023 (10:55 pm)

      Hiawatha is not a public school.

  • Uncle Steve January 19, 2023 (10:23 pm)

    On the bright side it will cut down on the space for burning rubber at night

    • WS Native January 20, 2023 (7:13 am)

      I had the same thought.  

    • Tony January 20, 2023 (12:00 pm)

      What about those gates they were installing to block the parking lot? They got the post in, but completion seems to have stalled.

    • Anne January 20, 2023 (2:07 pm)

      Gates being installed today to hopefully stop that from happening.

  • Chemist January 20, 2023 (12:44 am)

    As part of this project, 12 bike stalls will be installed in a locked enclosure, but to reduce the permanency of the structure, the School district would prefer to only use fencing for the enclosure.

    I am disappointed that they’ve got 14 bike parking stalls out in the open currently and aren’t eager to add covered bike parking with this tiny addition of 12 bike parking stalls.  The high school needs to support more students biking, with more spaces including proper covered and secure parking.  A fence isn’t real security and an awning isn’t going to break anyone’s budget.  If they choose wisely, they may even be able to move the awning to another location and relocate bike parking if/when portables get removed.

  • Kmm January 20, 2023 (1:02 am)

    What about that lot south of the school?

    • Lilith January 20, 2023 (11:21 am)

      That lot belongs to the church.

  • Furor Scribendi January 20, 2023 (5:01 pm)

    The large parking lot is owned in common with St John the Baptist Episcopal Church, who has contractual rights for weekend and after-hours use. Has SPS coordinated the placement of portables or gate access issues with the church?

  • Dave January 20, 2023 (6:09 pm)

    The field behind the gym is the Districts not the church.  Currently underused as a baseball batting cage and illegal dog run.  Better use of the field would be for portables but I’m sure they ruled that out for some reason.  

Sorry, comment time is over.