WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gym theft leads to car theft

Just got a call about another car theft – this time, the owner says her locker was broken into at LA Fitness and the stolen items included her car keys, so the thief subsequently stole her car from the Spruce garage. It’s a royal blue 2015 Hyundai Sonata SE (similar to this), 4-door, no window tint, blue interior lights, license #BNF4676. There’s some driver’s-side damage, as the thief took off with some blue pieces of the car mirror left behind.

23 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gym theft leads to car theft"

  • Rara March 15, 2022 (9:01 am)

    I’m so sick of car theft. We all need trackers on our cars now. That’s so sad. 

    • Trees March 15, 2022 (10:54 am)

      Or a fully staffed police, as well as penalties when the thugs are caught.  That would help too. 

  • HS March 15, 2022 (9:25 am)

    Ugh. So sorry this happened to you. Historically there has been cyclical theft in the women’s locker rooms at both LA Fitness and the Y. I imagine elsewhere too but I am only personally familiar with this area. My guess is that it’s the same person who makes the rounds. At one time, I reported a woman overturning a gym bag in the ally behind the gas station but I don’t think she was caught in time. However, this is the first issue I’ve heard of in awhile. Keep your valuables with you as this is not the first car theft resulting from stolen keys. It’s such an inconvenience when you’re trying to workout and need both your hands, I know. As it’s getting closer to warm weather, if you’re newer to the area, it means an uptick in vehicle break-ins – so nothing in the car either. The whole area around the gyms, Whole Food and Trader Joe’s; Lincoln Park and Alki are all target areas.

  • Claire March 15, 2022 (9:33 am)

    Thank you I will never be without my belongings again.  I thought putting purse I trunk and locking keys in locker was safe but I was wrong.  I know it was the younger kids that hang in the gym with full sweat suits and coats not working out just watching people.  They’re always there.  Please let me know if you see anything!

    • WS Res March 15, 2022 (11:13 pm)

      How do you know it was them?

      • Claire March 16, 2022 (10:59 am)

        I see them there everytime I go.  They don’t workout.  They come into mirrored wall room as I jump rope and throw bouncy balls at each other.  One of them was a girl, she stood infront of locker room that night in a full length black puffy coat and didn’t work out.  Walking in and out.  When I grabbed my jump rope out of locker after and hour in gym i locked it and went to mirrored room to jump for last 15 minutes.  They stood in window all together watching me last 5 minutes or so and left.  When I was done I went to locker it was gone, ran to garage car was gone and pieces of car left in parking spot from them leaving so quickly and smashing into cement pole.  

        • waikikigirl March 16, 2022 (11:33 am)

          I’m not familiar with LA Fitness, do you have to be a member and check in at the front desk to even be in the facility?  If no that’s a whacked out policy to just let anyone come in and have full run of the facility.

          • Claire March 16, 2022 (12:26 pm)

            Yes you do $45/month.  You have to scan card when you walk in.  

  • person March 15, 2022 (10:02 am)

    Are people cutting locks? 

    • Claire March 15, 2022 (12:18 pm)

      Yes they cut my lock off and another girls 

  • 935 March 15, 2022 (11:26 am)

    My car got rifled last night.This town sucks.

  • Brenda March 15, 2022 (12:03 pm)

    What time did this happen at LA? 

    • Claire March 15, 2022 (9:10 pm)

      Between 8:35pm-9:10pm while I was working out in the room with mirrored walls 

  • CarDriver March 15, 2022 (2:01 pm)

    Car prowls have been going on for a LONG time. In the ’80’s a friend rented just off Admiral on 49th. After the 2nd time he left his car unlocked (with nothing in it) and yep….the crook didn’t try the door just broke the window-again.

  • WSeattleRes March 15, 2022 (2:50 pm)

    I attend that gym as well and never knew this was an issue. For next time there are small lock boxes near the front desk to use free of charge and no way for them to be broken into. You set your combo (do it with nobody watching and shuffle the numbers before you walk away). I use this for my phone, car keys and wallet to go use the sauna but you could use it for your workout. It’s alway highly visible  since it’s out in the open and right next to the front desk. Highly recommend using it for future visits. Unfortunate that a gym goer who pays $45/month for gym membership is interested in stealing others belongings. If you car hasn’t been found yet I’d check with the building manager as I noticed today when you pull out of that garage their is a camera and may have caught the face of the driver. Good luck. 

    • Claire March 15, 2022 (9:13 pm)

      I will remember that thank you.  There’s lots of cameras so they will be seen hope soon 

  • Mj March 15, 2022 (4:18 pm)

    Horse thieves had to contend with frontier justice.  Car Thieves need to be held accountable, pay restitution and spend time in jail!

  • Yep March 15, 2022 (7:01 pm)

    Ugh! Bring back the Fanny pack! 

  • Rae March 15, 2022 (9:22 pm)

    So sad. I’m so tired of thieves.  I asked the front-desk staff at LA Fitness,  they said to not trust the lockers in the back with any valuables – even with a lock.  They pointed me to the key/phone smaller lockers in the front.  Much harder to break into.  I guess I’m going to have to figure out how to use them.  (I just can’t do a fanny pack.)

  • LN March 16, 2022 (9:04 am)

    I’m so sorry this happened to you Claire, my gym locker was broken into and car was taken from LA Fitness two years ago and that whole thing was a nightmare to deal with. It was parked at the motel on the same street at YMCA for two weeks before anyone noticed, I got the car back but not my main key fob so I had to sell the car just in case they tried to steal that car again. I no longer use the lockers and just carry the my keys around with me while I gym. I hope you get your car back. 

    • Claire March 16, 2022 (10:55 am)

      Ugh that’s so terrible I’m sorry!  It is a nightmare!  Can’t sleep!  I’m going to keep looking and hoping thank you NEVER using the lockers again!  LA fitness needs to step it up with the membership check in at front desk! 

      • LN March 16, 2022 (3:35 pm)

        So awful, I also didn’t sleep for two weeks, even after having our frontdoor locks changed. I’ll get better though! Unfortunately, people suck. The gym had someone patrolling the lot for awhile but I doubt he’d know who was a member and who was a thief.  They do need better security, I see people slipping in without checking in all the time.  

        • Claire March 16, 2022 (4:10 pm)

          Thanks yes people do!  Hoping they find it soon with them in it!  

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