Two Bald Eagles are flying free again after a scary snarl in a West Seattle back yard. WSB reader Robin thought just one eagle was entangled in the bushes when she emailed us wondering if local naturalist/urban-wildlife first responder Kersti Muul might know what to do. Robin had already called the state Fish and Wildlife Department and said they didn’t have much to offer. We connected her with Kersti, who tells the story from there (and sent the photos):
When I arrived on scene, I realized that there were actually two eagles. Not only were they really entangled in vegetation, but also were locked onto each other’s legs.
I first pruned the morning glory and blackberry off of the wings. Then waited for assistance.
Brett Rogers, a Seattle Animal Control officer, came to assist me. We netted the one on top, which seemed to be bigger (perhaps a female) And then I proceeded to prune heavily on the rhododendron. Once the whole area around them was clear, I figured they would start paying attention more to us than each other, and that’s exactly what happened. Once freed up from the vegetation, The wings started flapping and the wheels started turning.
They let each other go. The bigger one on top flew off immediately, landed on the deck for a second and then took off. The smaller one hopped and flew out, got entangled in another vine but quickly got out and landed on a fence post. He stretched his wings momentarily, And then flew off. About 5 minutes later, I could hear one calling.
Neither one was Bey. This wasn’t her territory anyway, but good to know!
(That’s a reference to this eagle rescue last February.)