FOLLOWUP: Will Metro Route 37 ever return?

(WSB file photo of closed Route 37 stop)

When Metro announced plans for its fall “service change” earlier this month, it did not include the revival of West Seattle’s Route 37, suspended in March 2020. Readers wondered if it’s gone forever, so we followed up with Metro spokesperson Jeff Switzer, who replied, “No final decision regarding the future of Route 37 has yet been made. Metro will continue to work with community and stakeholders to consider options for growing Metro service as resources become available and following adopted policy.” He added a side note of interest: “Any permanent route deletions or other major changes to Metro service are subject to approval by the King County Council.” Metro has revived other suspended routes, notably West Seattle’s Route 22, which was brought back last year.

27 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Will Metro Route 37 ever return?"

  • on board September 27, 2022 (2:01 pm)

    They’ve been trying to kill off that route for many, many years. It will never return. They just haven’t worked out the messaging yet. They don’t want to run this route because the community isn’t poor enough and they have new mandates to avoid relatively wealthy neighborhoods.

    • WestSeattleBadTakes September 27, 2022 (2:56 pm)

      They don’t want to run this route because the community isn’t poor enough and they have new mandates to avoid relatively wealthy neighborhoods.

      Ignoring whether or not this is true.

      Yes, if we have to prioritize transit we should absolutely put poor neighborhoods at the top of the list given the high costs to maintain and operate a personal vehicle (along with the lack of low cost alternatives such as safe bicycle infrastructure).

    • Al King September 27, 2022 (4:04 pm)

      On Board. Please share your documentation supporting your statement. You do have documentation, don’t you????

    • Nw September 27, 2022 (5:26 pm)

      The metro route 17 is still in service to Sunset Hills in North Seattle it’s a commuter route I’ll check the  schedule now see how many buses they run on those am and pm routes. I saw it picking up a lot of passengers this afternoon on Elliott ave. . 

  • What ? September 27, 2022 (2:31 pm)

    Let’s see some proof of that last statement. I would bet it was more of how many people ride that route. 

  • Ride Safe September 27, 2022 (3:06 pm)

    Just saw another cyclist hit on beach drive yesterday, turning the route 37 stops / inner parking lane into a multi-use path would be a solid compromise between losing that bus route. It gives a safer option to commute by bike to the 50 stop and would help immensely with weekend leisure traffic safety.

    • Community Member September 27, 2022 (4:28 pm)

      IF there is solid, reliable, bus service on Beach Drive, then and only then maybe some of the street parking could be re-purposed for a bike lane or multi-purpose path. Unlike ALL the other areas where parking has been converted to bike lanes, Beach Drive has no alley parking or side street parking.

  • Herongrrrl September 27, 2022 (3:20 pm)

    Thanks so much for the follow-up, WSB! I will just keep hoping that someday there will once again be metro stop closer than a mile away from my house. Not everyone along that route can afford a Tesla or ride a bike!

  • AlkiBean September 27, 2022 (4:02 pm)

    I wish they’d add a van service similar to the circulator for the West Seattle Ferry….something to get people along the route up to the Junction and connections to the C line. 

    • BeachDrive neighbor September 27, 2022 (8:29 pm)

      Now that would be a solid compromise. A shuttle to help us get to either the 56, water taxi, or C line. Maybe extend the free water taxi shuttle route? It’s running anyway, might as well just extend that route along beach drive.  Both the 56 and C line are a mile+ away for some. Biking and personal cars are not available to everyone. And even if one can afford a car, parking is horrendous. Especially near the C line in the junction, its mainly zone parking now. The free parking is pretty filled up by 9am.  

      • Greg September 28, 2022 (8:44 am)

        The 56 is no longer a reliable route for an office commuter. Schedules have become very infrequent, while route cancellations have also become frequent.  I lament the C Line and the resources it took from the rest of the community’s service.

  • NW September 27, 2022 (5:33 pm)

    Anyone interested in starting a west seattle transit group that is primarily interested in matters concerning public transit?

    • WSTC September 28, 2022 (12:36 pm)

      The West Seattle Transportation Coalition has been active in local transit issues for 9 years. Pushing back against threatened cuts to West Seattle bus service in 2013 was why WSTC formed in the first place. Check our website at or our Facebook page at We would welcome your involvment!

  • Alki-Holic September 27, 2022 (7:40 pm)

    The water taxi and FREE shuttle do a pretty good job of filling the gap left by the good ol’ 37

    • Herongrrrl September 27, 2022 (8:17 pm)

      Not if you live south of Alki Point, north of Lincoln Park, and west of California Ave. Huge area there with no bus service since this route was suspended.

    • Flo B September 27, 2022 (8:37 pm)

      Alki-Holic. Please read what Herongrrrl said. What do you say to those that have mobility issues that won’t allow them to walk that far to catch transit??  Stay home????

      • Alkiholic September 28, 2022 (7:19 am)

        Or consider that when choosing where to live?

        • Flo B September 28, 2022 (10:08 am)

          Alkiholic. If they moved there when the #37 and the #57 which used to run on Genesee Hill was running explain why they made a “bad decision” Do you, and everyone else you know use close transit as your sole decision on where to rent or buy???

        • Auntie September 28, 2022 (10:45 am)

          Oh, gosh – maybe those people with mobility problems should just up and move then, eh? Maybe the bus service was acceptable when they moved there and it has changed since – ya think?!?

        • OhaiAlki September 28, 2022 (11:46 am)

          Ah so the people who moved here pre-pandemic should have to move elsewhere?

    • AlkiBean September 28, 2022 (8:33 am)

      Yes, but only for those of you on Alki Ave and Harbor Ave. Those of us south of Admiral have to hoof it, catch a cab or Uber.  London is a great example of using neighborhood circulators in close-in towns that take people to the nearest Tube station. 

    • OldFriend September 29, 2022 (11:22 am)

      That’s exactly what I was going to say!  The water taxi shuttle fills the gap, doesn’t it?

  • Peter September 28, 2022 (6:03 am)

    That means “no.”

  • Dan September 28, 2022 (8:42 am)

    There was an overlap of what the shuttle bus covered and the old route 37.  Maybe an expansion of the shuttle bus route would cover the void left by the 37 departure.  Thanks WSB for reaching out and covering this.   I just hope they just don’t outright kill the 37 without some compromise.

  • J. Garcia September 28, 2022 (10:06 am)

    I rode that bus and always enjoyed the ride. I miss Seattle. 

  • nwpolitico September 28, 2022 (8:18 pm)

    Look at just how much of the peninsula is unserved by a Metro bus route.

    How would you expect someone with accessibility needs to visit Lowman Beach or Mee-Kwa-Mooks via transit? Or for any residents of the unserved area to give up their car?

    If Seattle is truly serious about combatting climate change and making 15 minute neighborhoods, it needs Metro to do its part. This also applies to route 47 on Capitol Hill which is in the same indefinite limbo as the 37.

  • anonyme September 29, 2022 (6:40 am)

    This is standard Metrospeak for “it ain’t coming back”.  Metro always promises to increase and improve service IF ONLY taxpayers cough up more
    money.  You can bet that’s coming next.  Once they get the money,
    they add a few runs just for show – then cut services again.  I’m fairly confident that if an objective study were done it would show a net loss of services, regardless of the cash flow.  And like so many other pandemic decisions, the one to make bus fare free was just plain idiotic, helping no one.  I’d also like to challenge the notion that Metro should serve ONLY high ridership areas.  Metro is not a private business, and all citizens deserve access to public transportation.  Metro could figure out a less expensive way to do this if only there were the will to do so.

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